Chaotic Evil Deities and Codes

While certain groups, like the Fey Eldest, cannot gain Anti-Paladins we have included codes for there most feverent followers to obey for the sake of completion.

  Abraxas - Master of the Final Incantation
Pantheon: Demon Lords
Areas of Concern: Forbidden lore, magic, snakes
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
Favored Weapon: Whip
Anti-Paladin Code: The Anti-Paladins of the Master of the Final Incantation are seekers of forbidden and ruinous knowledge, dark spells and twisted secrets. There is no length they will not go to to gather this information for themselves, and by proxy, their master.
  • Knowledge is power. Take it all. Keep it for yourself. Share only what you can spare, and accept payment for what you need.
  • There is no knowledge too taboo, too dangerous. You must have it all.
  • Never reveal the totality of a secret. Always keep the heart of it for yourself.
  • The destruction of knowledge is anathema. Protect it above even your own life.

  • Aldinach - She of the Six Venoms
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Sand, scorpions, thirst
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: The servants of the Lord of Scorpions accept their ladies' favour in the form of shifting footholds and savage stings.
  • The servants of Areshkagal shall be destroyed. My sister must be reminded of her place.
  • Poison is sacred, and scorpion venom more so. Use it wisely and well.
  • Water is needed, but drink sparingly. Thirst is Aldinach's blessing.

  • Andirifkhu - The Razor Princess
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Knives, illusions, traps
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: Creative and disturbing with it, the Anti-Paladins of the Razor Princess tend to create murderous traps and illusions to do their damage for them.
  • Make them fear the hidden, the illusion, the trap. Make it so they cannot trust themselves, there allies or their environment. Grant them dread.
  • Be wise and be clever with your illusions. Use them to sow fear.
  • Kill in unique and creative ways. Take your time. Emulate the mistress of the thousand cuts.
  • Use mercy as a weapon. Send your foes loved ones what is left of them, alive if possible.

  •   Angazhan - The Ravenous King
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Apes, jungles, tyrants
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Anti-Paladins of the ravenous king are ruthless in there goal of perfecting themselves and there subjects.
  • Enhance and improve your beasts. They can always be made better.
  • Fight the greatest foes. If you cannot find a greater, make one.
  • Violence is both the goal and the reward. Savour its brutality and your victory over those weaker.

  •   Apep - Devourer of the Dawn
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Chaos, darkness, destruction, snakes
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: The servants of Apep know the suns eventual defeat and devouring is inevitable, and prepare for the day when darkness falls permanently.
  • The darkness is your ally. Devour fire, light and warmth.
  • Others do not understand. Keep yourself hidden until the moment is certain.
  • Errode the certainty of the day with venom and cunning.

  •   Areshkagal - The Faceless Sphinx
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Greed, portals, riddles
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Faceless Sphinx hungers with greedy might to reclaim the Whispering Sands from her sister. She sends her Anti-Paladins to secure this victory.
  • Never relent against the forces Aldinach. Her theft must be punished.
  • Riddles and cunning challenges are a satisfying way to leads mortals to there death.
  • The use of portals is a sacred rite. Do not allow them to be denied you, and create them where you can.

  •   Baphomet - Lord of the Minotaurs
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Glaive
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Lord of the Ivory Labyrinth unleashes his followers at every twist and turn. Despite the reputation of minotaurs as brutes he has long since learned that rash choices lead to the downfall of many, and teaches his servants this lesson well.
  • Deny forever Asmodeus, his servants, and his goals. Nothing is more important than denying that Devil his due.
  • Walks the roads and mazes. Solve their ways and learn from them. Understanding and wisdom supplants might.
  • Do not kill those weaker than you. Enslave or use them to your ends. They are a resource.
  • Your lovers and allies are vital to your cause. Care for them.
  • Favour caution when possible.

  •   Camazotz - Master of Black Wings
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Bats, blood, caverns, nocturnal predators
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Javelin
    Anti-Paladin Code: The bestial Lord of Stolen Blood is not one for the comfort of the warm fire, but teaches his warriors to spread fear and terror and draw strength from there lack of luxury.
  • Civilization is weak, decadent and makes you prey. Throw away all but what you need to survive and fight.
  • Terror is your food as much as meat, blood your water. Treat them as such.
  • The night is where fear lives. So shall you.
  • Do not fail. Failure is weak, and the weak are devoured.
  • Let the blood flow to the Hungry Dark, let the teeth be taken as prizes.

  •   Charg - The Typhon Wheel
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Catastrophic decline, detrimental complacency, monsters
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Madness, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Typhon Wheel teaches his servants that it is best to allow your foes to bring about their own downfall, that the hand of others is fine in there defeat.
  • Allow complacency to destroy what effort never can.
  • The decline of people, nations and cities is delicious. Work towards making them tread the path to ruin of their own will.
  • Patience is wisdom. Harbour your strength and let your foes wither.

