Homebrew Buildings

Trade Route
Earnings gp +20
Create Quest required, 500gp per route; Time 30 days; Size N/A
This is a trade route between two established settlements. Requires consent from both parties, and a quest to acquire/build the road. May require additional negotiation to use an existing road.

  Grand Bath
Earnings gp or Influence +6
Benefit bonus on Fortitude saves against disease, +2 to diplomacy
Create 6 Goods, 2 Influence, 4 Labor (260 gp Time 8 days; Size 3–6 squares Upgrades From Sauna
A Bath contains a single large bathtub made for group bathing. After spending 1 hour in this room, you gain a +2 bonus on your next ongoing Fortitude save against disease. Any attempts at diplomacy between two creatures sharing the bath gain a +2

  Greater Magical Repository
Earnings gp, Influence, or Magic +16
Benefit bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (One other of History, Local, and Planes unless from an upgrade), Spellcraft, and spell research checks Create 15 Goods, 8 Influence, 12 Labor, 10 Magic (1780 gp Time 20 days; Size 4–12 squares
Upgrades From Magical Repository
A Greater Magical Repository is similar to a Book Repository and Magical Repository, but is better for broader study, on top of reading about arcane arts. It contains shelves of books, very comfortable chairs, and tables for studying and for scribing notes and scrolls. If you construct this room from scratch, it grants someone who studies there for 1 hour a +4 bonus on a Knowledge check to answer a question related to the checks selected. If you upgrade a Book Repository or Magical Repository into this room, you either keep the original Repository’s bonus on Knowledge checks or add Knowledge (arcana) to the set. An hour of study in this room also grants a +3 bonus on Spellcraft checks. The room grants an additional +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks for spell research (see Research a Spell) and crafting magic items.


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