Lawful Evil Deities and Codes

With the Tyrant Anti-Paladin Archetype, some Lawful Evil deities may accept these pious and deadly warriors into their ranks.

  Achaekek - He Who Walks in Blood
Pantheon: Other Deities
Areas of Concern: Assassinations, divine punishment, the red mantis
Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon: Sawtooth sabre
Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Never reveal you are a member of the church of he who walks in blood, the secret being ripped out will get other of us after you as you have defiled our name
  • Only kill if they have made a payment to one of the go-betweens, we have plenty of information seekers in order to keep your identity a secret.
  • Never kill a rightful ruler, as they walk the same in godhood.
  • Do not fail a contract. This will result in a contract on you.
  • Do not fixate on matters such as gender or ancestry as they are all the same and will die to my blade.
  • Never abandon an assassination contract after the agreement ha been set.
  • Never take a contract on Grandmother Spider, worshippers this displeases Achaekek greatly and I will lose favour.

  •   Alichino - Jester Prince of the Cage
    Wiki Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Deception, madness, royalty
    Domains: Evil, Law, Madness, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being created for conquest, Alichino is a cunning creature that uses trickery and deceit.
  • Use trickery, deceit and cunning to manipulate your target. A fight you make others wage is one you win by default.
  • Call upon other creatures to battle in your service. Spartoloi, Eidolons, summoned beings...whatever keeps you safe and your hands clean.
  • Make deals that the other person cannot keep, forcing them to default so I can it all. If they manage the impossible I will acknowledge their skill, as frustrating as it can be.

  •   Alocer - The Pack Lord
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Beasts, hunters, tradition
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: The most obedient of Hell's Hunters, Alocer is directly opposed to Erastil and battles Old Deadeye for control of the wilds.
  • I will form packs and hunt the most exciting game of all: that which can think.
  • Sully the places of Erastil, burn them to the ground, kill and corrupt those that worship him and never sleep beneath his roof.
  • Never grant a swift death to wounded prey. Honour its strength by letting it fight until the light fades. Admire it's pain.

  •   Andak - The Dismembered
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Axes, dismemberment, torture
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura Rana whose quest for perfection has seen his limbs removed and reattached with ironic imperfection, his followers often copy his path.
  • Mutilate and modify your being to emulate Andak. Become greater.
  • I will make sure my foes experience the failure of lives forgotten. When possible I will leave them dismembered and ruined in death.
  • I askew blunt weapons that cannot cut - the axe and the blade are my weapons of choice, and I will be skilled at the removal of limbs.

  •   Ardad Lili - The End of Innocence
    Pantheon: Queens of the Night
    Areas of Concern: Seduction, snakes, women
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Law, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code:

      Aroggus - The Abbey Maker
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Possibility, revenge, sanctuary
    Domains: Evil, Law, Protection, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Abbey Maker has long since shed his form to become smoke and shadow in his quest for revenge against Asmodeus and the devils that stole hell.
  • I will dedicate myself to revenge against those who have wronged me. Blood for blood, insult for insult, a life for a life.
  • I will find sanctuary and grow strong enough to take my revenge on others. It doesn't matter how many attempts it takes, only that I succeed.
  • I will do what it takes to find vengeance. I will shed or change my form, and grow through whatever means it takes.

  •   Asmodeus - Prince of Darkness
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Mace
    Antipaladin code:
  • My word is binding. I hold my commitments, and agreements sacred. However, I always seek to turn those arrangements to the advantage of Asomdeus, as it is only through his unyielding law that the worlds will be made perfect.
  • As my Lord and Master, I am a tactician. I make plans, and strategies with meticulous detail. To form a plan or contract faultily is to insult the Prince of Darkness himself.
  • I hold to the established hierarchies, seeking always to gain a higher position in those influential circles which could be used to further the plans of Asmodeus.
  • I have no use for mercy, kindness, or pity. Such things are reserved for the weak, and the weak deserve nothing more than domination, and rule. A home, community, nation, or world left to be run by the weak is an abomination to The Prince.
  • Deception through diplomacy is more effective than through lies, because to rule through law offers no recourse but the fulfilment of the contract by the subject.
  • Careful, planned, calculated gaining of influence, and power are more satisfying to the soul than that gained through violence, as the despair found in the eyes of the trapped, and bound prey is far more savory.
  • Paladin Code: It has been shown that some sources of deific power do not stem from the deities themselves, but instead in a powerful enough belief manifesting divinity. This has been seen in the faith of The Godclaw, The Dreamland Deities, The Goblin Gods or in The Cult of Augrah-Ma - where strong enough faith birthed divine power from truths that may not in fact be true. This phenomenon is a widely debated topic in Religious circles - fundamentalists believe it to be either a sort of Psychic Energy manifesting itself as Divinity or The Gods toying with the minds of mortals while others believe that it is the faith of man itself that birthed the Gods, with these new creations and concepts being ostracized only because of young age of the religion. None more controversial comes to mind than The Holy Word of the Pact Servants.
    The Holy Word of the Pact Servants, also known as The Pact, is an ostracized sect of the Followers of Asmodeus - those who believe that even the darkest of shadows holds a sliver of light. Inquisitors, Clerics, Oracles and even Paladins of Asmodeus - known as Pact Servants - have a wide variety and generally inconsistent amount of beliefs involving The Archfiend. Some believe that Asmodeus is misunderstood, given his position as a burden to bear and only doing what he must to ensure balance. Others believe that Asmodeus is actually a Mother Deity, she who cares for all of the damned souls rejected by the higher planes - a savior for those who have fallen from grace. Some have even said that Asmodeus was never meant for this position, only having been placed there due to a mistake he made in his past. Although one thing remains consistent through all of these interpretations - Asmodeus has aspects of Goodness and Morality in a world where True Law constantly fights Absolute Chaos.
    And so comes The Paladins of Asmodeus, those who follow his (or her) core tenants of Law while believing that anyone can perform good deeds and find redemption. Paladins of Asmodeus often share similarities to Abadarian Paladins - upholding Law, Order and Equality while protecting the innocent from corruption and those who would manipulate and exploit them - however unlike their Abadarian brethren, Asmodean Paladins believe that lying and manipulation can be used for the greater good - but walk a fine line between what is right and wrong. They often manifest as Lawyers, Counsels and Government Officials - those who use their proficiency over contracts, manipulation and people to enforce equality.
    Paladins of Asmodeus follow the standard paladin code of protecting the innocent and respecting lawful authority. In addition, an Asmodean paladin upholds the following creed.
  • The strong have a duty to protect the weak, either fighting in their stead or making the weak become the strong.
  • Good can come from all places Evil - I will never turn away someone’s genuine attempt to seek redemption or to achieve righteousness.
  • Violence should never be the first option when negotiation is possible. But my mace will be unerring, should I need to rely upon it.
  • I will take in and shelter those less fortunate than I, giving them another opportunity at life.
  • Deceit and manipulation can be used as tools for justice and equality - so long as the ends justify the means.
  • Contracts are law, both sides must uphold their ends of the deal. If one side fails to do so, I will ensure that they will in the future.
  • All contracts I create and deals I broker will lean towards bettering the world as a whole, using whatever means I deem necessary.
  • Corruption in the courts or the government is the greatest corruption of civilization. I will root out corruption wherever I find it, and if a system is fundamentally flawed, I will work to aid citizens by reforming or replacing it.

