Benchpressing In Parhelion

Due to the nature of both Pathfinder and Gestalt it can be an exciting process to balance a game. Below is a tool for Games Masters and Players when deciding on if a game is suitable for their character.

Creating a Game

To help with making sure the right players find the right game the GM can use the following information when creating it. These are simply suggestions and not a requirement.

Expected Pace

Games can take varying lengths, so this is a rough guide for fast the GM is hoping to keep things.
  • Slow-paced: A few posts a day, probably less than ten. It'll probably take a day or two to complete a scene or fight.
  • Average Paced: Somewhere less than fifty posts in a day. A scene or two might be completed each day.
  • Fast-paced: In excess of fifty posts a day, the sky is the limit. These games can see two or three scenes or fights done a day, and are often due to a group of players in the same time zone bounding off each other.

  • Expected Duration

    In the same way that games can progress at different speeds they will last different durations. Please mention how long you anticipate a game taking, but don't feel beholden to this number: life happens.

    Game Style

    Not every game is for every player, and below are some possible options for labelling the game. Of course, a game need not be just one thing...
  • Narrative: A game focused mostly on story, character interactions and a social focus.
  • Explorative: A dungeon crawl or other explorative game.
  • Skill Based: Rather than a combat focus skills are the name of this game.
  • Combat Focused: A heavy focus on combat and battling is at the core of this game.

  • Combat Level

    The level of combat prowess expected within the game.
  • Low: A relatively minimal degree of difficulty is expected.
  • Moderate: A challenging game, especially if two or three combats occur and resources start to get low.
  • Difficult: Either a single significant combat where the enemies are very dangerous, or several combats each of which is a significant drain on the party's resources.

  • Character Strength

    This is the category of combat prowess the average character on this quest. See the table below to see where your character likely falls.
  • Mellow: These characters are primarily not concerned with combat.
  • Practical: Often more allrounders, they can fight but it's often not the character's main focus.
  • Potent: Characters created with a strong combat focus.

    Benchpressing: How powerful is your character?

    The below tables are a rough measure of just how powerful a character is. If you tend towards the higher end of these numbers we ask that you either avoid lower-powered games or respect that the idea isn't to dominate it on your own. Equally, be aware if a GM says it will be extreme you may not have a character well-suited to it.

    It should be noted that a character focused on something may well be in the 'Potent' category without being overly powerful, especially if some of their other abilities are below average too. A fighter should be good at doing damage, hitting things and having good AC, after all. Typically, if three or more of these categories end up in the 'Potent' area your character is probably on the higher end of our power spectrum. Being Mellow or Practical doesn't affect this - Potent characters tend towards being focused and often don't have a need for those other categories.

    It should also be noted that these numbers represent what a character can do on their own, as a rule, but if they are able to reliably increase these numbers - such as through a Barbarian's Rage or with an Animal Comapion, Eidolon, Phantom or other assistant - then that should be noted too.

    Finally, don't worry if an area your character doesn't focus on is below the 'Mellow' numbers - it just means that area isn't something they're focused in, and no character should be capable in every area. Part of Roleplaying is having other players and their characters covering for your weaknesses.

    Check your character's numbers below to see where you are. Don't be too surprised if you change which category you're in over your career.
    Mellow: This most likely means your build does not need this aspect, or you have chosen to focus on another area. Having a score be Mellow is not a negative or bad thing, and does not reduce your score in any way.
    Practical: This number and up is roughly average in this category for a Gestalt character of that level that is focused on.
    Potent: This means your character is very good at this area. Being Potent three times makes your character as a whole.

    To Hit

    The chances to hit with a character is especially vital to a martial character. If your character tends to hit Touch AC instead of normal AC then it should probably be lower than this.
    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 6 8 10
    4th 8 10 12
    5th 10 12 14
    6th 12 14 16
    7th 14 16 18
    8th 16 18 22
    9th 18 21 24
    10th 19 22 25
    11th 20 23 26
    12th 22 25 28
    13th 23 26 29
    14th 24 27 30
    15th 25 28 31
    16th 26 29 32
    17th 27 30 33
    18th 28 31 34
    19th 29 32 35
    20th 31 34 37

    Average Damage

    Average damage represents the total amount done per round, on average, rather than per hit. For some builds these may be the same thing.
    As a note, it is possible to gain more than one 'Potent' point in Damage, each time you exceed the Potent category. For example, a fifth level character doing 43 points of damage would get one point, while one that managed on average to do 86 damage a turn would gain two points.

    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 7 14 21
    4th 10 20 30
    5th 16 27 41
    6th 17 35 58
    7th 22 43 62
    8th 25 50 75
    9th 28 57 80
    10th 32 65 91
    11th 36 73 105
    12th 40 80 120
    13th 45 90 135
    14th 50 100 150
    15th 55 110 165
    16th 60 120 180
    17th 66 135 195
    18th 75 150 220
    19th 82 165 240
    20th 95 185 280

    Average Armour Class

    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 12 18 20
    4th 14 20 22
    5th 14 22 24
    6th 15 24 26
    7th 16 28 30
    8th 16 31 32
    9th 17 32 35
    10th 17 33 38
    11th 18 34 40
    12th 18 35 41
    13th 19 36 43
    14th 19 37 44
    15th 20 38 46
    16th 20 39 47
    17th 21 40 49
    18th 21 41 50
    19th 22 42 52
    20th 23 43 53

