Lawful Good Deities and Codes

The below are Gods for Lawful Good deities - primarily for their Paladins, but all of their adherents will want to keep these codes in mind.

Aesocar - The Healing Touch.
Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
Areas of Concern: Creation of life, health, and medicine
Domains: Artifice, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Mancatcher
Paladin Code:
  • I will defend humanity above all; though those of other races will be afforded my protection if needed, it is the destiny of humanity to which I am bound.
  • I will do my utmost to forestall or reverse the spread of any disease. If I should encounter a new or seemingly incurable disease, I will seek a cure no matter the cost to myself.
  • I will endeavour not to kill, no matter the circumstance. If I must fight, I will strike with mercy and to subdue, not to kill.
  • I will seek to create life in a way that is sustainable and does not cause undue suffering. The creation of life is an act most sacred and will be my foremost goal.
  • I will provide healing to any who ask for it unless to do so would cause further death.

  •   Andoletta - Grandmother Crow
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Consolation, respect, security
    Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Paladin Code: Andoletta’s paladins serve courts and other authorities. They seek to protect innocence and dispel foolishness. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • Children must be nurtured lest their innocence become callousness or ignorance. - I will never be cold or negligent to a child.
  • Virtue relies upon wisdom, and wisdom relies upon true awareness. I will never leave a falsehood unchallenged.
  • I will be firm with the ignorant, but not cruel. Ignorance can be corrected.
  • I will respect my elders’ knowledge and wisdom, but won’t abide the spreading of complacency or ignorance.

  •   Angradd - The Forge Fire
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Fire, tradition, war
    Domains: Fire, Good, Law, War
    Favored Weapon Greataxe
    Paladin Code: Paladins of Angradd see themselves as frontline soldiers in the war against evil. They seek to form coalitions not just to take down evils in the present, but to leave the world better prepared to oppose such evils in the future. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • I oppose evil in all its forms. I do not accept a weak evil just because I must also oppose a mighty evil. To defeat evil, I must understand it and know its strengths and weaknesses. Any evil I cannot defeat now, or that by opposing I would allow greater evil to escape or develop, I must study and work against so that I may more fully defeat it when I am ready. I must share what I learn with others who will fight alongside me.
  • I am more than a warrior against the darkness—I am a symbol of all that is just and fair. I must serve as an example and as an inspiration, by being righteous in all my actions and showing others how benevolence and order can be used to create a more just, stable, and sustainable society.
  • It is not enough to stop evil actions—the source of evil must be found and decisively defeated. I am not satisfied to passively wait for wrongs to come to my sight; rather, I seek them out. I will be a torch in the darkness and expose evil to the sight of others who are also willing to oppose it.
  • I am open in my dealings. I do not lie or look away from actions I cannot support. My opinions and goals are open for all to see. I may use stealth and deceit as needed for tactical purposes, but will not promote untruths or fraud.

  •   Apsu - The Waybringer
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Good dragons, leadership, peace
    Domains: Artifice, Good, Law, Scalykind, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Bite or quarterstaff
    Paladin Code: Paladins of Apsu valiantly follow the dragon god’s tenets of holy vigilance against evil. Those following the rigid code of a paladin must sacrifice the sedentary lifestyle of living in a single place in exchange for continuous travel and hardship. The tenets of such paladins include the following maxims.
  • I am the talon of Apsu’s wrath. I strike where I am needed, but only when evil has been unmasked and there can be no doubt of my enemy’s malice.
  • When my purpose is unclear, I will walk the roads of the world to find a fresh focus. Every road leads to a new beginning.
  • Nothing is worth sacrificing my life for, except protecting the lives of others. I will retreat when needed, and come back to vex my foes once again.
  • Mercy is offered, but only once. Should I be betrayed in my moment of kindness, I will not stop until I have put my enemy down.
  • It is not enough to slay evil and carry on. I will spend the time necessary to help those I’ve protected to fend for themselves.

  •   Arqueros - The Golden Bulwark
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Bodyguards, protection, watchfulness
    Domains: Good, Law, Protection, War
    Favored Weapon: Longspear
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Arqueros are defense-oriented generals and bodyguards of virtuous public figures and honorable clients. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • I will never abandon an innocent in need of protection.
  • The role of guardian is a sacred one. I will never neglect my duties when I agree to guard or protect others, even if they seem unworthy of my protection.
  • A guardian is only as effective as his weapons and armor. I will maintain mine in peak condition at all times, repairing and cleaning them as consistently as possible without neglecting my charge.

