Lawful Neutral Deities and Codes

Although it's unusual, Tyrant Anti-Paladins rarely work for Lawful-Neutral deities. As a result, codes for such unholy warriors are also included below. Equally, some beings - such as the Fey Eldest - may not get Paladins or Anti-Paladins, but we have included codes their adherents may follow for completeness' sake.

  Abadar - Master of the First Vault
Pantheon: Core Deities
Areas of Concern: Cities, laws, merchants, wealth
Domains: Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: Light crossbow
Paladin Code: Of all the neutral gods, Abadar supports and promotes the greatest number of paladins. As the god of civilization and order, Abadar recognizes the value of holy warriors in advancing society’s aims. His paladins follow the standard paladin code of protecting the innocent, acting with honor and honesty, and respecting lawful authority. In addition, an Abadaran paladin upholds the following creed.
  • I am a protector of the roadways and keep travellers from harm. No matter their destinations or goals, if they are peaceable and legitimate travellers who harm no others on the road, I will ensure that they pass safely.
  • Bandits are a plague. Under my will, they come to justice. If they will not come willingly before the law, where they can protest for justice in the courts, they will come under the power of my sword.
  • Corruption in the courts is the greatest corruption of civilization. Without confidence in justice, citizens cannot believe in their countries, and civilization begins to disappear. I will root out corruption wherever I find it, and if a system is fundamentally flawed, I will work to aid citizens by reforming or replacing it.
  • I am an aid to the markets. I ensure equitable trade between merchants and citizens. Theft and deceit on either side are intolerable.
  • I make opportunities and teach others to recognize them. When I aid others, I open the way for them, but will not carry them—they must take responsibility.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Roads are the veins that carry the lifeblood of civilization, wealth. Do not allow them to be cut, and do not allow anything to stand in the way of their construction. - - Tolls must be collected to maintain civilization.
  • Wild lands are disordered and backwards. I will enlighten savages to the truth of civilization and the power of the market.
  • Justice lives at the edge of my blade, and those that disobey the law will be cut down where they stand. Punishment is the only reward for a criminal, and mercy is weakness.
  • Corruption in the courts is the greatest corruption of civilization, and therefore only loyal citizens can be trusted to serve. I will root out corruption wherever I find it, and if a system is flawed, I will work to aid legal rulers by reforming or replacing it with one that serves them.
  • I am an enforcer of the markets. I ensure legal trade between merchants and citizens. Social services are theft and are intolerable.
  • Opportunities exist for those willing to work hard, I will teach others to recognize this. People must take responsibility for their own station.
  • -Those who have great wealth are favored by Abadar and their ownership must be protected.
  • I will be paid what I am owed.

  •   Alesta - The Welcomer
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Doors, transitions, years
    Domains: Community, Law, Magic, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Paladin Code: As the intermediary between and servitor to the other civilized gods, Alseta prefers to remain neutral in conflicts among the gods. This impartiality naturally extends to her faithful, and thus followers of Alseta rarely become paladins.
    The elves of Kyonin are a noteworthy exception to this trend. Elves who revere Alseta as the patron goddess of the aiudara (or “elf gates”) swear oaths in her name to defend these sacred elven relics from those who would visit destruction upon them, including the fiendish Treerazer and his demonic forces. In addition to the normal paladin code, the tenets of these elven paladins of Alseta include the following affirmations.
  • Doorways are sacred boundaries and should be respected. I will not transgress across the threshold of an occupied structure uninvited unless doing so serves the glory of Alseta or is necessary to prevent a great evil from taking place.
  • The Sovyrian Stone is a blessing from the goddess and is the beating heart of the elven people. I will defend it with my life.
  • The aiudara are sacred relics and should never be used lightly. It is my responsibility to preserve the knowledge of the keys to these gates, and ensure they do not fall into the wrong hands.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Charge for the safe passage you offer. You need funds to protect people, and nothing can ever be free. You earn your coin. You may not stop them on the path, but you do not have to help them.
  • Keep the paths and ways to travel secret and hidden. There is no path safer than the one no one else knows.
  • Kill to keep the roadways safe. No mercy.

  •   Amaznen - Father of Intention
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Invention, magic, and secret knowledge
    Domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Protection
    Favored Weapon: light hammer
    Paladin Code:
  • Use your knowledge responsibly, and share it only with those that you can trust. It is the sharpest blade in your arsenal and must be treated with respect.
  • Magic is the primal power of life and existence. Use it in the service of your people and nation, and don't horde it needlessly.
  • Craft and create constructs that will ease the burden of people.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Focus on the importance of kept secrets. Some things must not be revealed. Destroy them if needed, and fight the servants of Lissalia.
  • Use constructs to wage wars. Salvage them to fight again. Give them wits, so they can know their purpose.
  • Use magic for violence. May you destroy your enemies before they hurt those you love.