  •   Baalzebul - Lord of Flies
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Arrogance, flies, lies
    Domains: Air, Death, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: One of the most powerful Archdevils, the Lord of Flies is a being of dignity and revenge.
  • I will maintain my dignity and pride, no matter the situation. Only before my lord shall I be humble.
  • I will claim the things I desire and deserve without remorse or pity.
  • Vengeance is mine. I will wreak a terrible revenge on those that wrong me, no matter how long it takes.

  •   Barbariccia - The Fearsome Father
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Fecundity, predators, slaughter
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Malebranche rumoured to have fathered an army for conquest, his Anti-Paladins often see him as their sire or seek to emulate him.
  • I will sire the forces needed if they aren't available - a perfect and loyal army.
  • The beasts and creatures of the jungles are mine: I will use them as war beasts.
  • I will fight with the ferocity of a savage create, in close and vicious.

  •   Barbatos - The Bearded Lord
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Animals, corruption, gateways
    Domains: Evil, Law, Magic, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: Apparently, despite his rank, Barbatos is no devil at all. Mysterious and powerful, he controls the portals into hell and the first layer, Avernus.
  • Protect the borders of Hell, its entryways and its paths. I will be the gatekeeper.
  • I will seek out plots against Barbatos and reveal them to my lord. By his will shall they be stopped.
  • I will trade knowledge but will give too little or too much - whichever causes the greatest hurts and the most turmoil.

  •   Barravoclair - The Lady of the Final Gasp
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: The elderly, fatalistic insights, resurrection
    Domains: Death, Evil, Healing, Law
    Favored Weapon: War razor
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being obsessed with the final moments of life, and whether there might be something more beyond the outerplanes, the Lady of the Final Gasp's cult is dangerous and often hidden.
  • Capture the final moments of death, the last breath that your victims breathe.
  • I will make sure my final moments are magnificent, a true delight for my lady.
  • I will report any news of an existence beyond this one to Barravoclair.

  •   Belial - The Pale Kiss
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Adultery, deception, desire
    Domains: Charm, Destruction, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Ranseur
    Anti-Paladin Code: A creature of infinite forms, Belial is known to encourage both hedonism and creation in equal measure.
  • Create the most devastating weapons. Do not become so attached that you are unwilling to let it go, but put your passion into the project.
  • Enjoy your most base desires. Never stop another in their debauchery.
  • Create infernal offspring to serve Belial.

  •   Bifrons - The Second Fate
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Fate, luck, patterns
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Law, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Dire flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Infernal Duke rumoured to be why Mammon uses a replica of his former angelic body to travel outside his realm, he walks a fine line.
  • I will feed off the power of those greater than I. One moment will make the strongest weak, and then I strike.
  • Greed has no limits, and so my avarice will know no bounds.
  • Seek patterns and divinations for when your time will come.

  •   Bohga - The Treasurer
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Avarice, meditation, vigilance
    Domains: Evil, Law, Protection, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being who attained divinity by meditating on looted hoy treasures, Bohga's faithful emulate their patron.
  • Loot the sacred treasures of others. Horde them, and meditate upon their meaning.
  • Use lesser items to hire guardians and protectors, monsters to defend your place of meditation.
  • Focus on the gods that have wronged you in the past. Let what is theirs become yours.

  •   Cagnazzo - Hunter of Souls
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Elusiveness, fear, murder
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Hunter of Souls is known for taking out those who oppose him personally, and expects his fe adherents to do the same.
  • Do not hand off to others a task I can complete myself. Mine is the glory reaped from my deeds.
  • Hunt and stalk your prey through the realms. Once you have chosen someone to hunt they are not to escape, nor live out another 30 dawns.
  • Any method may be used to kill your prey. Simply make sure they cannot get in the way of your plans ever again.

  •   Calcabrina - Mistress of Twilight
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Dreams, insanity, mystery
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: The mistress of Twilight takes an unusual tact for devils, and wages war in the dreams of her enemies.
  • Destroy the sleep and dreams of your enemies.
  • I will corrupt and manipulate my foes through dreams. If I can turn them to Calcabrina, excellent.
  • If I cannot corrupt them I will turn their dreams and mind to madness.