  •   Damerrich - The Weighted Swing
    Pantheon Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern Executions, judiciousness, responsibility
    Domains Death, Glory, Good, Law
    Favored Weapon Greataxe
    Paladin Code: Damerrich and his followers believe death to be the defining moment of a mortal’s life. How an individual meets her end and why weigh heavily on the spirit in the afterlife. Damerrich understands that evil must sometimes be slain, but never lightly, never easily. Damerrich takes on the weight of all the necessary executions and just deaths in the world. Executioners look to this empyreal lord whenever they have qualms with their line of work, and Damerrich teaches them that while their duty is a sober and joy-free one, it is necessary to ensure peace and goodness.
  • Death is one of the most important moments of your life, so let people die with dignity.
  • Evil must be slain, but it isn't something to be happy about. Killing is a duty, not a pastime.
  • It is noble to sacrifice your own innocence and inner peace so that others may keep theirs.
  • Strike without mercy, and without regret, but make sure they deserve to die when you do.
  • Those with responsibility over the lives of others had better take their job seriously, lest they end up on the wrong end of the swing.

  •   Easivra - The Dawn Eagle
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Avians, gold, the sun
    Domains: Animal, Good, Law, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Morningstar
    Paladin Code: A largely forgotten deity of the sun who was opposed by Vyriavaxus, most of his remaining power is in his followers and a few artifacts.
  • Grant free reign to the sun and the sky - help those with a reverent wish to do so fly.
  • Make and work with gold. It is is the metal of the sun.
  • Follow the example of the mighty birds. Fight from the air, from above, to gain the advantage. Strike from the sun.

  •   Eldas - The Abiding Spire
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Architecture, masonry, planning
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Good, Law
    Favored Weapon: Light pick
    Paladin Code:
  • A good foundation is required for everything
  • Haste makes waste, don't give in to outside pressures
  • measure once cut twice. Make sure the information is correct before acting
  • Build things to last. You may build the last wall of defense for the innocent
  • Eldas demands that buildings not be bland, defense is important but it doesn't inspire hope.

  •   Erastil - Old Deadeye
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Family, farming, hunting, trade
    Domains: Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Erastil are gruff, strict traditionalists. They seek to preserve the integrity of rural life and communities. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • My community comes first, and I will contribute to it all that I can. If I don’t give something back, who will?
  • I must offer the poor in my community assistance, but I may not do the work for them—instead, I must teach them to contribute to the settlement. It is only through cooperation that a community grows strong.
  • When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then I quell the danger.
  • I keep to the old ways, the true ways. I am not seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others.
  • I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions and live so that none shall have cause to blame me.
  • I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them.
  • I am honest, trustworthy, and stable. If I must leave my lands and community, before I go, I ensure that they will be tended in my absence. Even when duty calls, my duties to my home come first—letting them lapse makes me a burden on my people.

  •   Falayna - Warrior's Ring
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Femininity, martial training, rings
    Domains: Good, Law, Liberation, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Paladin Code: Paladin Code: Falayna exemplifies strength of arms and the intersection of combat with the bloom of identity, believing the two to be complementary rather than exclusive. Thousands of years ago, it is thought, Falayna represented only beauty and gender.
  • I will give my opponent no quarter, regardless of sex or station
  • I will stand against those who claim the superiority of one sex over any others.
  • My identity and my martial skill complement one another and are not in conflict.
  • All Expressions of Identity are valid, and I will defend such with my blade.
  • I will take no prisoners, nor bind any foe. Tyrants and slavers will find no comfort at my hand.
  • I will protect those who chose not to take up arms and will do my best to help them so that they may stand in their own defense one day.
  • I will stand by my lovers, should I have any, on the battlefield and will not let them fall so long as I breathe.

  •   Folgrit - The Watchful Mother
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Children, hearths, mothers
    Domains: Community, Law, Nobility, Good
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Folgrit are protectors of home and hearth who safeguard sacred places in times of war and peace. Many are mothers who seek to help and protect children and other mothers. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • Children are true innocents. I will protect them from harm above all else.
  • A child’s spirit is the light of a people. I will nurture children under my care.
  • My home, whatever it might be, is always a refuge for the homeless.
  • A clear mind is vital for any leader. I will never impair my judgment.
  • I will always make time to help others learn and think clearly.