  •   Chaugnar Faugn - The Horror from the Hills
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Blood, patience, remote hill country
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, War
    Favored Weapon: Light pick
    Anti-Paladin Code: Patient and hidden, the Horror from the Hills rarely takes mortal servants, and never the sane.
  • Work in the remote places, the hills, the valleys, the countryside and the outskirts. When it is time leave nowhere for the great to turn.
  • Patience is ever needed. The work of centuries can be undone by one rash choice.
  • Blood is power. Take it. Harvest it. Use it as you must.

  •   Chavazvug - The Crawling Infero
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Fiery consumption, monstrous recursion
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Crawling Inferno hates demons above all other things, and commands his servants turn the power of the all consuming flame upon them.
  • Sacred pyromania is a blessing. Fire is your life, your weapon and your end.
  • Never suffer the demon to exist. Burn there holy places, burn those that worship them, and burn them.
  • Do not fear death. It is never the end.
  • Erode the abyss until Chavazvug is free - let him ascend! This is your greatest goal.

  •   Cthulhu - The Dreamer in the Deep
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Cataclysms, dreams, the stars
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Void
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Dread Cthulhu sleeps and dreams in his death, and touches the minds of his most blessed servants. They, in turn, enforce his will where dreams cannot.
  • Sleep and recieve the Dreamers blessings. Never fear to slumber, never expect to wake.
  • Madness is truth. Do not fear madness, as it is seeing the unverise how it truly is.
  • Watch the waters. From there he will rise.
  • Watch the stars. They bear his touch.
  • Oppose Desna's claim on dreams and stars, for they are the Dreamer in the Deeps domain.

  •   Cyth-V'sug - Prince of the Blasted Heath
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Disease, fungus, parasites
    Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Lord of Filth and Pollution teaches the truth about corruption and damnation teaches the truth: all rot. His servants know this, and spread this truth.
  • The taint of rot and fungus must be fostered. Never purify food or drinks.
  • Prove your strength. Feast on that which lesser beings deem unfit to eat.
  • Tolerate not the usurping demon lords, there servants or there minions. With the exception of the Treerazer there is only Cyth-V'sug.
  • Prasites and fungus are your strength. Cultivate them so others are weakened.

  •   Daclau-Sar - Lord of Carrion
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Carrion, scavengers
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: The carrior lord is unsubtle and brutal in his methods for making all things meat, and it is not surprising his Anti-Paladins, few as they are, follow his lead on this.
  • Leave no scrap behind. To waste is to grow weak. They are resources as food and material.
  • Politics, diplomacy, words...none of this matters. The broken bone is a truth beyond all words.
  • Let your foes feel your full fury. Take no prisoners.

  •   Dagon - The Shadow in The Sea
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Deformity, sea monsters, the sea
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: The powerful Demon Lord of Sea Monsters is one of the more subtle, thoughtful deities of the Abyss, and his plans and secrets manifold. He expects his Anti-Paladins to do the same.
  • The oceon is where you came, and to where you return. Swim in her waters. Travel the land but never settle where you cannot smell the sea air.
  • What others call defomormities you know are simply changes to make you strong. Hide them if needed, but never be ashamed.
  • The most dangerous beasts and creatures of the sea are your allies. Help them spread and grow.
  • Never share Dagon's secrets.
  • Grow strong so all of Dagon's children may be stronger.

  •   Dahak - The Endless Destruction
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Destruction, evil dragons, greed
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Bite or whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Dahak are grim servants of the Endless Destruction, their demeanor calm up until the moment their control slips. They hunt metallic dragons as a means of repaying Dahak for his blessing. Dahak lays down several tenets for his divine warriors to follow.
  • I am an instrument of destruction, but the power I wield is mine to control, gifted to me by Dahak.
  • My wrath is ceaseless. It is by my judgment alone to decide when I shall unleash it. Once I strike an enemy, I will not stop until they are dead.
  • None are safe from the rage that boils within me. While some may be spared immediate death, I offer no such lenience to the metallic dragons, the greatest of enemies to the power that gives me strength.
  • Forgiveness is for the weak. If I am slighted, I will go to any lengths to enact my vengeance.

  •   Deskari - The Lord of the Locust Host
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Chasms, infestations, locusts
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The former deity of pestilence has recently been killed on Golarion, and is unable to provide power to Anti-Paladins.

      Dretha - The Dark Mother
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Birth, fertility, tribes
    Domains: Chaos, Community, Evil, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Dark Mother provides for mothers and expecting orc women, and sends her faithful to aid them.
  • Protect the new mother and the expectant.
  • Learn the ways of the midwife.
  • Motherhood is a blessing to be experienced when possible.
  • Children are the tribe's future. Defend them.

  •   Flauros - The Burning Maw
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Fire, salamanders, volcanoes
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, War
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Flaruos expects his faith to accept the duality of fire - destruction and creation - and embrace this aspect of its nature.
  • Using fire to create is a sacred joy. Gird yourself in forged weapons and armour.
  • Using fire to destroy is a divine sacrament.
  • Those who serve Ymeri are the enemy. Destroy them. Prove their fire weak.