  •   Chugarra - The Guru of Butchers
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Blood, butchers, leather
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, War
    Favored Weapon: Handaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura who achieved enlightenment through the butchery of their enemies.
  • I will carve my foes into the perfect cuts of meat. I will add their might to my own.
  • I will meditate upon the meals my foes become, their sins and virtues, as I consume.
  • I will study anatomy and cookery. The meals I create will be my means to ascension.

  •   Chupurvagasti - The Lady of Poison Mist
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Mist, poison, veils
    Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Handaxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Lady of Poison Mist attained enlightenment in the choking gasps of an entire world she poisoned out of malicious spite.
  • Watch in revelation as your enemies choke out their last gasp in the mist of your toxins.
  • Work with the finest, most deadly poisons.
  • If poisons do not work, do not despair - an axe blow works when needed.

  •   Circiatto - The Glutton Slaver
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Gluttony, greed, undead
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Malebranche who feasts upon the living to turn them into undead soldiers for his conquest, he expects his followers to follow his lead.
  • I will devour the dead and raise them again as my soldiers. Two functions they shall serve.
  • All things I desire to eat shall be my meal. There is no limit, no taboo.
  • That I do not devour will be enslaved to my will.

  •   Crocell - The Soothing Sin
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Hidden waters, illusion, language
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Water
    Favored Weapon: Glaive
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Duke who seeks to understand the pattern and truths hidden in madness, his servants send him works that never were by artists who can never be.
  • I will seek out the impossible, as it may contain clues for the Soothing Sin's works.
  • Insanity holds no fears for me. I embrace the madness as it reveals more of the truth behind the world.
  • I will study tongues so I can read works in writings written in languages that never were.

  •   Deumus - The Glutton of Graves
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Apprehension, promises, terror
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Anti-Paladin Code: One of the Infernal Dukes defeated but not killed by Ragathiel, he has fallen into madness with the Empyreal Lord's fall and death - and his loss of a chance at revenge.
  • I will always enact my promise of revenge. If the petty bastard I swore against goes and dies I will get revenge on those that killed him, for robbing me of my chance.
  • I sow terror and fear among my enemies, letting them know I will come for them so apprehension may set in.
  • Fear is my feast, and my foes will not die until I've had my fill, and not by a hand not mine.

  •   Dhalavei - The Unsuspecting Rot
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Secrets, discord, eclipses
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Temple sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Goddess of Internal Decay seeks to cause rot from within. Her Anti-Paladins hide their true nature among the righteous and cause them to rot from the inside out.
  • Infiltrate groups seeking to do harm. Turn their methods against them. Poison food meant for the poor, and supply medical supplies to bandits. Turn their hands against each other until they are no more.
  • Perform mortal sacrafice. Is it especially pleasant to Dhalavei if you make them sacrifice themselves to her, in the belief it will help a good cause.
  • Never turn your hand against one Dhalavei has granted protection to, nor your brothers and sisters in her worship.

  •   Dispater - Iron Lord
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Cities, prisons, rulership
    Domains: Evil, Law, Nobility, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Iron Lord Dispater, Master of the Second Layer, is a deadly, political foe and warrior. Few can best him on either field and none bar Asmodeus himself on both.
  • I will know my place in the hierarchy. I aim to raise my station but never act above it.
  • I will never betray a lover, even a former lover that did not betray me. Those closest deserve that respect.
  • I will uphold the word of the law to perfection. The laws of the land are mine to use, not to bend.

  •   Doloras - Our Lady of Pain
    Pantheon: Queens of the Night
    Areas of Concern: Detachment, dispassion, pain
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code:

      Draghignazzo - Devil-Dragon of Devastation
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Devastation, monsters, patience
    Domains: Destruction, Earth, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Malebranche who successfully conquered another world, he sleeps and waits for a time he can return to Hell or conquer again while his brother Scarmiglione finds travellers for him to devour.
  • Seek out new realms for hell to conquer. Prepare the way for the invasion.
  • Seek out the gullible and send them to the great castle as food.
  • Be patient and work hard towards these goals. Rushing is for fools.

  •   Eaqueo - The Finishing Knot
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Depression, nooses, sad stories
    Domains: Evil, Law, Liberation, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: One of those who serve Barbatos, Eaqueo finds delight in suicides...
  • I will drive my foes to end their own lives. I will break them down until they see it as the only option.
  • I will use trickery, deceit and deception to turn my enemies upon themselves.
  • I will sing and tell the tales of my victories, and revel in the horror of those who hear them.

  •   Eiseth - The Erinyes Queen
    Pantheon: Queens of the Night
    Areas of Concern: Battle, revenge, wrath
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, War
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Anti-Paladin Code:

      Eligos - The Winged Duke
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Flight, soldiers, watchfulness
    Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Lance
    Anti-Paladin: Created from three fused Pit Fiends to defend Malebolge, Eligos is eternally vigilant.
  • You will protect the might of Hell, reporting any risks or dangers of incursion as soon as you are able.
  • You will serve as the eyes of Hell, spying upon its enemies so we may know their movements.
  • You will act as the fist of Hell, sabotaging any efforts to breach the Infernal Realms.

  •   Farfarello - Lord of the Forgotten
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Antiquity, death, mists
    Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Law
    Favored Weapon: Morningstar
    Anti-Paladin: The Lord of the Forgotten is currently too dead to grant powers to anyone, but is working on his own revival.

      Fharaas - The Seer in Skin
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Experience, murder, patterns
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Battle axe
    Anti-Paladin: Fharaas believes that lines in the flesh of mortals show connections, and her cult believes these connections can be read. It often leads to them taking positions where they get a chance to read the flesh of the living and recently dead.
  • Study the physical realities of the mortal form. Never stop learning and honing this craft.
  • Hide as the healer, the mortician, the beautician. Grant yourself the chance to study meat in all its forms.
  • Murder those you know, and seek to find the connection written in their flesh.