  •   Ghenshau - Breezes-Still-and-Ripples-Cease
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Ignorance, placidity, simplicity
    Domains: Community, Good, Law, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Handaxe
    Paladin Code:
  • The first step to true enlightenment is admitting that you don't know. I shall always be truthful, especially when it comes to my own lack of knowledge.
  • Wisdom comes through both simplicity and age. I shall always treat my elders with respect, and defer to their judgment in matters I am not acquainted with.
  • Quality and happiness decrease when we work ourselves to the bone. I shall never work so hard that I neglect my own well-being.
  • Life is nothing without friends, and friends are only made through loyalty. I shall never act against the interests of my friends and work to help them achieve their goals unless these goals and interests would harm the innocent.
  • Those who we call evil are often simply lacking in good company. I shall never assault another being without first attempting to engage them through diplomacy, and I shall always accept a request for parley.
  • Communities are forged through mutual bonds of kindness and protection. I shall always accept a request for help, unless the goal would harm the innocent, and I shall defend any who require protection.
  • To seek simplicity is to seek true happiness. I shall never overcomplicate my life, and always seek the simplest and kindest solution to any issue.

  •   Gruhastha - The Keeper
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: The Vudrani holy book
    Domains: Animals, Good, Knowledge, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Paladin Code: A god who achieved enlightenment through writing. He seeks to cause the world to ascend by causing enough people to reach enlightenment.
  • Spread and practice enlightenment. Help as many ascend as you can before doing so yourself.
  • Root out and defeat malicious lies and those that spread them. Never spread lies yourself even for a good cause.
  • Challenge those that oppress. Teach the truth and educate, and protect places of learning.
  • Never deny of block another's chance to learn and educate themselves.

  •   Grundinnar - The Peacemaker
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: The Vudrani holy book
    Domains: Animals, Good, Knowledge, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Paladin Code: The son of Torag, and a god who enforces just negotiating and strong bonds between neighbours.
  • Bring together those who are feuding. Never try to drive a wedge between people.
  • Maintain and monitor just negotiations. Never attack negotiation.
  • Maintain good relations between neighbours. A community is stronger as part of a group.

  •   Iomedae - The Inheritor
    Pantheon Core: Deities
    Areas of Concern: Honor, justice, rulership, valor
    Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Sun, War
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Iomedae are just and strong, crusaders who live for the joy of righteous battle. Their mission is to right wrongs and eliminate evil at its root. They serve as examples to others, and their code demands they protect the weak and innocent by eliminating sources of oppression, rather than merely the symptoms. They may back down or withdraw from a fight if they are overmatched, but if their lives will buy time for others to escape, they must give them. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
  • I will have faith in the Inheritor. I will channel her strength through my body. I will shine in her legion, and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
  • I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
  • I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
  • I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
  • I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them.
  • When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
  • I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
  • I will suffer death before dishonor.
  • I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection.

  •   Kelinahat - She of Ebon Wings
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Intelligence, spies, stealth
    Domains: Darkness, Good, Knowledge, Law
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Paladin Code:
  • The darkness is my ally, not my enemy. There is no shame in remaining hidden until the time to strike, so long as others don't suffer.
  • We are at war with the forces of evil, and as a soldier of the righteous, I shall seek any advantage I can find against the enemy no matter its nature, unless it will put the innocent at risk. Information is vital to saving lives.
  • I will not assault my foes directly unless I can do so from a position of overpowering strength. Instead, I will use cunning and the cover of night to deplete them. To do otherwise is to waste lives needlessly. There is no honor in such pointless waste.
  • There is no honor, nor any good, in dying needlessly. I will not waste my life in a pointless last stand. If I must sell my life, I will sell it dearly, and for the greatest good.

  •   Kroina - Lady All-Sight
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Divination, eyes, instincts
    Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Paladin Code:
    • Never be blinded by falsehood, you will see the truth with your eyes. Even the nicest illuisons are traps that cant be trusted
    • Truth must be protected and spread, not bogged down by falsehoods and misinformation.
    • It isnt a sin to be wrong or misinformed, correct it when it is found. It is your duty to inform those who arent
    • Speak nothing but the truth, make sure all who watch know the truth of your words with your actions
    • Trust your instincts and investigate so others can see the truth. You are the front line in the war against lies and falsehood

      Lymnieris - The Auroral Tower
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Prostitution, rites of passage, virginity
    Domains: Community, Good, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Paladin Code:
  • Live your life the way you want, not the way others force you into. Be yourself and be happy.
  • Passion is pleasure, and pleasure is heavenly. By finding your passion, you can bring your pleasure to those you share it with, and make the world a better place. Share what you are passionate about with the world.
  • To force one's desires on another person is to ruin their personal happiness and diverges them from their own path of growth, personal discovery, and happiness. Egomaniacs, tyrants, and rapists all fall under this category, and all of them will see the error of their ways; if not through repentance when they meet me, then through Pharasma's judgement when they meet my blade.
  • I will defend those who are to weak, afraid, or broken to defend themselves with my life.