  •   Ghlaunder - The Gossamer King
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Infection, parasites, stagnation
    Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I do what I wish to those who are too weak or foolish to resist me. There is no pity or relent for the incompetent.
  • The weak are unfit to crowd this world, and I will see these weaker individuals eliminated so that their descendants will not afflict us further.
  • No good deed goes unpunished, and I will see that those who offer their hands in compassion obtain their just punishment.
  • Charity is the path to oblivion, and I will see that I never surrender my dignity or belongings to the true service of somebody lesser than I.

  •   Gogunta - Song of the Swamp
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Amphibians, boggards, swamps
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Gyronna are scorned, spiteful individuals who remember the grievous personal wounds inflicted upon them by the world and seek to repay them through suffering. As with the rest of Gyronna’s faith, they are all women, with the vast majority being outcasts with violent tendencies. Their tenets include the following affirmations;
  • Idle bonds such as love and friendship cannot be forged with the liars and oppressors of the world. My loyalties are to my goddess, my sisters, and myself only.
  • I offer aid and compassion to those who have been ruined and cast away by the world. They become my sisters in time.
  • Never shall I remain silent as an innocent woman is abused by those who call themselves just. The world must know of our suffering.
  • A lifetime of impotent suffering is a more worthy punishment than a quick death. When convenient, my foes are to be left alive and mutilated.

  •   Gyronna - The Angry Hag
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Extortion, hatred, spite
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Hag Queen knows hate, and instills this virtue in her supplicants.
  • Never allow a slight to be forgotten or go unanswered.
  • Bribery is an acceptable way to stay your hand...for a time.
  • Expose the hypocrisy of society, and never join them.
  • The suffering of others is your nectar.

  •   Haagenti - The Whispers Within
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Alchemy, invention, transformation
    Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Lord of Transformation demands his Anti-Paladins change themselves, make themselves strong, and destroy there foes.
  • The flesh is weak. Make it stronger. Alchemy, Fleshwarping, Demon Inplants - whatever it takes.
  • Face your destiny with humour.
  • Invent, create - make yourself greater.
  • Be subtle. You don't need others to judge your true workings, just those that win them over.

  •   Haggakal - Father Moon
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Darkness, inbreeding, ogres
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: Father Moon knows what lurks in the dark, and expects his Anti-Paladins to be some of the most fearsome things there.
  • Strength is all. Be the strongest.
  • Know the moon. It is Haggakal's face, watching.
  • Use the darkness.

  •   Hastur - The King in Yellow
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Decadence, disorder, nihilism
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Rune, Void
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I swear to revel in the chaos and insanity that Hastur's presence brings, embracing my own madness as a gift and using it to spread confusion and discord.
  • I vow to ensure that the Yellow Sign is etched upon the minds of those I encounter.
  • I shall seek to disrupt and dismantle order wherever it exists. Through my actions, I will prove that the true power lies in chaos.
  • I shall cloak myself in the ethereal veils of Carcosa, rendering me unseen and unknown to those who stand against me. From these depths, I shall strike fear into their hearts.
  • I shall whisper the unspeakable truths to those who dare listen, driving them to the brink of insanity. In their fractured minds, the power of Hastur shall take root.
  • I shall perform the blasphemous rites that call forth the elusive King in Yellow, Hastur's most enigmatic avatar. His presence shall herald a time of madness and upheaval.
  • I shall be the living embodiment of Hastur's malevolent will, bringing forth chaos, despair, and the inexorable march of entropy.
  • I swear to unearth and share the cursed pages of "The Play", whispering its eldritch verses to those who dare listen.

  •   Isph-Aun-Vuln - The Feaster Within
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Infestation of the flesh, poisonous wind
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: Anti-Paladins of the Feaster Within work towards their lady's goal - the end of all life. But that is a slow, gradual work, and for now the fall of nations to chaos will suffice...
  • Possession is a sacred blessing. Take the flesh of others and use them to do Isph-Aun-Vuln's great works.
  • Sear the lungs with toxic gasses and poisoned air.
  • Claim the souls in her name, so ever more may adorn her glory.
  • Use the gullible as they are intended - as fodder.

  •   Ithaqua - The Wind Walker
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Cannibalism, cold, the wind
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Handaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being of cold that can only inhabit the North, most of the Wind Walker's Anti-Paladins limit themselves to the arctic enviroments.
  • Expand the frost and snow of the North to increase your lords domain.
  • Feast on what you kill.
  • Let the ice and wind kill for you when you can. Destroy cold weather gear, cancel spells of warmth - let the wind take them.

  •   Izyagna - She of the Sevenfold Swarm
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Angry mobs, ants
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, War
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: A lady of swarming insects, the Anti-Paladins of Izyagna hope to one day be a swarm worthy of their lady.
  • Respect the Mother of Monsters and her ilk.
  • Make mobs and direct them towards your goals.
  • Oppose the remaining forces of Deskari.

  •   Jezelda - Mistress of the Hungry Moon
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Desolation, the moon, werewolves
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Anti-Paladin Code: The First Werewolf seeks the thrill of the hunt, and commands her servants do the same - or bring her prey.
  • To Hunt is to Live. Stalk. Ambush. Kill.
  • The full moon is a sacred time. Enjoy it and perform the rituals to your lady.
  • Transform yourself into a weapon.