  •   Furcas - Knight of the Laurels
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Duty, flames, herbalism
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: The keeper of the path between Avernus and Dis, this infernal centaur is a powerful and deadly knight and holds his followers to military standards.
  • I will always be prepared for the task of serving my lord when called, my weapons sharp and my spirit firm.
  • I travel the pathways and the roads, making sure they are suitable for the denizens of Hell to traverse.
  • I wil create, with fire and herb, potions and elixirs to ready me in battle, to save me from harm and increase my might.

  •   Gaap - Rai of the Water Devils
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Divination, illusion, water
    Domains: Evil, Law, Rune, Water
    Favored Weapon: Shortspear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Servants of Gaap follow their master's example - their minds must possess great wisdom and knowledge, their hand certain death.
  • I understand that the mind and the sword are both needed, and wield both with skill.
  • I aid my efforts with magics, of divination and illusion for preference but any tool can serve my will.
  • Steal from those not in my service their familiars and creatures, and learn their secrets from them.

  •   Gavidya - The Numberless
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Corruption, indoctrination, lies
    Domains: Community, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Sap
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura who found enlightenment through the fall of uncounted holy warriors, he teaches his Anti-Paladins - more than one such a fallen soldier of another god - to see this out as well.
  • It is my duty and right to watch the horror as another falls from grace. There I see understanding of the next step.
  • I will lead another to temptation through trickery, illusion and deceit - or kindness, love and compassion. The path doesn't matter. Only the destination.
  • I seek to create divides in other faiths, holy wars of brother against brother and mother against daughter.

  •   General Susumu - The Black Daimyo
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Archery, horses, personal glory, war
    Domains: Evil, Glory, Law, Nobility, War
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Black Daimyo is a deadly tactician, and expects his Anti-Paladins to serve as his generals and champions.
  • I fight with honour. I neither bend nor bow to trickery and deceit, and crush it in my fist.
  • My horse is my partner, my weapon my soul - I will abuse neither, but care for them like they are my own blood. They are the keys to my victories.
  • I will never shy from my deeds. My victories are mine to proclaim, loudly and with pride.

  •   Geryon - The Snake
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Forbidden knowledge, heresy, snakes
    Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, Water
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: Said to be second only to the Archdevil Mammon's true form in size, this former Asura Rana devoured 812 other devils to ascend to his position as an Archdevil. His Anti-Paladins are known for their brutal wisdom in war and a burning need to keep their word.
  • My word is my bond, to myself and my god and to myself and others. I never break my word.
  • I spread falsehoods and lies as seeds to lead others into blasphemy and disgrace.
  • Knowledge is mine to hoard and acquire. I will never announce it as heretical nor taboo.

  •   Graffiacane - The Swarm Lord
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Corruption, elusiveness, vermin
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Luck
    Favored Weapon: Shuriken
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Malebranche dedicated to turning bitter enemies into his allies and servants - and steadfast allies to enemies - many of his servants fought him. Once.
  • My goal is to corrupt others into the service of Hell. Killing them is a last resort.
  • If they cannot be turned to our service, then instead let them be turned upon each other. Use illusions, enchantments and lies - or better yet, a hidden truth - to tear alliances apart.
  • Make my armies as many as the ants, a tide that blackens the earth beneath there feet.

  •   Haborym - The Burning Hearth
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Immolation, renewal, shackles
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Longspear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Master of the Infernal Prison Lasraspan, he uses his few Anti-Paladins to seek out those who escape or those who are due to take up residence in his cells...
  • Work with others as is needed. The escape of your targets is a far worse sin than letting some 'heroes' think they have won.
  • Take your targets dead or alive - the cells of Lasraspan will hold souls and flesh with equal measure.
  • Use traps, use blackmail, use kin and prized possessions - whatever brings your target within your grasp.

  •   Hadregash - Greatest Supreme Chieftain Boss
    Pantheon: Goblin Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Goblin supremacy, slavery, territory
    Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: The most brutal and powerful of the four Goblin Hero-Gods, the Supreme Chieftan is said to be responsible for both Hobgoblins and Goblin Worms, and is more ordered than his chaotic colleagues.
  • Strength above all other things. Strength overcomes weak strategy, grovelling groups and such.
  • With this said, supplement your might. Use tactics and strategy. When strength is equal, the most cunning wins.
  • Conquer territory and take slaves. Wanton destruction is not strong - it is wasteful. Do not waste today what you might need tomorrow.

  •   Hydim - of the Eternal Fast
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Eternity, hunger, madness
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura Rana who ascended watching an entire world starve at the whim of a fickle god, and the madness and pain it brought.
  • I Starve. I know hunger. Gnawing hunger in my guts. I contemplate upon this pain, and gain understanding. Only to keep living and learning do I eat what I must, and not a crumb more.
  • Madness brings clarity of purpose and an escape from the pain. I embrace the madness when it takes me.
  • I give this gift of hunger to all. I burn the storehouses and sow the fields with salt and lye. All shall embrace it in the end.

  •   Iaozrael - The Untarnished Angel
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Authority, hubris, liars
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Anti-Paladin Code: An angel who fell by touching the wing of Sarenrae and being found unworthy, Iaozrael's mood has been... mercurial since the fall of the Dawnflower and the rise of the Evening Sun in her place.
  • Even the Dawn can fall, and therefore so can the greatest. The Hubris of the mighty shall be their undoing. I will use the arrogance of the great against them.
  • The lies of the heavens and their hypocrisy know no limits, and thus I shall know none in my war against the heavens. Lies, deceit and manipulation are weapons in my fight.
  • I accept the authority I am given and take without condition or remorse. Prices can be paid or dodged, but the power to command will always be mine.