  •   Myr - The Guide of Perfection
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Charity, lineage, and physical perfection
    Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Nobility, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Paladin Code:
  • Your ancestors are the ones responsible for your existence; know them, respect them.
  • You owe your ancestors and yourself the best version of you you can be; work on perfecting yourself.
  • Responsibility is determined by your ability to respond; if you have resources at your disposal, it is your sacred duty to use those resources to help those who cannot help themselves.

  •   Neshen - Knight of the Steel Lash
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Penitence, repentance, suffering
    Domains: Good, Law, Liberation, Strength
    Favored Weapon Ranseur
    Paladin Code:
    • One must never take redemption lightly, it should always be offered but not an easy path to follow.
    • Pain builds character, never trust painless paths. One can only gain redemption through suffering and pain.
    • Be as strong as one can be so you can shoulder the wieght of redemption and Penitence. You lead through example and must be able to shoulder that weight of leadership.
    • There is always hope of an end to the punishment, but they still must pay in pain and suffering. Always offer mercy and take prisioners
    Olheon - The Just Arbiter
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Deservedness, nobility, rulership
    Domains: Good, Law, Nobility, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Paladin Code:
  • Those in positions of power are also in positions of responsibility. Those who fail to properly lead those under them fail their people, themselves, and the natural order of everything.
  • Tyrants and fools as kings and queens will not be abided. A kakistocracy is one of the worst hells that people can endure.
  • Should leaders fail their people, it is for the benefit of all that they be replaced. If they will not give up power peacefully, I will help remove them by force.
  • I will bring salvation to the downtrodden any way I can; while removing the head of the snake saves the most people and is the most effective course of action, if such actions cannot safely be taken without putting the innocent at risk, providing relief for the bitten can bring the most good.

  •   Osiris - Lord of the Living
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Afterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrection
    Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Paladin Code: Paladins of Osiris aim to defend the sanctity of both life and death, balancing service to these causes with great patience. Their tenets include the following maxims.
  • I will follow the word of the living pharaoh, or an equivalent ruler, so long as the pharaoh’s actions do not cause unnecessary deaths. Malevolent individuals are unfit for the throne.
  • The dead are sacred beings. I will seek and punish any who attempt to defile or desecrate the dead, their possessions, or their burial sites.
  • Souls cursed to not reach the afterlife must be freed. I must use my will to break the shackles of undeath.
  • Life is equally sacred to death and I will defend it whenever possible. Only the gods and the will of a rightful pharaoh can stay my flail.
  • Children are precious, and I will help new and expecting parents when they are in need.

  • Ragathiel - General of Vengeance
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lord
    Areas of Concern: Chivalry, duty, vengeance
    Domains: Destruction, Good, Law, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
    Paladin Code The paladins of Ragathiel are shining beacons of furious resolve on the battlefield, and they are careful stewards of valor everywhere. These paladins disproportionately come from cultures that are typically hostile to paladin training, including those of half-orcs, hobgoblins, Gebbites, and the Nidalese. The tenets of Ragathiel’s paladins include the following affirmations.
  • I will avenge evil wrought upon the innocent.
  • I will not give my word lightly, but once it is given, I will uphold a promise until my last breath.
  • Those proven guilty must be punished for their crimes. I will not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
  • Rage is a virtue and a strength only when focused against the deserving. I will never seek disproportionate retribution.
  • Redemption finds hearts from even the cruelest origins. I will strive not to act upon prejudice against fellow mortals based on race or origin.