  •   Jubilex - The Faceless Lord
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Ooze, poison, sloth
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: The faceless lord is a lord of sloth, and expects his killers to do so efficiently.
  • Poison is an effective weapon. Let it do its work.
  • Take your leisure. There is nothing more important.
  • Drugs are a blessing. Use them as you wish.

  •   Kabriri Him who Gnaws
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Ghouls, graves, secrets kept by the dead
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Knowledge
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: Him who gnaws bids his followers to take their strength from the dead, but demands their secrets be kept.
  • Feast on the flesh of your own kind.
  • The dead have earned their secrets. Never reveal them.
  • Maintain the graves and places of the dead.

  •   Kitumu - Mother of Fireflies
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Fireflies, hibernation, swarms
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, War
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Nurture the biting insect swarms.
  • Hibernate to recover. Rest heals.
  • Make the light in the dark fearsome.

  •   Kostchtchie - The Deathless Frost
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Cold, giants, revenge
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: Kostchtchie is feverently opposed to witches and Baba Yaga in particular.
  • Kill the witch.
  • Return all slights threefold.
  • Never obey or feder to women.

  •   Kro'akoth - The Fire Serpent
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: The forgotten, hidden agendas
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Claim lost worshippers for the Fire Serpent. Deceive people into worship.
  • Sacrifice in his name, to grant him the souls to become a full demon lord.
  • Find and use the hidden agendas of others.

  •   Lady Nanbyo - The Widow of Suffering
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Earthquakes, fire, plague, suffering
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Widow of Suffering is a disaster who makes everything worse, and expects her Anti-Paladins to do the same.
  • When you see a disaster take the chance to make it worse.
  • Do not oppose the disasters of nature. Let them take their tithe.
  • Make sure no community or group is whipped out completely. The dead cannot continue to suffer.
  • Marriage is a blessed disaster.

  •   Lamashtu - The Mother of Monsters
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Madness, monsters, nightmares
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code: The leaders of Lamashtu’s children are proud of their deformities and rage against civilization. They seek to tear the blinders from the eyes of the world and show them the nightmare of nature, the writhing and endlessly fecund truth. Their code is one of bloodshed and howling madness. Its tenets include the following adages.
  • All things are monstrous, and only the weak hide their marks. I show the world as it is.
  • I will bring the outcasts in from the cold and teach them the taste of victory.
  • I fill the wombs. I birth the children. I teach our enemies why they fear the night.
  • I bring madness to the cities, that in their blood and fear, they may understand the chaos of the world.
  • I will spread the Mother’s seed. If the blind cannot be taught to see, their children can.

  •   Lanishra - The Slavelord
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Slavery, subjugation, tyranny
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Nobility, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Take slaves whenever possible. Never kill if it can be avoided.
  • Oppose Nulgreth, for he is wasteful.
  • Oppose Verex, he is wrong.

  •   Mazmezz - The Creeping Queen
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Bindings, driders, vermin
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Creeping Queen knows well the power of bindings and transformation, of appearing as what you are not to sow doubt, and her Anti-Paladins follow this lead fanatically.
  • Warping the flesh of yourself and others is a blessed achievement.
  • Trapping and binding a foe for later consumption is a sound tactic.
  • Taint and corrupt with poison.
  • Appears as something other than yourself. Something that will hurt your prey if you can manage it.

  •   Mestama - Mother of Witches
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Cruelty, deception, hags
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Punching dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Rage and spite churn the hearts of Mestama's faithful, and her Anti-Paladins especially like to make it hurt when they find a victim.
  • Hurt the ones who spurn your love tenfold. Hurt the one who takes them twentyfold.
  • Deceive and take what you want. Make sure the one you deceive learns the truth when it hurts the most.
  • Destroy those who love. One should die so the other can suffer.

  •   Mordiggian - The Charnel God
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Darkness, ghouls, voices of the dead
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Death (Currently Lost), Evil
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Anti-Paladin Code: Damaged as he has been by recent events Mordiggian is still a potent being, a creature that always Is and always Will Be. Many serve in the hope of joining their master in this eternity.
  • Listen to the whispers of the dead. It grants insight.
  • The Night is Mordiggian's. Claim it as his.
  • Destroy traitor ghouls, the ones turned apostate.
  • To become a ghoul is to come closer to perfection.

  •   Murnath - The Horned Rat
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Rats, sewers
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Earth, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The way of the rat is the way of the many, of the swarm, of the strong.
  • Rats and the wererats are your allies. Tame them.
  • Take the rat into yourself.
  • Squeeek!
  • The sewers are ours, let no others make a claim.

  •   Nhimbaloth - The Empty Death
    Pantheon: Outer Gods
    Areas of Concern: Despair, ghosts, swamps
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Plant, Void
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: Death is not the end. For Anti-Paladins of Nhimbaloth it barely begins there.
  • Make undead as and when you can. The incorporeal should be made when you can.
  • Feast on carnivores that have feasted on slain humanoids. Take their power into yourself.
  • Send souls to Nhmbaloth, so they may feast.
  • Feed the void gluttons.

