Construct Armor

Construct Armor

Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells animate objects, the construct modified must be the same size as or larger than the creator.
CR increase: +1
Cost: 35,000 gp (17,500 Base Craft Cost)
  It takes a full-round action to get into or out of the construct armor. Once inside, the pilot can control the construct’s movements and actions as if he himself were the construct (moving the construct as a move action, attacking with a weapon it possesses as a standard action, etc.). If the construct possesses an appropriate weapon, the pilot may even make attacks of opportunity. The pilot may still perform actions not related to the construct (for example, casting a spell or activating a class feature), but doing so means the pilot cannot use that same action to control the construct armor.
  While in the construct armor, the pilot and the construct are essentially a single creature, using the contruct's physical stats and defenses (such as armor class and reflex saves, appropriately) and the pilot’s mental stats and defenses (such as will saves, if directly targeted) - the only exception being spells and abilities that would target the construct’s mental defenses instead of the pilot's. Using Construct Armor counts as using heavy armor for the purposes of class abilities that depend on not wearing armor (such as Monk's AC and Swashbuckler's Nimble). The pilot cannot be targeted by weapons or by magic effects that require an attack roll or allow a Reflex save until the construct is reduced to 0 hp, but otherwise is still susceptible to magical effects. A creature who successfully grapples the construct may attack the pilot directly, or even move the pilot instead of the construct after a qualifying grapple check, removing the pilot from the construct armor.


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