  •   Inkariax - The White Death
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Absolute cold, preservation, solitude
    Domains: Evil, Law, Void, Water
    Favored Weapon: Spiked Gaunutlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: Unusually close to the Queen of the Night Doloros, Inkariax is involved in the frozen dead, those perfectly preserved in ice.
  • Serve the interests of Doloros as if they were my own. My debts are your debts to pay.
  • The death by the cold's embrace is the ideal one. Use magical or non-magical cold to kill your foes when possible, and preserve their corpses.
  • The making of frozen undead and creations is pleasing, so long as they remain frozen and perfect.

  •   Ioramvol - With the Mouth Full of Boulders
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Caverns, Cliffs, Premature Burials
    Domains: Death, Earth, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Heavy pick
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura who ascended by dying through repeated rockfalls, they require their adherents bury their foes alive.
  • I will let those that I decide to kill expire beneath the ground, in the embrace of the earth.
  • Mine are the mountains the the cliff to stalk. I will set up avalanches and rockfalls so others can experience the ascension of Ioramvol.
  • I will let there be warning signs and messages along vital paths so that people understand their fate.

  •   Jiraviddain - Duke of Fissures
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Debility, dependence, frailty
    Domains: Community, Evil, Healing, Law
    Favored Weapon: Sap
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Blessed are the Sap Crabs. I shall emulate their wise, Sapping ways.
  • I will make others dependant upon me, so they can never escape my clutches. The infirm and the sick will be taken care of.
  • I can sow weaknesses into my enemies.

  •   Kaikyton - The Stitchweaver
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Experimentation, physical merger, stiches
    Domains: Community, Earth, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: A master of mergers and experiments, Kaikyton bids her Anti-Paladins to be experimenters and creators.
  • I will let no taboo hold me back from my scientific achievements. I seek to make the unique.
  • There need not be a goal or a plan to creation. I will make a new creature and see how they live.
  • I will care for my creations, and make sure they exist as long as they are viable.

  •   Kalma - The Rasping Count
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Burial rites, death, insects
    Domains: Animal, Death, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Heavy pick
    Anti-Paladin Code: A powerful servant of Barbatos, and guardian of one of the passages to Dis, Kalma claims the souls of the unburried when he can.
  • The dead may not rest. I will destroy and block access to the graveyards and burial places, so they cannot be laid to rest.
  • When I will, the dead remain where they fall. Let the flies take their souls to Kalma.
  • Poisons, plagues, disasters...I welcome the event events where the dead are so many they cannot be buried, and I seek to make them happen.

  •   Libicocco - Prideful Lady of the Winds
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Rage, violence, wind
    Domains: Air, Destruction, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Malebranche who has forsaken conquest and dedicated herself to utter destruction, many of Libicocco's Anti-Paladins are what people think of when they consider the unholy warriors - rampantly destructive.
  • Hold no ground. Take only what you need to fight. Destroy everything else in your path.
  • There is no past. There is no remorse. There is no love. All of that is the first thing to be destroyed.
  • Go where the wind takes you. Follow its path to your next target.

  •   Lissala - The Sihedron Scion
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Obedience, reward of service, runes
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: One of the Azant gods of magic, her cult has been reduced and weakened in many worlds and planes. She bids her few loyal servants to learn and use runes and magic.
  • I will master the ancient runes of glorious Azlant, and master sin magic through them.
  • I will work hard, and aid those around me to work hard as well. None shall be the weak link in our chain of greatness.
  • I will never disobey those above me nor shirk the duties set upon me.
  • Books and writings are sacrosanct - I will preserve and share knowledge.

  •   Lorcan - The Red Reply
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Blood, rebirth, undeath
    Domains: Evil, Healing, Law, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I will take the undead into my service. Intelligent undead especially I will seek out and barter with.
  • If my life ends in undeath my service to Lorcan does not: I pledge my undying soul to him for protection.
  • I reply blood with blood, hate with hate, blade with blade - let none say I am easy prey.

  •   Lorthact - The Unraveler
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Exiles, scholars, theories
    Domains: Evil, Law, Magic, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I push and prod the boundaries of the theoretical and ethical. I seek to learn what no other has ever known.
  • Never shall a word of my lord's location be uttered to the Erinyes Queen.
  • I will advise those greater than I, and increase my power.

  •   Losarkur - Beastlord of Avernus
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Dominance, hounds, punishment
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Club
    Anti-Paladin Code: The kennel master of Barbatos, Losarkur is a master of animals great and small.
  • Find, break and supply to the kennels the greatest of beasts and creatures. All shall serve the First.
  • Lesser creatures shall serve my warriors, to aid them in their quests.
  • Serve the mandates of Barbatos as though they are my own. Your loyalty to me, my loyalty to the Lord of the First.

  •   Maeha - Father of False Words
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Abduction, isolation, propaganda
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Law, Void
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura who collects the abandoned demi-planes across time and space and makes them a constellation in his domain, his Anti-Paladin servants seek word of new additions...and occasionally make sure they're abandoned.
  • In Maeha's name I seek out the lost planes, the empty places, to add to the great collection.
  • Abduction, blackmail and lies: these are acceptable tools to make sure that a demi-plane is suitably deserted as an acquisition.
  • I will spread tales of the wonders hidden and lost in the Haven of Lost Hope so people seek it out, for Maeha's pleasure.

  •   Mahathallah - The Dowager of Illusions
    Pantheon: Queens of the Night
    Areas of Concern: Death, fate, vanity
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code:

      Malacoda - Despoiler of the Horizons
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Conquest, cruelty, martial skill
    Domains: Evil, Law, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I have no duty but to further my Lord's conquest of this world
  • Small acts have small results, but great cruelties bring minds into focus and tear the world asunder. I will not be distracted by petty goals. For this world must be prepared for my Lord's conquest.
  • A fair fight is not worth fighting. I will take every advantage I can. No tool is beneath me. Manipulation, Poison and Ambush and everything else is not above me, honor is for the foolish.
  • As I become great, so does my lord become greater. As my powers grow, so does my Lord's power over this world grow
  • The world is a plaything. Its people are animals that need herding, and I will herd and prepare them for my Lord's subjugation.