  •   Nightripper - The Promise of Pain
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Botched executions, pits
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The struggle to execute this creature in its mortal life has not allowed it to gather much by way of mercy, and none is shared by its faithful.
  • Kill who you wish. Watch the pain it causes others.
  • Do not kill with the first strike. Death is an end - make your blow a beginning.
  • Take special pleasure in taking Sarenites.
  • Travel the world. Kill all across it.

  •   Nulgreth - The Blood God
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Anger, rage, strength
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Orc double axe
    Anti-Paladin Code: To follow the Blood God is to know victory until you die. This might not take long, but if it does, you will be mighty.
  • Bathe in the blood of the defeated. Take no prisoners.
  • Take what you want. Barter and begging are for others.
  • If killing now brings more trouble to kill later it is the best choice.

  •   Nurgal - The Shining Scourge
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Deserts, senseless warfare, the sun
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: The bitter death of dying dry beneath the burning sun. This is Nurgal's way.
  • Destroy Acavna's works wherever they still exist.
  • Ignore Nergal, he's just mad.
  • Deny those who oppose you water.
  • Your name is yours, granted by your master. You may not change or lose it.
  • Sunstroke and sunburn are a blessing. Leave them.

  •   Nyarlathotep - The Creeping Chaos, The Black Pharaoh, The Faceless Sphinx, The Hunter of the Dark
    Pantheon: Outer Gods
    Areas of Concern: Conspiracies, dangerous secrets, forbidden magic
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (Black Pharaoh), Punching dagger (Faceless Sphinx), Dagger (Haunter of the Dark)
    Anti-Paladin Code: Whatever face the Crawling Chaos wears, his chosen servants all have a few instructions the same.
  • Secrets are your lords. Gather them for him.
  • The Forbidden is your right. Take it.
  • Use your power to steer things towards an end.
  • Sow discord and cause strife among allies. The stronger the broken bond, the sweeter.

  •   Oaur-Ooung - The Blistering Womb
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Tainted oceans, vile fecundity
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Plant, Water
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: The ocean is the birthplace of all...and the Blistering Womb controls the ocean. Her servants prepare themselves for the day when their mistress will win, and desire ascension to Qlippoths themselves.
  • Propagate. Breed the future servants of your master.
  • Cannibalise those too weak to live. Let them serve the strong.
  • Transform yourself for the oceans. Magic and mutation - whatever serves.
  • Your current form, your rage, and your gender are all meaningless. Reject them and serve.

  •   Ongalte - Death of Divinity
    Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Deicide
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil
    Favored Weapon: greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: Those wronged by the gods seek out Ongalte, a cycloptic hero-god wronged by the deities around her. Her followers are those who share this ideal.
  • Slay the gods. Slay their followers. Break their worship. Prove they are weak.
  • Find stories of slain gods, how it was achieved, and how you might achieve it or pass the work to another.
  • Accept the aid of deity-worshippers only when you must, to learn weaknesses or sow discord.

  •   Orcus - Prince of Undeath
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Death, necromancy, wrath
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: The ord of Undeath raises his servants from the dead. Few of the living worship him, and those tend to be ones that wish undeath themself.
  • Shed the shackles of life. Those that choose undeath are blessed in their evasion of the cycle.
  • Accidental undeath is a sad accident. Only those motivated should heed the call.
  • Avoid becoming a petitioner. It is a waste of your life. Undeath is the true reward.
  • Throne jokes must be punished.
  • Rage against the living that would deny you.

  •   Orgesh - The Faceless God
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Alchemy, hunger, subterranean waterways
    Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Faceless God teaches that faith is to be consumed - when one faithful has devoured all others, then Orgesh will return.
  • Devour all others. Be the one.
  • Accept the black blood.
  • Take to the waterways beneath the earth.

  •   Ovonovo - The Gluttontide
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Sharks, shipwrecks
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Punching dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Water-going Anti-Paladins Pirates...those in Service to the Gluttontide delight in ruining ships on the shore.
  • Delight in the breaking of ships. The crew's fear is your bounty.
  • Feast on the flesh too. All shall get their share.
  • Survivors are for the weak. There will always be new prey.

  •   Pazuzu - King of the Wind Demons
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: The sky, temptation, winged creatures
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The King of Wind Demons is ancient and powerful, and his Anti-Paladins are respected by those who respect the king.
  • Lamashtu is a traitor. Destroy her works.
  • Even your enemies must not be broken to the ground. All that flies must be allowed in the air.
  • Use magic to force others to do evil.
  • Tempt and extol the dark vices.
  • Pazuzu's name is sacrosanct.