    Average Saves

    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 3 7 12
    4th 4 8 13
    5th 4 8 13
    6th 5 9 14
    7th 6 10 15
    8th 7 11 16
    9th 7 11 16
    10th 8 12 17
    11th 9 13 18
    12th 10 14 19
    13th 10 14 19
    14th 11 15 20
    15th 12 16 21
    16th 13 17 22
    17th 14 18 23
    18th 15 19 24
    19th 16 20 25
    20th 17 21 26

    Average Resistances
    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd N/A 5 to one element 5 to three or more elements
    4th 5 to one element 5 to three or more elements
    5th 5 to one element 5 to three or more elements
    6th 5 to one element 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 10 to three or more elements
    7th 5 to one element 10 to one element | 5 to two 10 to three or more elements
    8th 5 to one element 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 10 to three or more elements
    9th 5 to one element 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 10 to three or more elements
    10th 5 to one element 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 10 to three or more elements
    11th 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 15 to three or more elements
    12th 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 15 to three or more elements
    13th 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 15 to three or more elements
    14th 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 15 to three or more elements
    15th 10 to one element | 5 to two or three. 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 15 to three or more elements
    16th 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 20 to two elements | 15 to three or more. Immunity to two Elements | 20 to three or more elements
    17th 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 20 to two elements | 15 to three or more. Immunity to two Elements | 20 to three or more elements
    18th 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 20 to two elements | 15 to three or more. Immunity to two Elements | 20 to three or more elements
    19th 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 20 to two elements | 15 to three or more. Immunity to two Elements | 20 to three or more elements
    20th 15 to one element | 10 to two or three. Immunity to One Element | 20 to two elements | 15 to three or more. Immunity to three or more elements.

    Average Damage Reduction

    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd N/A 1 3
    4th N/A 2 4
    5th N/A 2 5
    6th N/A 3 6
    7th N/A 3 7
    8th N/A 4 8
    9th N/A 4 9
    10th 1 5 10
    11th 1 5 11
    12th 2 6 12
    13th 2 6 13
    14th 3 7 14
    15th 3 7 15
    16th 4 8 16
    17th 4 8 17
    18th 5 9 18
    19th 5 9 19
    20th 6 10 20

    Average Spell Saves

    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 13 16 19
    4th 13 16 19
    5th 14 17 20
    6th 15 18 21
    7th 16 19 22
    8th 16 19 22
    9th 17 20 23
    10th 18 21 24
    11th 19 22 25
    12th 19 22 25
    13th 20 23 26
    14th 21 24 27
    15th 22 25 28
    16th 22 25 30
    17th 23 26 31
    18th 24 28 33
    19th 25 29 33
    20th 26 30 34


    For every three skills a character has in the Potent category, they gain one point towards being Potent.
    Character LevelMellowPracticalPotent
    3rd 5 9 15
    4th 6 10 16
    5th 6 11 18
    6th 7 12 19
    7th 8 13 20
    8th 9 14 21
    9th 10 15 22
    10th 10 17 24
    11th 11 18 25
    12th 12 19 26
    13th 13 20 27
    14th 13 21 28
    15th 13 23 30
    16th 14 24 31
    17th 15 25 32
    18th 16 26 33
    19th 17 27 34
    20th 18 29 35


    Unlike many of the abilities listed above debuffing is not limited by level, and so we'll arrange this a little differently.

    If you are able to do any of the following, add one point. If you can do four or more, add two.
  • Reduce a single target's to hit, saves or AC by more than half your level.
  • Reduce a groups To Hit, Saves or AC by 1/4 or more of your level.
  • Decrease one of a targets attributes by 4 or more.
  • Decrease one of a groups attributes by 2 or more.
  • Reduce the number of actions a single target can take a round such by causing them to be Nauseated or Paralyzed.
  • Control a single target, forcing it to act on your orders.
  • Manipulate a group, making them act in a non-hostile fashion against there will.
  • If you are able to do any of the following add 2 points towards potent. If you are able to do four or more add 3.
  • Decrease a groups to hit, saves or AC by more than half your level.
  • Decrease a single targets To Hit, Saves and AC by half your level.
  • Decrease a single attribute for a target by 6 or more.
  • Decrease three of more attributes for a target by 4 or more.
  • Reduce the number of actions an entire group can take.

  • Buffing
    As with debuffing we look at the number of things possible, rather than your abilities per level, as many of these are as devestating at levelo 20 as they are at level 1.

    If you are able to do any of the following, add one point. If you can do four or more, add two.
  • Add a bonus equal to half your level to to hit, saves or AC.
  • Add a bonus equall to 1/4 of your levelo to to hit, saves or AC to your party.
  • Increase one of a groups Attributes by 4 or more.
  • Increase the number of actions one target can take, such as via Haste.
  • If you are able to do any of the following add 2 points towards potent. If you are able to do four or more add 3.
  • Add a bonus equal to half your level for to hit, AC or Saves to a group.
  • Add a bonus equal to half your to a target for to hit, AC and saves.
  • Increase one of a groups Attributes by 6 or more.
  • Increase several of a groups Attributes by 4 or more.

  • Miscellanious Modifiers

    Below are a list of modifiers that boost a character's rank a little regardless of what level they happen to be.
    +0.5 Points
  • Having a Initaitve modifier higher than half your character level.
  • +1 Point
  • An animal companion, cohort, Eidolon, phantom or other combat capable second being. While the damage they do is calculated with the main character's damage, the addition of another set of full turn's worth of actions is a huge boon.
  • The same is true of any character that can cast a Summon (Creature) spell of a number equal to half there level.
  • Gaining an additional swift, free or move action more than once a combat. There are a number of abilities that can work with these actions that make an additional one impressive.

  • +2 Points
  • Ability to take an additional Standard action more than once a combat.

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