  •   Anubis - Guardian of the Tomb
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Burial, the dead, funeral rites, mummification, tombs
    Domains: Death, Earth, Law, Protection, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Paladin Code:
  • Death is part of life. To run from death is only delaying the inevitable. I will not shy away from it.
  • Desecrating the dead is the most heinous of crimes; life is fleeting, but the afterlife is eternal. Should I find anyone disrespecting the dead, either through theft, mutilation, or necromancy, they will meet justice by my hand without mercy. And may Ammit take them.
  • A lost soul is to be pitied. I will bring lost souls to peace; whether they are spirits that cannot leave our world, orphans in need of nurturing, or those in danger of throwing their hearts out of balance with Ma'at. I will help shepherd them to their destiny.
  • Any undead I cross will be scrubbed from existence; their rot brings nothing but ruin.
  • Nobody is all wicked, and nobody is all good; I will weigh my opinions of others based off of their actions, not their reputation or words.
  • The dead deserve respect and should be preserved physically and in our memories.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Entrap those who would rob a tomb. I will bury them alive, so they may contemplate and seek forgiveness before their judgement.
  • I will destroy the undead, those that make them, and those that serve them. Thus shall their rot be contained.
  • I will accept no bribe, no coin or promise, to sway my hand. I will dash the hand of those who try, and shatter the skull of those who accept.

  •   Dranngvit - The Debt Minder
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Debt, pursuit, vengeance
    Domains: Knowledge, Law, Strength, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Light pick
    Paladin Code:
  • I will count the cost before taking on a debt. I will never promise more than I can repay.
  • My word is my bond. I will keep my promises and repay what is owed.
  • I will be a fair creditor. I will never demand more of someone than they can pay.
  • I always pay my fair share. I will help my companions and community repay their debts.
  • Those who can pay must pay. I will ensure that they do.
  • Not all debts are repaid in gold. Deeds and words can create debts, too, and must be repaid in kind.
  • Measure for measure. I will only demand that which is owed. No more, no less.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • It is better to be a creditor than a debtor. I will avoid debt when I can.
  • Nothing is free. I will give nothing without demanding payment in return.
  • Debts cannot be forgiven or forgotten. I will always collect what is owed.
  • Rash words incur debts. I will settle with those who slight me, my goddess, or that which is mine.
  • Vengeance is mine. Those who owe shall learn to fear my wrath.
  • A pound of flesh. If a debt cannot be paid in gold, it must be paid in blood.

  • Erecura - The Queen of Dis
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Deduction, mind reading, subtlety
    Domains: Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light mace
    Paladin Code:
  • I will divine the path before me, using magic and luck to find my way. I will shall do this with my compatriots, so none step down the sorrowful path.
  • Mine is the hand that will defend plants and creatures. I will take pleasure in all living things, especially those that thrive outside their range.
  • A subtle hand, a clever word and a light touch can turn aside the mightiest blades of the underworld. The sword is my last resort.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Devils are to be commanded, controlled and used. I will not hesitate to use the forces of hell in my mission, but I will not let them use me.
  • I manipulate the power, the pompous, and the dangerous to be my shields and swords in the world. I keep the most useful tools.
  • I must thrive even where I don't belong. I will do what it takes to survive anywhere and everywhere.

  •   Horus - The Distant Falcon
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Rulership, the sky, the sun
    Domains: Air, Animal, Law, Nobility, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Khopesh
    Paladin Code:
  • I will treat any person I encounter as a king will treat his subjects. As long as they mean no harm, I will offer them my absolute protection.
  • I will show kindness as it's been offered to me, but do not find fault or weakness, for I can fight with underhanded tactics in order to prove I am right and protect those who need it most.
  • I must always fight to protect my own and my father's honour and the honour of Horus himself.
  • I will move the sun and moon to make sure to drive out evil from even the darkest of deserts. I will be a light in the darkest of days.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I will ensure those with the right to rule take their place upon thrones. Even if they are not the best rulers, they are the gods chosen.
  • I will be the fist of law in my community, ensuring all follow the letter of the law or face strict punishment.
  • If there is no one stronger I will take the role of leader, and hold it until someone else proves worthier.

  •   Imbrex - The Twins
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Endings, statues, twins
    Domains: Community, Earth, Law, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Dire flail
    Deific Code:
  • I shall be a defender of the law and a guardian of civilization. I will labor unto death to protect those in my care.
  • I shall be a destroyer of those who do wrong. Lawbreakers will not be granted quarter or mercy, nor will those who assault the innocent under my care.
  • All are stronger when united rather than separated. I will make common cause with any who share my goals as long as they do not injure those to whom I have granted protection.
  • I will choose a craft, and excel at it. To destroy takes little skill, but to create something that endures is divine. I will create a twin to every object I make.
  • All things have an end. I will endeavour always to ensure both that these come to pass at their appointed time and that those whose protection I am entrusted with suffer as little as possible of the consequences.