  •   Ragadahn - The Water Lord
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Linnorms, oceans, spirals
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Scalykind, Water
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Deific Code: Inspired by the immense power and cast knowledge wielded by the Water Lord, Antipaladins of Ragadahn are a mixture of brutal tyrants who rule the seas and occult warrior-scholars who gather the lore of countless nations to fill Ragadahn’s archives with their secrets. Their tenets are as follows;
  • I will respect the wisdom of my elders, for there is no greater teacher than time
  • The sea is the source of all life and the force that will one day consume it. I will respect and understand its power while showing no mercy to those who threaten it.
  • Many questions do not have answers, but I will seek to uncover their truths nonetheless.
  • So long as my foes retain secrets of value, they shall live so that I can extract them.

  •   Rhan-Tegoth - Herald of the End Times
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Hibernation, immortality, ruin
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Repose, Void
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code: The slumbering god will awake when the universe ends, and the universe will end when he awakes. His servants hasten this end.
  • Sacrifice in violent fashion.
  • His destruction cannot be allowed.
  • Seek immortality and revel in the endless madness it grants.

  •   Rovagug - The Rough Beast
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Destruction, disaster, wrath
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins who choose the path of the Destroyer choose a life of destruction; they do not wear finery, but rather slouch in uncured hides. The Anti-Paladins of Rovagug seek the Great Awakening and bend all their efforts toward the eventual decay of the prison that holds their god. Their code is simple, brutal, and direct, and its tenets include the following adages.
  • All things must be destroyed, but the tools of destruction will be destroyed last.
  • The beautiful die first. Their loss wreaks havoc in the hearts of those who love.
  • All is vanity before the tide of destruction.
  • The world is a lie. The only truth is oblivion, born of storm and horror.
  • Torture is a needless delay. My gift is the mercy of a quick death.
  • I will die standing.

  •   Rull - The Thunderer
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Lightning, storms, thunder
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Thunderer is the storm, and his servants the lighting. Sound and destruction follows.
  • Destroy as needed, destroy as you wish.
  • Do not sneak. You are not subtle, don't bother pretending you are.
  • Nature is destruction.

  •   Sezelrian - The Fire God
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Fire, magic, revenge
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Orc Demi-God who brought wisdom to their magic, and most of his Anti-Paladins are one who see magic more than might.
  • Fire magic is the finest weapon. Tune it.
  • Smoke and ash are weapons in and of themselves.
  • When magic will not serve, use advice, trickery and coercion.
  • Knowledge for its own sake is useless. Focus on what you need.

  •   Shamira - Princess of the Porphyry City
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Lost dreams, seduction of the pure
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: A former succubi who has taken more control since Noticula has changed, and still informs her followers with her past.
  • Love is a weapon.
  • Revive ancient break them.
  • Corrupt purity.

  •   Shax - The Blood Marquis
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Envy, lies, murder
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: A patron to lone killers and murderers, each dedicated follower of Shax is encouraged to work to their own tune.
  • Never sleep in a building with less than five rooms.
  • Gloating is stupid. Indulge sparingly.
  • Murder is your duty and your gift.
  • Lead when you can. Don't be a follower.

  •   Shiggarreb - The Marauding Maw
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Forbidden magic, wartime atrocities
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Magic, War
    Favored Weapon: Ranseur
    Anti-Paladin Code: A general among the Qlippoth, she believes there is no such thing as going too far to win.
  • Warcrimes are simply the point your opponent becomes unwilling to win. Use them.
  • Forbidden magic is a weapon your enemy won't touch. Use it.
  • Salt the earth you cannot hold.

  •   Shivaska - The Chained Maiden
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Aberrations, clocks, prisons
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: A twisted figure who delights in breaking others, the Chained Maiden's followers are often public figures of good repute, but whose schools, orphanages and businesses are ruinous places of pain.
  • Clocks tick off the moments of torment, and let your victims know the next comes. Let them hear the clockwork sing.
  • Prisons and places of entrapment are your domain. Make them suited to Shivaska.
  • Remember, when you warn a child of a monster under the bed or one that eats bad children to provide such monsters. We wouldn't wish to lie to the little dears.

  •   Shub-Niggurath - Black Goat of the Woods
    Pantheon: Outer Gods
    Areas of Concern: Fertility, forests, monsters
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Plant, Void
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Paladins of Shub-Niggurath are very different to normal anti-paladins, sharing a distant kinship with the Paladins of Shelyn - taken to the n'th degree. They are often opium-addled artists, very recent mothers still high from the emotion of childbirth, mercury-dabbling performers or poets that can't get enough of that delicious white powder - their drug and hormone-addled minds the perfect breeding ground for The Great Mother's influence. These Anti-Paladins also share a similar kinship to those who follow Lamashtu, both seeking to please their Mothers and make the world their new breeding grounds. However, it is common for Anti-Paladins of Shub-Niggurath to spat with these fellow god-worshippers or even each other as much as they consort - often getting into one-upping contests that devolve into violence.
  • The Grand Mother always comes first. Death comes second.
  • One must always devote themselves to an art, until they have perfected it.
  • The body is a beautiful canvas, damage to it is a disgrace that must be fixed.
  • Permanent damage is worse than death.
  • All things are monstrous, and only the weak hide their marks. I show the world as it is.
  • I will bring the outcasts in from the cold and teach them the taste of victory.
  • I fill the wombs. I birth the children. I teach our enemies why they fear the night sky.
  • I will spread the Grand Mother’s seed. If the blind cannot be taught to see, their children can.
  • If one shall not accept a mother's embrace, they are an enemy.