  •   Shizuru - Empress of Heaven
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Ancestors, honor, the sun, swordplay
    Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Repose, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Katana
    Paladin Code: Much of Shizuru’s paladin code overlaps with the warrior code of ichimeiyo, which is so closely aligned with the goddess’s tenets that those outside the faith may perceive no distinction between them. In addition to the tenets of ichimeiyo, the Empress of Heaven’s paladins are expected to obey the following precepts.
  • Both my sword and my swordplay have been entrusted to me by those who have mastered their craft, and both deserve to be wielded by a skilled hand. My training will be consistent, and I will impart my training to others, as others passed my training down to me.
  • I will honor the ancestors who have come before me and provided for my life.
  • Though the bonds of love extend across any distance, I will not stretch them further by separating lovers.
  • The Empress rules all under Heaven. I am a guardian of the land and its health, as well as of civilized empires that live upon it. I will defend nature from the twisted influence of undead and aberrations, and seek mutual peace with creatures that defend nature from humanity.
  • My personal conduct reflects on my family and my god; I will conscientiously maintain my reputation for the sake of theirs, even on the battlefield.
  • The strategy of war involves deception by nature, but the flag of peace is sacrosanct. I accept no negotiations from those who have attacked a foe under the pretence of arbitration or truce for their own gain; they have destroyed the trust that reconciliation requires.

  •   Smiad - The Pitiless Dragonslayer
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Dragon-hunting, honor, renown
    Domains: Good, Law, Nobility, War
    Favored Weapon: Greatsword
    Paladin Code:
  • I will know my friends, as well as my foes. I will work my hardest to avoid being tricked or decieved.
  • It is my sacred duty to know the varieties of dragon kind. It is my duty to aid them in the good works and benevolent ones.
  • We are at war. I will give no aid and no quarter to an evil dragon, unless to bring about the destruction or conversion of said dragon.
  • I do not flee. Once my mark is challenged, neither fear or nor flight will enter my mind. I will not begin a hopeless fight, but to die challenging a great evil is an honor.
  • Knowledge is my blade. I will know the names of those I hunt, as well as every advantage I may use against them. I never hunt unprepared.
  • My blade is the same as The Pitiless Dragonslayer, I will not stain his blade with trickery or deceit. I will uphold to his honorable tactics and never ambush, nor poison.

  •   Svarozic - The Face of Flame
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords Areas of Concern: Ingenuity, parenthood, refinement Domains: Community, Fire, Good, Law Favored Weapon: Scythe Paladin Code:
    • Kindle the flame, the next generation should be inspire to do great deeds
    • Hammer the iron, improve off of the traditions when they become obsolete. They must be redesign and forge better for everyones kids and grandkids so their light can shine bright when the old dim
    • Bind in the forge, make sure every family isnt broken and taken care of. Offer aid whenever you can. If you come across a boken family protect the kid's flame.

      Tanagaar - The Aurulent Eye
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Night, owls, watchfulness
    Domains: Animal, Darkness, Good, Law
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Paladin Code:
  • Your home is your fortress. Protect it, cherish it, help it grow. Watch over it with unerring vigilance.
  • Guard your borders ardently but with discretion. Gather information before making a decision, but when a decision must be made, do not hesitate to let your wrath become known.
  • Just as you force criminals to respect the boundaries of your home, you must also respect the personal boundaries people place on themselves. Treat those around you with the utmost respect, like they are guests in your home unless they have done something undeserving of your respect.
  • The darkness is your greatest ally. Use it, let it guard your steps.
  • Act with subtlety until it is time to strike. Just as other deities' Paladins are shining symbols of their faith, you are a symbol of shadows. Act as such.
  • Tanagaar respects all animals, as should you. Mistreatment of animals is a grave offense, and those who commit acts of mistreatment must be shown the Lord of Night's displeasure swiftly and without mercy.
  • In your time in the shadows, remember this: you are a protector, not a scoundrel or a spy. The shadows have many paths, and all are shrouded. Maintaining your true path is difficult but necessary. Do not falter and succumb to criminal impulses or an appetite for intrigue. You must dabble in these worlds but don't bow to them.

  •   Torag - Father of Creation
    Pantheon: Core Deities, Dwarf Deities
    Areas of Concern: Forges, protection, strategy
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Paladin Code: Paladins of Torag are dedicated to protecting not just the lives but the way of life for those under their charge, and hold the ways of their chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old works and traditions of an entire race. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death. Traps lie in idle banter or thoughtless talk, and so I watch my tongue.
  • I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them, including misleading others if need be.
  • I respect the forge and never sully it with half-hearted work. My creations reflect the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.
  • Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except when strategy warrants. I will defeat them, yet even in the direst struggle, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag.