  •   Malthus - The Five-Beaked
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Architecture, expansion, waste
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Knowledge, Law
    Favored Weapon: Light crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: Guardian of the Hellmouth Cinokikade, Malthus is known to teach the way of ranged weapons and is known for a collection of unusual artillery.
  • I will make offerings of unique magical bows, guns, crossbows and cannons to the lord Malthus to stock his mighty fortress.
  • I will seek out threats to the Hellmouths, and report them to the Five-Beaked.
  • If I have the skill, I will craft the weapons needed for the Watch of Arocard. If I cannot then I will acquire them through conquest.

  •   Mammon - The Argent Prince
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Avarice, watchfulness, wealth
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Shortspear
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Wealth is my goal. I seek profit above all else, even the lives of loved ones.
  • Affluence is the true measure of Respect. I will amass and display as much wealth as I can.
  • Capital is Power. I will use financial manipulation to control others and grow my wealth.
  • Money is Law. I will abandon sworn allies, break my word and betray my blood when it is profitable to do so.
  • Fortune is Sacred. I will protect my finances from theft and worship my holdings with ritual counting.
  • Greed is the purest form of desire. I will lust for what I want that others have, and plot to make it mine.
  • Never labor when someone else can. I will transfer the cost of profit to the impoverished, without compensation.

  •   Mephistopheles - The Crimson Son
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Contracts, devils, secrets
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Seneschal of Hell, the First Devil...Mephistopheles has many names and titles, and is the Lord of the Eight. His Anti-Paladins brutally seek to uphold his agenda in Hell's name.
  • I will master the word and the letter of the law, and break the spirit to my own bidding.
  • A contract signed with my name will never be broken - not by I and not by another party - without truly dire penalties.
  • To break the laws is the final resort of the desperate. If I am foolish enough to be forced into this position, I will not be foolish enough to be caught.
  • I sing the praises of my foes with failed mockery and subtle jest. Let them ever wonder.
  • I give what is needed for the desperate to follow their desire, and watch for the fall that will follow.

  •   Minderhal - He Who Makes and Unmakes
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Creation, justice, giants, strength
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Evil, Law, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Craft and labour for the people. Make the finest tools to make the finest goods. Charge what they are worth - not less.
  • Follow tradition and do not waver. With tradition you hold the strength of ten thousand generations. Fall not to pointless aggression.
  • Gather your materials. Seek out the iron, hunt the ivory, chop the wood yourself.

  •   Moloch - The Ashen Bull
    Pantheon: Archdevils
    Areas of Concern: Fire, obedience, war
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, War
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: Lord of the Sixth, Moloch serves of the commander of Hell's armies, and trains all his warriors with utter discipline. None are exempt.
  • I am the sword of the Ashen Bull. I conquer in Hell's name, and where I conquer Moloch's name will be hailed.
  • I am the axe of the God of Fires. I will never defy my superiors, and will never retreat without orders. I do not flee: I fall back.
  • I am the spear of the Lord of the Sixth. Those who cannot or will not serve hell will be sacrificed to his name in Fire.
  • I am the whip of the General of Hell. While I take my due and enjoy my spoils I will never lose my edge to hedonism, to an easy life and luxuries.

  •   Morrobahn - The Parasite Seed
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Invasiveness, proliferation, redundancy
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being who seeks out the most perfect beings and infects them so they can take their perfection for themself, Morrobahn's cult serves as his hands and eyes on the material plane.
  • Seek, seek eternal, the perfect being. Hunt high, hunt low, and bring them to the Parasite Seed.
  • If you cannot find the perfection needed, then create it. Through magic, through surgery, through alchemy or fleshwarping. If it is the work of generations it is worth it.
  • If it cannot be found nor made, then I will become perfect in myself, and be a host for the sliver of Morrobahn.

  •   Nergal - The Slow Death
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Atrocity, pestilence, war
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, War
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: The 'lesser' part of the ancient god Nurgal, Nergal was unable to retain the name when he became an infernal duke while the 'greater' half kept it, something he is deeply bitter about. His servants seek to restore his true majesty.
  • I oppose the forces of Nurgal, and defy his will, so that he may be weakened and Nergal made whole.
  • In war, I fight with poison, with disease, with toxins of all kinds. My sword is the alchemist's vial, and it will fell cities.
  • Truly will I be blessed for the invention of new toxins and diseases - I will try to create such.

  •   Onamahli - The Twice Pure
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Beauty, double standards, self-mutalation
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Law, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Urumi
    Anti-Paladin Code: Once a herald of a god of beauty, Onamahli tore herself in half trying to follow impossible standards, creating two paradoxical beings.
  • True beauty comes from the outside - a person admired is happy, and at peace.
  • True beauty comes from within - only someone happy in themself can be beautiful.
  • I will seek to become the pinnacle of beauty. Tall/petite, thin/curvy, pale/dark...I will be perfect.
  • If someone tells me I'd look pretty if I smile, I shall take their smile for myself.

  •   Ose - Duke of Claws
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Betrayal, doom, obsession
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Law, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code: The master behind many of the infernal war engines that plague Hell's enemies, Ose seeks yet more terrible weapons...
  • I will craft the perfect weapons, the finest engines of war.
  • I seek out the esoteric materials, the rare processes and strangest products to make the most unusual, toxic and deadly weapons.
  • I entrap the souls of my foes to power my engines. May their screams be the herald of my victories.

  •   Pirias - The Whispering Vial
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Denial, drugs, wonder
    Domains: Evil, Law, Madness, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Throwing axe
    Anti-Paladin Code: Many of the Whispering Vial's Anti-Paladins have alchemical leanings, joining their master in his journey to turn drugs into weapons of war and oppression.
  • I bolster my form with drugs, with mutagens and elixirs. I am the finer warrior when I do.
  • I use addiction to the things I create to control my foes. I, and only I, can bring them respite - and the cost will be high.
  • I will never cure an addiction, not even my own.