  •   Sifkesh - The Sacred Whore
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Despair, heresy, suicide
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: War razor
    Anti-Paladin Code: Sifkesh seeks to cause the most holy of mortals to become debased and hopeless, and her Anti-Paladins are her hands in this work.
  • Break the faithful through sweet seduction and gentle temptations.
  • Accept the moment they realize how they have fallen and try suicide as your payment.
  • If you see someone attempting to redeem themselves try to push them to end themselves.
  • Never honour or call upon another aid except in jest and mockery.

  •   Sithhud - The Frozen Lord
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Blizzards, the frozen dead
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Anti-Paladin Code A full Demon Lord recently broken and forced to retreat, Sithhud and his faithful are no less dangerous for being forced into a corner...
  • Oppose Kostiche and his works at all times.
  • Let the frostbite and the cold kill. Save your sword for when you must.
  • The return of the Frozen Lord to Jhuvumirak is paramount.

  •   Socothbenoth - The Silken Sin
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Perversion, pride, taboos
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Silken Sin is a hedonist, a being of instant gratification, is followed by Anti-Paladins for whom there is never enough of anything and excess is the goal.
  • Cover your skin in tattoos and marks to show your story.
  • There is nothing too taboo, no act too brazen, nothing depraved enough to satisfy forever...but try anyway.
  • Allies and lovers should be kept and never wasted when possible.
  • Bring news, or better yet pieces, of the staff Rapture to your prince and you will be rewarded in ways you cannot dream.
  • Pain and pleasure are one. Teach your foes and friends this lesson together.
  • Warp the flesh of creatures to make them into better toys.

  •   Thamir Gixx - The Silent Blade
    Pantheon: Halfling Deities
    Areas of Concern: Greed, opportunity, thievery
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Nobility, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Thamir Gixx are mighty agents of their god’s subversive agenda, working to acquire wealth and bring down those in power through whatever methods are open to them. Most all are halflings, and many also possess training in stealthy classes such as Rogue, Slayer, or Assassin. Their tenets include the following affirmations;
  • I allow no moral quandary to hold back my ambitions. Fear, mistrust, and doubt are valuable tools in my belt.
  • I will make my own way in the world, succeeding through my own effort and honing my own abilities. Myself is the only thing I can trust
  • If a problem can be solved with death, there is no reason to needlessly complicate the affair.
  • Never shall I forget the sins and slights committed against me. In time, I will take my revenge.

  •   Thremyr - First Jarl
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Ice, salt, tribute
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, War, Water
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The First Jarl cares not for mortal worshippers, but empowers those who follow the ancient rites and rituals correctly.
  • Offer tribute to Thremyr in accordance with the old ways.
  • Be critical of your creations. Only accept those that are useful.
  • Pay the price in salt and treasures.

  •   Thuskchoon - Everglutton
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Blinding hunger, revealed secrets
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Knowledge
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: Nearly mindless, the Everglutton's mind is only truly empowered when it devours.
  • Feast on the fallen. Take their strength.
  • Take the secrets of the dead as your own.
  • Seek the wisdom of the Everglutton in the ritual, in drugs, in the unexpected answer to a forgotten question.

  •   Treerazer - Lord of the Blasted Tarn
    Pantheon: Nascent Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Corruption of nature, pollution
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A powerful Nascent Demon Lord trapped on Golarion, Treerazer sees few faithful off that world - but he's always looking for a way to evade his final death.
  • Kill elves and there get.
  • Destroy nature. Plant nothing.
  • Feast on rot.

  •   Tsathoggua - Father of Night
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Magic, outcasts, the underworld
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The chaotic deity Tasthoggoua is unpredictable, even by the standards of the Great Old Ones, but is generally happy to connect with his worshippers...until he is not.
  • Be Unpredictable. If your enemies can guess your course you will simply die boring.
  • Use magic whenever possible. It is a connection to something greater than you.
  • It costs nothing to be friendly and have fun. Especially with friends.

  •   Urazra - Breaker of Bones
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Battle, brutality, strength
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Urazra are violent fanatics who indulge absolutely in the god’s belief that physical might and mastery of violence are the ultimate determinants of greatness. Most are stone giants, and young stone giants at that, but the god of violence has acquired a following amongst both orc and human raiders. Their tenets are as follows.
  • Strength is the ultimate virtue. The inheritors of the earth shall be those who can hold it longest.
  • No mission is more noble than to take from others what they cannot defend. To allow one mercy for their own inadequacies is to perpetuate their folly.
  • Creation is the domain of weaker beings. I do not waste my time or strength upon building what I can take from others.
  • Caution, restraint, and civility are relics of a weak age. I have no need for them.