  •   Tsukiyo - Prince of the Moon
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Jade, the moon, spirits
    Domains: Darkness, Good, Law, Madness, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Longspear
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Tsukiyo are patient teachers and wardens. They tend not to settle in any one community, either wandering from town to town or living a reclusive existence away from noteworthy settlements. However, these paladins are rarely far from communities in need, and they readily answer the call to shield a victim or destroy an undead menace. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • I am the voice for those who go unheard, be they spirits who cannot speak or those whom society has judged as broken or insane. I shall open the doors for others to listen to the voiceless when I can, and when I cannot, I will speak in the words of the voiceless, not my own.
  • I am the eyes for those who cannot understand the truths of others who are not like them. I shall teach others how to accept, support, and celebrate those who think and speak differently than they do.
  • I am the guide for mortal minds and souls. I shall offer kindness and aid to the lost, the frightened, the confused, and the dead. I shall calm restless spirits, and I shall banish violent ones with what compassion I can provide without endangering others.
  • A different perspective can bring both fulfilment and pain. I do not judge those who wish to remain as they are, no matter what disadvantages it may bring them, nor do I judge those who suffer and wish to be changed.
  • There is no shame in madness, and so I do not make madness shameful by imposing it on my enemies as a punishment. Though darkness and attacks on the mind are tools I may use to vanquish the unjust, my actions will never force lasting insanity upon my foes.

  •   Videlis - The Cardinal Martyr
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Devotion, sacrifice, scars
    Domains: Destruction, Good, Healing, Law
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Vildeis are eager and self-denying martyrs in search of a good cause. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • Sacrifice defies the selfishness of evil. I will not shy from a sacrifice that would help the greater good.
  • Evil does not rest, so good cannot either. I will not be complacent but rather seek out evil to oppose.
  • Family is a rare refuge from the evils of the world, but it cannot keep me from my cause. I will not favor my own family over other innocents.

  •   Wadjet - The Green Empress
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Good serpents, the River Sphinx, wisdom
    Domains: Good, Law, Protection, Travel, Water
    Favored Weapon: Light mace
    Paladin Code: Paladins of Wadjet are stoic yet gentle defenders of the people, devoted especially to those living near rivers and other bodies of water. They are relentless in their crusade against Apep, the evil god of snakes and darkness. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • The just and innocent are my wards. I will keep them safe and protected from evil to my last breath.
  • There are those who cannot travel to find what they need. If I find myself lacking in just actions, I will journey and find those who need my help.
  • I will offer my services to explorers, traders, and travellers who are unable to defend themselves. Their journeys aid us all.
  • I never turn away those that seek my counsel. If I cannot aid, I will find one who can.
  • Apep and his minions seek to destroy others. I am the only one who stands against his will. When I can, I will journey to cleanse his presence in this world.
  • Water is life. I must protect the rivers and waters to keep them safe and pure for all, as even the pharaoh thirsts.

  •   Winlas - The Elder of Divinity
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Ceremonies, religiousness, service
    Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
    Paladin Code:
  • Religion is the most important connection possible between mortals and The Divine. Treat all religions with respect.
  • Religion creates a powerful force in the world and is the main way to tap onto the tremendous power of Divine Magic. Never underestimate how dangerous it can be.
  • Religion creates relationships, good and evil, and there is strength in numbers. Protect gatherings of the innocent, and disband congregations of Evil.
  • Religion teaches perfection; by being thorough in your research and exact in your actions, you ensure that you are less likely to make mistakes. Commit to your choices, and do them correctly the first time ("Measure Twice, Cut Once").
  • Religion teaches that knowledge is power; the more you know about various forms of power, the better you can aid beneficial rites or protect against vile ones. Know your enemy well, and know where they derive their power from.

  •   Zohls - Verity
    Pantheon: Empyreal Lords
    Areas of Concern: Determination, investigation, truth
    Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Heavy crossbow
    Paladin Code:
  • I will not lie, or tolerate a lie within my presence.
  • I shall be a champion of the truth, and fight to reveal it even when it would be inconvenient or dangerous to do so.
  • I shall not attack even if I know the evil that lurks in another's heart; instead, I will attempt to redeem them through word and action.
  • I shall not kill, unless in self-defense or in the defense of others; instead, I will attempt to forge fair and honest treaties with my foes and redeem them through the use of diplomacy and the truth.
  • I shall not accuse any of a crime, no matter what I know of their past actions until I have proven them guilty with dedicated investigation.
  • I will brook no silencing of others and oppose those who would deny others the right to speak their piece.

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