  •   Quindiovatos - The Vicious Guest
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Exploration, gems, legends
    Domains: Glory, Earth, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code: It is rumoured that all the Anti-Paladins in this Infernal Duke's service begin to talk in the same refined accent as they seek to steal lands and take other people's treasures.
  • There is never a better diplomatic position than that of utter, overwhelming force. I negotiate only from a place of strength.
  • All things are the property of hell. I simply seek to restore them to their rightful owner.
  • Those I enslave are truly blessed, for I bring them the truth about hell. Their toil is a small repayment for this blessing.

  •   Raetorgash - The Skull Hoarder
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Evolution, mutation, skulls
    Domains: Evil, Healing, Law, Luck
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Anti-Paladins of the Skull Hoarder seek the perfect skulls, and scour all worlds for their patron.
  • I seek perfection, and perection alone. Nothing less is acceptible.
  • If a people, a world or a race cannot produce perfection, they are to be culled to give those with potential room to grow.
  • I travel, eternally, and watch for the needs of Targothieh.

  •   Rasvocel - The Vulture King
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Carrion, patience, storms
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I consume those too weak to stop me. They need not be dead before I start.
  • Mine will be a stomach of iron. I waste not food that could be useful.
  • I follow the storms, and take what they weaken.

  •   Ravana - The First and the Last
    Note: All other Rakasha Immortals are now an aspect of Ravana, not their own deities.
    Pantheon: Rakshasa Immortals
    Areas of Concern: N/a
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code:

      Rubicante - He Who Grows Red
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Fire, honor, nobility
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Glory, Law
    Favored Weapon: Starknife
    Anti-Paladin Code: A member of the Malebranche who is honourable and speaks of peace, his Anti-Paladins try to bring about periods of rest and hell's armies face less opposition.
  • I encourage the sword to become the plough and the warrior to become the scholar.
  • I speak against the warmonger, those who would waste money on pointless defences. Such 'paranoia' should be fought.
  • I will remove 'greater' threats so a land can know a dozen years of peace and prosperity.

  •   Ruzel - Sabeltongue
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Blasphemy, humor, undeath
    Domains: Death, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: Ruzel's Anti-Paladins follow their lord's example - converting those they can with wit and humour to his service, and corrupting those they can't into undead.
  • I am fast of wit and quick of tongue, with a ready smile and joke. Those who laugh at me will never guess my true nature.
  • Mine is the subtle temptation, the slow corruption into the service of hell.
  • Those I cannot win by trickery and wit shall be made to serve in undeath.

  •   Rytara - Serpent of the Eastern Eye
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Fearful memories, serpents, vision
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: An Asura Rana who ascended through terrifying memories, her servants seek to force others to relive their worst moments.
  • Research, research, research. Once I choose a target I must get every detail I can right to let them relieve their most terrible moments.
  • I have an eye for the details and keep notes on my tasks. It must be right.
  • I use magic to enhance the scenes I create, to make them all the more real.

  •   Sabnach - Forgemaster of the Living
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Construction, parasites, toil
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Law, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Heavy crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Master Craftsman who uses souls as his medium, Sabnach bids his Anti-Paladins to create through pain.
  • I build devices powered by suffering. The souls of my enemies will power these infernal machines, or be sent to those who can make them.
  • I seek ever to use more of the soul and the flesh for my devices.
  • I seek to make a Masterwork that will see me accepted into Prototypes. I will never waiver in my goal.

  •   Scarmiglione - The Pale Promise
    Pantheon: Malebranche
    Areas of Concern: Deceit, poison, temptation
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Law, Water
    Favored Weapon: Hand crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Seek out new realms for hell to conquer. Prepare the way for the invasion.
  • Seek out the gullible and send them to the great castle as food.
  • Be patient and work hard towards these goals. Rushing is for fools.

  •   Sicva - Mistress of All
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Domination, invasive species, and oppression
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Law, Nobility, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Lasso
    Anti-Paladin Code: Rebelling against the ideals of her parents, Sicva seeks to corrupt the natural order and the followers of good gods.
  • It is my goal to bring invasive creatures into new places and allow them to thrive.
  • I whisper dark truths and sweet lies to the faithful of the so-called 'good' gods, to turn them from their pointless worship.
  • Oppression is the natural order of the mortal races. If I am not doing the oppressing them I will be under the heel. I choose the former.

  •   Sugroz - The Voice in Screams
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Ecstasy, fleetingness, incorporeality
    Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Velstac who believes in cutting away weakness, she sees little use for anything but the mind and the voice.
  • I will not be weak. Anything that is damaged will be replaced.
  • I improve my frail form and seek to transcend it into something far greater.
  • The voices of my foes shall be raised in screams of agony for my mistress' pleasure.

  •   Taraksun - The Awakener of Wrath
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Anger, dreams, shattering of bonds
    Domains: Evil, Law, Liberation, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: Almost nothing is known about this Asura Rana but what is known speaks of rage.
  • I am the rage of a storm, equal destruction for all things.
  • I inspire the rage in those I leave behind. Every ruined home is a seed for madness and fury for the survivors.
  • I free those I face from the tiresome chains of sanity and reason. I invite them to join me in ruinous madness.

  •   Titivilus - The Scrivening Count
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Lies, propaganda, rhetoric
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The record keeper of Mephistopheles, Titivilius' Anti-Paladins often prove the old adage the pen is mightier than the sword.
  • My records are perfect, my evidence impeccable - none can ever deny what is owed.
  • I seek to ruin my foes and rivals and drive them into terrible contracts and deals from which they cannot escape.
  • I hide my service from the world so none shall ever realize what they are truly signing...
  •   Uruskreil - The Metal Wing
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Armor, mercilessness, revelation
    Domains: Evil, Glory, Law, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Falchion
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Metal Wing is a powerful warrior who fights for the skies of Phlegethon.
  • There is no mercy. There is only hell.
  • I bring revelations of Hell's triumphs before me.
  • I seek to armour myself in might.