  •   Urxehl - Trollfather
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Natural disasters, storms, trolls
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fire, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: A god of the trolls, the monstrous Urxehl loathes his subjects and enjoys seeing them - and everything else - suffer.
  • Regeneration means they can suffer more. Use it to make them wish they would die.
  • Fear the wrath of nature, the storm and the wildfire. These are the Trollfather's rage manifest.
  • Never attempt to avert or mitigate disaster.

  •   Varg The Iron Warrior
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Iron, siege engines, war
    Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, War
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A more modern deity, by orc standards, Varg is there lord of siege, complicated engines and tactics.
  • Rejoice in the bark of the engine and the crashing of the walls.
  • Take time, think. Unleash your strike when it will hurt the most.
  • Tactics are the difference between the spoils of war and being the spoils. Choose which you wish wisely.

  •   Verex - The Despoiler
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Lust, pillage, plunder
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: Unlike most societies, Orcs are impressed when a thief can keep what they have stolen, along with all their appendages.
  • Keep what you take. Kill those who argue.
  • Plunder is the reason for war. Never fight the poor if you can avoid it.
  • Destroy your foes, take all they have.

  •   Xoveron - The Horned Prince
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Gargoyles, gluttony, ruins
    Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Ranseur
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Lord of Gargoyles hates civilization and bids his followers reduce it to ruin.
  • Build not. Your task is the ruination of civilizations.
  • Devour as you see fit. Tomorrow can deal with itself.
  • Kill them with height, or with impalement beneath the uncaring skies.

  •   Yamasoth - The Polymorph Plague
    Pantheon: Qlippoth Lords
    Areas of Concern: Cursed kingdoms, vile experiments
    Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Earth, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • The Polymorph Plague is no mere demon lord. Kill any who utter otherwise.
  • Practice that which your master made: Fleshwarping. Kill any who utter that it was not he who invented i.
  • Creation is for creation's sake. If it causes suffering then so much the better.

  •   Ydersius - The Headless King
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Serpentfolk, immortality, poison
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Nobility, Scalykind, War
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Ydersius are most often Serpentfolk or other reptilian races who wish to restore their people to the glorious golden age of ancient times (it really wasn’t all that impressive). The Father of Serpents’ humanoid followers are typically assassins, politicians, and other schemers who turn to this alleged mastermind for guidance in their own plots. Their tenets include the following affirmations;
  • The old ways were what made us strong once and have enabled our people to survive in the darkest of times. I will cling fast to the teachings of those who came before me.
  • Every blade needs a limb to guide it, just as every voice is powerless without a hand to execute its will. I fight alongside my people for our common return to dominance.
  • Though I will work with my fellows as needed, I must never become reliant on them to survive. Every follower of Ydersius must serve to their utmost potential.
  • Never must I debase myself by treating a non-serpentfolk as a superior or equal. In time, these lesser races shall once again learn their proper place.

  •   Yhidothrus - The Ravager Worm
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Age, time, worms
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Ravager Worm is opposed to time's all-devouring victory over everything else, and sends his faithful to seek ways to oppose it.
  • Avoid the final death in any way you can.
  • Oppose the end of all things, and those that would bring it.
  • The worms take all.

  •   Zagresh - The Destroyer
    Pantheon: Orc Deities
    Areas of Concern: Death, destruction, disaster
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: The most primal of the orc pantheon, he has reduced everything that is orc down to one focus: devestation.
  • Fight to destroy and survive so you can destroy more. Nothing else is important.
  • Destroy utterly, leave nothing to build upon behind.
  • Even the grave should offer no rest. Raise the dead and send them to a second end.

  •   Zevgavizeb - God of the Troglodytes
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Caverns, reptiles, troglodytes
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: Unsubtle, the Beast of Gluttondark respects and demands strength.
  • You are strong. The strong do not sneak. Die fighting, not hiding.
  • Hunt and kill the loathsome coward. Let his fleeing buy him only time to suffer.
  • Eat only raw flesh.
  • Use your strength. Command those weaker.

  •   Zogmugot - Lady Lastbreath
    Pantheon: Goblin Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Drowning, flotsam, scavenging
    Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Water
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code: Lady Lastbreath is why it is unwise to trust the sea, foolish to pick up the shiny in the tide. Not that her followers ever learn, no matter how many die...
  • Drown your victims. It pleases Zogmugot.
  • Wear seaglass, so she may see your deeds.
  • Take the sea's bounty before others. Drown the ones who try to get it first.

  •   Zura - The Vampire Queen
    Pantheon: Demon Lords
    Areas of Concern: Blood, cannibalism, vampires
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code: It is said she is the first vampire and demands her servants embrace her bloody path.
  • Savor the shedding and drinking of blood, delight in the power and decadance.
  • Suffer not the light of the so-called holy. Those who expose a vampire or otherwise dishonor and oppose The Vampire Queen are to have their minds changed by force or be drained and eliminated.
  • Blood is power and proves dominance. Never kneel to those of lesser blood. Never heal a bloodied wound without taking your fill.
  • Don any disguise and tell any lies towards gaining quarry for yourself, for vampires, for the Vampire Queen. Honor the Queen in this and whenever you feast upon that you have slain, always offer a portion as tribute to Her Sanguine Majesty.

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