Chaotic Neutral Deities and Codes

Although some groups, like the Fey Eldest, cannot get Anti-Paladins we have included codes for their adherents to follow when using Prestige Classes like Feysworn.

  Abhoth - Source of Uncleanness
Pantheon: Outer Gods
Areas of Concern: Disease, fercundity, oozes
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Earth, Madness, Strength
Favored Weapon: Whip
Anti-Paladin Code: Almost incomprehensible by most beings, Abhoth has virtually no worshippers. The ones it does have follow the following tenants, which seems to draw the Source of Uncleanness' favour...
  • Travel. Let your master see through your eyes.
  • Spread diseases. You are a vector.
  • Spawn, so more may serve.

  •   Acavna - The Shield
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Companionship, defensive battle, and the moon
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Protection, Repose, War
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Long forgotten by most, the Shield is believed to have died. Still, some can draw on a small echo of her divinity...
  • Protect those who can't protect themself.
  • Shelter others during war.
  • Watch to the moons.

  •   Ashukharma - The Divine Divide
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Canyons, cliffs, gorges, and ravines
    Domains: Chaos, Earth, Protection, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Greatsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: A powerful goddess, scorned and healed, she does not take well to cheaters and apostates.
  • Create nothing to bypass natural barriers.
  • Never cheat on your lovers. To do so is to cross a terrible line. Equally, no means no - accept that and move on.
  • Protect yourself, physically and emotionally. Your boundaries are important and should be respected.
  • When you create build to protect.

  •   Azathoth - The Daemon Sultan
    Pantheon: Outer Gods
    Areas of Concern: Entropy, madness, mindless destruction
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Sun, Void
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: Mindless and insane even by the standards of the Outer Gods, the Demon Sultan simply exists. Still, very rarely, someone is able to draw upon his power...
  • Bring together a great court of many people with many minds, many views, many voices.
  • Raise a discordant noise!
  • Destroy without thought.

  •   Bastet - The Sly Enchantress
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Cats, pleasure, secrets
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Charm, Protection, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Cat's claws (tekko-kagi)
    Anti-Paladin Code: The feline god of the ancient world, it's unclear exactly how Bastet and Aurea's the Mort interact. Like cats, most likely. Her adherents follow a whimsical code.
  • Never hard a cat.
  • Heal the sick and the wounded if it is within your skill to do so, and offer what comfort you can if not.
  • Never harm a child. Kill those that would. There is no mercy or respite for such.
  • Never marry. Lovers are one thing, friends another, but you are Bastets.
  • Kill dangerous snakes and evil spirits.
  • Tempt others to revelry, to wine and dance and song and feasts.

  •   Besmara - The Pirate Queen
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Piracy, sea monsters, strife
    Domains: Chaos, Trickery, War, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Besmara are cutthroat pirates, freely roaming where they will and seizing whatever interests them. They primarily emulate their goddess’s violent aspects, but different antipaladins focus on varied aspects of Besmara’s code. The code of Besmara’s antipaladins includes the following adages.
  • I pursue what I desire. One who cannot keep it from me does not deserve to possess it.
  • Treasure demonstrates my might. I won’t waste my time on schemes with no profit to be had.
  • No trick is beneath me. I will never forgo an advantage in the name of fairness.
  • Pride does not shackle me. I retreat if I must to survive for another day.
  • The weak serve the strong. I will never let my crew forget or doubt my strength.
  • Revenge can be delayed to keep the ship sailing. Crew members who cross me shall die onshore; foes can be useful allies under changed circumstances.
  • I will suffer no restraint. Those who seek to pacify me will fall broken in my wake.