  •   Vapula - Keeper of the Pyrite Vault
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Discovery, hubris, scholarship
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Law, Liberation
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Master of the Treasure Houses of Dis, the third greatest store of goods in Hell behind the vault of Asmodeus and Erebus, Vapula bids his warriors bring ever more wealth to elevate his status.
  • Plunder all things in the name of Dis.
  • Create finery untold and pay it in tribute.
  • Tax, steal and rob so that the storehouses of hell may be full.

  •   Vevelor - The Broken Dream
    Pantheon: Kyton Demagogues
    Areas of Concern: Illusion of freedom, potential, transcendence
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Liberation
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I seek and bring about my own ruinous transformation into something greater, in imitation of my lord.
  • I leave behind all weakness such as morality. I shed them and desire not affection and connections which hinder me.
  • I seek true freedom, not the sad illusion promised by other gods.

  •   Vois - The Croaking Count
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Pollution, swamps, toads
    Domains: Evil, Law, Scalykind, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being of corruption and pollution, he bids his divine servants seek out chances to corrupt.
  • I taint the waters and the wells. None shall touch them safely.
  • If the frogs turn gay, so be it.
  • I use the venom of the toads as a weapon - let their toxins bring madness.

  •   Wylgart - The Unbroken Word
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Condemnation, judges, revision
    Domains: Earth, Evil, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Sling
    Anti-Paladin Code: The nightmarish judge of Caina, all are judged by that infernal realms laws - and so very few are found innocent.
  • I am the judge, the jury and if needs be the executioner.
  • My verdict is always final. There is no appeal.
  • All matters will be handled by the weight of law and order. All other recourses are insanity and chaos.

  •   Xhasnaphar - The Faceless Truth
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Masks, ugliness, volition
    Domains: Evil, Law, Liberation, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Hand crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I seek to ruin beautiful things and beautiful people. All things should be marred.
  • A memory of a thing's former perfection should be kept, so its loss can be felt more clearly and cleanly.
  • Only without vanity can freedom be found. I hide my face from the world, so it judges my deeds, not my actions.

  •   Yaezhing - Minister of Blood
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Harsh justice, murder, punishment
    Domains: Artifice, Death, Evil, Law, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Shuriken
    Anti-Paladin Code: The most masterful executioner, it is Yaezhing's place to visit punishments on gods and mortals alike. His Anti-Paladins are often rogues or ninja as well, to better perfect the art of assassination.
  • I will take any legal contract. Never shall I turn my blade away from a convicted criminal.
  • My name and my kills are separate. The coin I receive is payment; fame is not.
  • There is no mercy in the law. Only justice. A clean stroke is the only kindness I offer.

  •   Yan-gant-y-tan - The Wandering
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Hellspawn, misdirection, night
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Law, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Guisarme
    Anti-Paladin Code: Rumours abound that the Wandering was once fey before becoming a devil. Regardless, he bids his followers to walk the night and strike in Hell's name.
  • Move silently and cleanly through the dark. Let it be your shield.
  • Strike with all the vigour of hell.
  • Favour the darkest nights, the moonless nights and the storms for your hunts.

  •   Zaebos - The Prince of Broken Glass
    Pantheon: Infernal Dukes
    Areas of Concern: Arrogance, nobility, sexual perversion
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: Zaebos pictures himself as the head of a noble court - as a result, his servants tend to act as his courtly entourage.
  • Manners and wit win many battles before a sword need even be drawn.
  • There is no worse fate than boredom. There is nothing that should not be done, nothing too decadent and corrupt, to avoid it.
  • Death is ultimately boring. Seek undeath to avoid this fate.

  •   Zon-Kuthon - The Midnight Lord
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Darkness, envy, loss, pain
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Law
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Midnight Lord's presence is powerful and terrible, and his followers legion. As a result, he has an unusual number of Tyrant Anti-Paladins in his ranks, seeing to spread the blessing of pain.
  • It is the blessing of the Prince of Pain to know pain, and Zon-Kuthon is a generous lord. I will share the gift of pain to the heretic and the faithful with equal joy.
  • The darkness is where the revelations came upon Zon-Kuthon, and the world should be in darkness. I make what light I must, and never anything more than temporary.
  • My devotion shall be writ large in my body - piercings, tattoos, scars and cuts. A beautiful canvas of pain.
  • Never will I diminish the gift of pain by offering comfort, and healing is only so that we may live, to experience more sensations.

  •   Zurapadyn - Beast Who Waits in Smoke
    Pantheon: Asura Ranas
    Areas of Concern: Fire, injustice, vendettas
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: He bids his followers to revel in flame, and burn those arrogant and self-important.
  • I will set the hypocrite aflame. The arrogant may choke on smoke.
  • I study the revelations of fire and flame and seek perfection by burning away my flaws.
  • I set others on the path of self-immolation, and watch as their realization becomes ash.

  •   Zursvaater - Prince of Steel
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Conquest, slavery, weapons
    Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Trickery, War
    Favored Weapon: Greatsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: Father of the Fire Giants, he seeks to unite the giant races against others - starting with the fire giants.
  • Turn not your brother's hand against you nor raise your sword to your father. Forsake tribal warfare and unite, to fight other foes.
  • Honour the secrets of iron and metalwork, and use them well to craft weapons and armour fit for your wars. Enslave other craftsmen to aid you.
  • Fight with wits and tactics, not berserk violence and rage. Let such idiots tire themselves on your armour, then kill them.

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