  •   Bokrug - The Water Lizard
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Revenge, storms, water
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Ranseur
    Anti-Paladin Code: Bokrug has little desire to destroy others, much preferring worship, celebration, and the possibilities in dreams. The exception for this Great Old One of Storm, Water, and Revenge is when he or his worshipers need avenged or when the Water Lizard is angered. In these cases, Anti-Paladins of Bokrug may rise.
  • The Water Lizard is patient and thorough. The beings of Ib were allowed to rise a thousand years after their slaughter to wipe out all that came from those who killed them. Likewise, we are patient and ensure nothing that comes from those who harm us remains.
  • We are of the Water Lizard like droplets in a lake. What seeks to harm one of Bokrug's devoted seeks to harm all including the Water Lizard. We will defend our own and join in his anger to empower us to eliminate threats.
  • The Water Lizard's anger is appeased through the sacrificial slaughter, and the best sacrifices are those who have harmed what is his, be they animal, humanoid, or other criminal. They shall all be cleaned from the lands and given to him leading to blessings for us all.
  • Seek the water, seek the dream. The Water Lizard abides in them and can make use of both to clean away those who have angered him. We shall follow his ways.
  • We shall ensure the spread of the Great shrines and treat Bokrug's statues with the respect they deserve, for the Water Lizard can see and aid through these statues.
  • We will use methods as chaotic as the storm and as the waves to wipe the enemies clean, and then as chaotic as the wildest dreams we shall celebrate together with our people.
  • The ultimate goal is to avenge what is wronged, and then return to celebratory worship and gathering. We take little desire in the destruction, only in what the cleansing and appeasing will bring once it is done.
  • Anti-paladins of Bokrug understand that insanity is sometimes just the cost of avenging the people and connecting with the Water Lizard. The are willing to ally with most who have not harmed them, putting those of Bokrug first, followed by those of the dreams and water.

      Calistria - The Savored Sting
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Lust, revenge, trickery
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Codes: Antipaladins of Calistria are bright and flighty, fickle and vengeful. They do not demand great things of others but rather seek to be like the Savored Sting in their manner. Most are women; their ranks are filled with those devoted to bloody vengeance and the shining lusts that spark it. Their code is that of an angry hedonist—they demand honesty for themselves and deny it to others. Its tenets include the following adages.
  • My life is my path, and none will sway me from it.
  • I devote myself to the pursuit of my passions.
  • I take what I desire, by trick or by force. If others resent my actions, they may attempt to take vengeance against me.
  • All slights against me will be repaid tenfold.
  • I am the instrument of my own justice. If I am wronged, I will take vengeance with my own hands.

  •   Count Ranalc - The Traitor
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Betrayal, exiles, shadows
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Nobility, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Deific Code: Not well loved by the other Eldest, it is not even clear if the banished eldest still exists. But his powers are granted to those who know his ways...
  • Never make a permanent source of light. Yours are the shadows, illuminate them only when you must.
  • Hide who you are. It is much harder to be betrayed if no one knows who you are.
  • Never ask forgiveness.
  • Plot betrayal, and avenge betrayal. Both sides are a wonderful dance, and you should know all the steps.
  •   Gorum - Our Lord In Iron
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Battle, strength, weapons
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Greatsword
    Anti-Paldin Code:
  • Peace is death. Conflict is life. I will not let anyone take the easy way out.
  • Battle defines me. Without battle I am empty. I make my purpose with blade and brand.
  • I will breathe in iron. Iron on my back defines what conflicts I have won, and will be decorated as such.
  • The sword is the answer to any question.
  • If there is peace ahead of me, I leave struggle in my wake.
  • Poison is for the weak. Ambush is for the cowardly. Plague is a consequence of slaughter.
  • Aggression is not foolishness. If I cannot stand against a foe, I will find another, and mark the first for later.

  •   Groetus - The God of the End Times
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Empty places, oblivion, ruins
    Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Madness, Void
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May
  • Life is fleeting and situations change, take advantage of the pleasures you can while you can or of an opportunity that presents itself.
  • The Moon Waxes and Wanes
  • Sometimes Groetus looms over the Boneyard and sometimes he is far. He waits for the end, the time to strike. Sometimes patience is necessary, so know when your power has waxed, you can strike, and know when your power has waned, you must bide your time.
  • All Ends are Final
  • Suffer not the return of an enemy, put them back to rest. Show them once more to Pharasma and let Groetus watch them be judged again.
  • An Avalanche Starts with a Single Pebble
  • Decay is a slow process, but everything will fall to ruin. The end is nigh, but far away. Help it closer. Sabotage structures and society where you can, all it takes is the right stone missing or the right word said.

  • Hanspur - The Water Rat
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: River travel, rivers, smugglers
    Domains: Chaos, Death, Travel, Water
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: While Anti-Paladins of Hanspur are exceedingly rare, a handful have emerged over the centuries to cause untold damage across the River Kingdoms. These cruel and vengeful followers focus their violence against adherents and suspected allies of the harbinger Corosbel, leading to violent and bloody inquisitions that, on the surface, are done in Hanspur’s name. More likely, however, these vendettas serve only to consolidate the Anti-Paladins’ personal power or serve their own agendas. Their code is one of persecution under the guise of protection. Its tenets include the following adages.
  • Make them suffer as he did—drown your enemies alive so they may understand.
  • The river is free, but the land is our reward.
  • To kill death is to master it. We shall crush the daemons under our heel.
  • Respect is blood or gold; let none ply our rivers without giving respect.

  •   Hei Feng - Duke of Thunder
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Sea, storms, thunder, wind
    Domains: Air, Chaos, Destruction, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Nine-ring broadsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Hei Feng are self-sufficient wanderers who roam the land, offering great aid or—more commonly—great destruction at their own whims. They are rarely deceptive about their intentions, and desperate people can ask them for help, knowing that these antipaladins will keep their word if they agree to offer assistance. Any slight, however, will be met with overwhelming retribution. The code of Hei Feng’s antipaladins contains the following adages.
  • The blessing of the storm comes in lightning. I am permitted to offer sincerely altruistic aid, so long as that aid comes in the form of violence visited upon others.
  • The clouds warn of coming rain. My wrath may be sudden, but it is honest. I may trick a foe with boasts or cunning, but I do not pretend to be a friend to those I intend to harm. Such sycophancy is cowardice.
  • The wind cannot be chained. I stay nowhere for long, and I do not abide by oaths that try to restrain me for longer than a month. If I make such promises, they have no weight, and those who trust them are fools.
  • My last word is a thunderclap. None shall insult me, or my god, without paying a terrible price. My revenge will be unstoppable and absolute.

  •   Il'surrish - The Wanderer
    Pantheon: Protean Lord
    Areas of Concern: Formlessness, loss of control, and potential
    Domains: Animal, Artifice, Chaos, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
    Anti-Paladin Code: A powerful Protean Lord, it's difficult to know if this great being really cares about the material realm, but his followers continue to adhere to these commands;
  • Assume formlessness or as close to such as your physical form may allow.
  • Accept you cannot control everything. Sometimes, throw away what control you do have and see what fate brings.
  • Seek to bring out your greatest potential and that of those around you.

  •   Mhar - The World Thunder
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Caverns, mountains, volcanoes
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Earth, Fire
    Favored Weapon: Heavy pick
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Great Old One of Volcanoes and fire, Mhar is a force of nature more than a deity.
  • Destroy all. End Mhar's pain.

  •   Narriseminek - The Crownless, The Maker of Kings
    Pantheon: Protean Lord
    Areas of Concern: Ascendance, keketars, and revelations
    Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Liberation, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Handaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Divine the future so that you may shape it your heart's desire.
  • Transform the willing into what they wish. Help them reach their goals.
  • Fight against order and structure that binds and cripples freedom.
  • Never refuse a position you could use to change the world.
  • Never refuse to speak to a keketar.

  •   Nephthys - The Mistress of the Mansion
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Mourning, night, protection of the dead
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Community, Darkness, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Light mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: She who protects the dead commands her faithful to do so as well.
  • Keep the dead safe. Work with other true deities to see souls to the afterlife. Fight any who would feed on them or block their path.
  • Stand between the city and the wild, and be its guards.
  • Remember you are not just a servant to the dead. Celebrate life.

  •   Sekhmet - Lady of Slaughter
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Fire, healing, vengeance, war
    Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Healing, War
    Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A goddess of war, Sekhmet has an impressive cadre of Anti-Paladins at her command.
  • Heal the wounds of the battlefield so more battles can be fought.
  • Kill your enemies and drink their blood as your prize.
  • Never fail in your devotion to Sekhmet. Worship her daily.
  • Never spare an evil fiend. End them all.

  •   Sobek - The Raging Torrent
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Crocodiles, fertility, military prowess, rivers
    Domains: Chaos, Scalykind, Strength, War, Water
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code: Many Anti-Paladins have taken to Sobek with the Raging Torrent's message of 'take what you want' in their ear. Still, the god has his requirements for a true fight.
  • Take what your heart desires, but never at the cost of an innocent life.
  • Eat the finest foods, drink the finest drinks - live!
  • Never despoil the natural world.
  • Never cower from battle, for this is to fail in Sobek's eyes.
  • Destroy evil fiends and devils.

  •   Speakers of the Depths
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Chaos, creation, and destruction
    Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Water
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code: Almost impossible to know or worship, the Speakers of the Depths are the creators of the proteans. Or maybe their destroyers...they view all of the Malestrom as under their sway...
  • ⛧ "̵̡̛̛̬̪̳̰̝̗̥̱̘̞͖͈̲̙̆̓̈̓͂̅̓͒͂̀̾͐̕̕͝B̴̧͙̮͇͓̘̻̜̻̙͉͒e̷̟̦̥̠͉̒̈͐̓͐͑̐̌̀̅͛̈́̽̊͘̕ţ̷̛̬̹̻̤̀̔̌̀͌͛̀̽͊̓̒͠ẗ̸͓̖̺̣̰̯̠͈̞̓̕͜ẻ̸̢̡̡̻͙̘͈̩̳͇͎̯̯͍̮̄́̒̕͜͝r̶̳̹͊̃̌̄̈́̃̆̿̓̏̑̑̒̕͘ ̵̧̨̛̲̖̖͙͐̂͋̆̀̃̅̉̀̎̈̄s̵̝̱̼̠̃̔̀͂̂̈̔̕a̵̺̘̬̹̎͐̋̕̕f̶̧̠̯̹̜͑͂́̒̈́̿̂̑̈̕͠ḕ̸̢̨̤̭͖̤̪̪̀̉̌̔̋̇̎̏͊͊̒̍ ̷͚͈̤̠̝͕͇͔͎̟̜͓̱͍̬̫͛t̶̖̦̳̞̀͜ḣ̸͖̼̦̹͍͉͕̪̦̘͕̖̉̈́̊̂̔͘͜͝ḁ̶̛̓̒̑n̶̮͕̜̳̠̩͉̯̥̤̦̗̳͉͎̈́̐͂̃̍͒̐̐̂̑̕͘͜͝ͅ ̶̢̬͙͚̤͇̥̬̳̠̞̼̌̊̒͒̎̀̍́͘͝ͅs̵̛̛͚̿̓̂̌̿́̍̈́̈͐̌͘õ̸̡̥̝̖̭͎̳̟͔̮̰͖̼̠͕͔̏̃̋̋̕ͅr̴͉̝̦͕̍́̅̂̓͌͐̈́͝͝r̷̛̬̳̤̫͕͓̙̊͂̈́͐̔̊̆̄̑͌̚͠ÿ̸̧̛̗͓̮̪̠͇̲̱̲͔̳́̀̽̈́̓̈́͂̍̈͊̿̓̃͝,̵̦̞̥̞́̕ͅ ̸̡̢͔̙̘̘̭̳̫̦͕̲̜͓͕͎́̔̅̂̈́͑̑͂̅̊̉̾̌́̚͜B̶̨̗̪͍͍̗͕̫͍̻̑̅͂̈́͋̏͋̕͝e̶̢̢̞͙̞͔̟̲̣͈̭̚͜ť̸͓̦̥̲̞̳̮̗̑̐̈́̄̌̈́̑̀̀͋̕͝͝t̸̝̩̖͍͎͕̞̻̭̺̫͎̣̺̓ė̵͍̯̭̥̲̭̾̓͊̿͑͛͐̅̚͘͠͠ŗ̶̢̡̢͓̰̻͓̫̲̻̫̠̾̃̅̑͒ ̶̨̟͕̭̙̮̟͎͈̗̞̣̳̇̓͊s̸̫͒̈́͑̋̂͒͆̇̉̓̃̿̓͆͘ą̷̛̹̯̺̭̳̟͕͍̳̤̼̈́͋̀̀́͝f̷̡͔̥̬̤͚̯͆̾̈́͛͆́͘ę̸͕̪̘̣͓̹̮͇͚̖͍̘̯̽̒̾̍̉͌̑̍̔͑̅͝͝ͅ ̶̛̝̘̘̝̫͂̔̂̓́̀̀́͑̓̄̕̚̚͝͝t̵̮̳͐͑͐̕h̶̗͎͒͋̈͋̀͠á̵͙̺̔̐̎͌͐̑͊͒̿̈́͒͘͝͝ñ̸̻̥̏͊̌̓̑́̾̈́͆̎͠͠ ̶͔̯̲͔͓̱̰̀́̔̈͛̕s̸̗̫̜̥̯̈̊̽̓̓̐͐͘͝͝ö̸̠̼̣̬͍͍̬͔̣̗̖̺̺͇̙́̽͑̂͂̓̎͛̾͊́̾͝r̸̩͍̰̰̜͉͚͈̲̯͗̐̉̐̊͆͌̋̐͌̐͋͝͝ŗ̵̨͚̱̭̰̙̺̘͖͙̱͍̼͂̇̇͋͋̒́̈́͋̄͋͗́y̴̪̦͚͚̯͈̳̓̊͆,̶̭̬͓͓̫̤͇̙̌̇̽̃̔̏͛̏̑̿̈̍́̕ 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  •   Ssila'meshnik - The Colorless Lord
    Pantheon: Protean Lord
    Areas of Concern: Fate, freedom, and paradox
    Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Liberation, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light hammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being of contradictions, and one of the few creatures outside her domain trusted by Pharasma with the fate of souls, the Colourless Lord expects her follower's lives to be, if nothing else, interesting.
  • Fate is outside of your control. You must seize it and take back your life.
  • Freedom is bound by fate. Shatter the bonds of fate and be free.
  • A paradox need not have a solution, it need simply be a paradox. Follow this.

  •   Sun Wukong - The Monkey King
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Drunkenness, nature, trickery
    Domains: Animal, Chaos, Liberation, Travel, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: To live free and follow one's own path - this is the creed followed by Sun Wukong's Anti-Paladin warriors.
  • Society has no control over you. Do as you wish and let others do as they desire.
  • A reasonable bet or challenge is fun! But do not let pride lure you into something you cannot handle.
  • Drink!
  • The occasional prank is good for the blood, especially of those too stuck up to join in.

  •   Tawil at'Umr
    Pantheon: Great Old One
    Areas of Concern: none
    Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Travel, Void
    Favored Weapon: dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: A strange being, and possibly simply an echo of something even more ancient, those who deal with this Great Old One can learn vast and ancient secrets...if they can pay the price.
    Still, no known cults or worshippers exist, instead devoting themselves to its true form - Yog-Sothoth.

      The Lantern King - The Laughing Lie
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Laughter, mischief, transformation
    Domains: Charm, Chaos, Madness, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Deific Code: A prankster and jester even among the fey, it is not always nice to be on the receiving end of the Laughing Lie's humour.
  • Never explain the joke. Those who can understand it will, those who can't must be allowed to ruin it.
  • Never tell the whole truth. They don't need all of it, but you might need some alter.
  • Play a few pranks! No one needs to understand how the lantern got there, they just need to laugh.

  •   Tjasse - The Lord of Talons
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Giant birds, mountain peaks, pride
    Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Destruction
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: A powerful and terrible giant deity, and the lord of Rocs, to worship Tjasse is to worship the storm.
  • Follow the way of the rocs. Ride them if you can.
  • Strike your foes like lightning from the skies.
  • Take pride in your skills. Correct those who doubt them with your fist.

  •   Ydajisk - The Mother of Tongues
    Pantheon: Protean Lord
    Areas of Concern: Language evolution, lost words, and slang
    Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Rune, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Bite or greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Never allow a book or word to be lost.
  • Never teach a secret tongue to those it does not belong to. Part of its nature is that it is secret.
  • Learn languages and words.
  • Create with words alone.
  • Help language evolve.

  •   Yig - Father of Serpents
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Cycles, procreation, serpents
    Domains: Chaos, Community, Protection, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Punching dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: The least destructive of the Great Old Ones, Yig is still a terrifying force, and his servants to be feared.
  • Kill those who harm snakes without cause.
  • Build communities in the name of Yig.
  • Take care with the rites and rituals. Yig will protect you, but not from your own failure.

  •   Yog-Sothoth - Lurker at the Threshold
    Pantheon: Outer Gods
    Areas of Concern: Gates, space, time
    Domains: Darkness, Chaos, Knowledge, Travel, Void
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Unknowable and terrible, the Outer God demands a terrible price for but a taste of his power.
  • Gather secrets and knowledge, travel through the gates of space and time.
  • Bless the unborn with curses and mutations so they may start life closer to the Lurker.
  • Practice magic, alchemy and summoning.

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