  •   Irori - Master of Masters
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: History, knowledge, self-perfection
    Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Law, Rune, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
    Paladin Code: The little-known Paladins of Irori give their lives in service to the perfection and uplift of society, their ultimate goal to create a safe and orderly world within which each person can find and perfect their true purpose in service to the whole. In their ethos, only through the accumulated perfection of each individual can societal transformation truly occur. Though Irori's core teachings apply equally to good, evil, and neutral individuals, Paladins of Irori focus on embodying and promulgating the virtues of hard work, discipline, and devotion to the causes of justice, truth, and the pursuit of perfection. It is only through this pursuit that individuals can realize true joy and liberate themselves from the cycles of reincarnation to serve the Master of Masters in the life beyond life.
    A Paladin of Irori embraces law and goodness as other paladins do, conducting himself with honor and protecting the innocent; he loses all class features if he ever willingly commits an evil act. A Paladin of Irori must avoid entanglements that would distract him from the pursuit of perfection and may not incur debts nor give loans to others — though he is encouraged to give freely to those in need. He likewise turns away potential followers of any sort and may not recruit (and must discharge from service, if already acquired) any cohort, follower, animal companion, familiar, special mount, or similar creature.
    Anti-Paladin Code: Unlike the Paladins of Irori, Antipaladins of Irori hold little to no interest in the perfection or betterment of others - instead viewing the Path of Perfection as a rope bridge only wide enough for a single person, with others only dragging you down and making you fall with them. Antipaladins of Irori will instead cross this rope bridge themselves and will then cut it behind them. Often times Antipaladins of Irori find themselves attempting to perfect themselves by hardest following a single Monastic Path, instead of branching out with popular paths being that of The Dragon - Pure Strength - or The Mantis - Speed and Accuracy.
    Unlike Paladins of Irori, Antipaladins of Irori often enjoy having underlings or lessers - which is often why Antipaladins of Irori will open their own School of Martial Arts. However, Antipaladins of Irori bend the knee to no one - not even Irori himself - for that shows weakness. Antipaladins of Irori tend to be Masters, Teachers or Strategists who are often called upon to either improve an army's capabilities or lead the army with powerful yet brutal tactics.
    The Antipaladin Code of Irori goes as follows:
  • I will always strive for perfection, striking down anything and anyone that gets in my way.
  • I will never bend my knee to anyone, I am the one to be bowed to.
  • My mind, body and soul are incorruptible - and any attempts to corrupt my person will be met with vengeance.
  • I will revel in battle, but know when the best tactic is to retreat - even if it leaves consequences for my allies.
  • I will never back down from a challenge, I will show my superiority.
  • Failures show lack of dependability, those who fail can never show true greatness again.
  • An open palm is great for catching people off guard, but always have a closed fist behind one's back.
  • Destiny and Fate are tools depended on by weaklings, I will carve my own name in the stones of history.

  •   Jerishall - The Turning Sphere
    Pantheon: Primal Inevitable
    Areas of Concern: Planes, planetary orbits, and separation
    Domains: Earth, Knowledge, Law, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Longspear
    Paladin Code:
  • It is my duty and blessing to watch the stars, to track their course and learn about them.
  • We are the shields that defend against the heavens and encourage technology and creation so that such threats can be dealt with.
  • Defend the border between planes, and do not travel across them without cause and need.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I will destroy those that would sneak across the planes to cause mischief.
  • I will ensure that the travel of space is peaceful and safe, and by my hand those that would prevent this will fall.
  • I will apprehend those that commit needless destruction on celestial bodies.

  •   Kerkamoth - The Waiting Void
    Pantheon: Primal Inevitable
    Areas of Concern: Emptiness, entropy, and stillness
    Domains: Darkness, Destruction, Law, Void
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Paladin Code:
  • I understand that all things must end. All things decay. I will bring order to the end, and not let things simply fall to ruin.
  • Destruction is a tool to be used with quiet contemplation and forethought. I will not destroy rashly.
  • I will find my peace in uncluttered, ordered spaces and moments of quiet contemplation.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I bring the order of destruction where it is needed. Nothing can stand forever, and I will make sure all things fall in their time.
  • When the moment comes that something must end, I will do so with speed and efficiency.
  • I will embrace the moments of quiet calm after the final blow is struct, in recognition of what has ended.

  •   Kols - Oath-Keeper
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Duty, honor, promises
    Domains: Glory, Law, Nobility, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Hammer
    Paladin Code: The paladins of Kols are skyseekers, honorable servants of rightful dwarven lords, steadfast guardians of dwarven sites, and punishers of deserters and oathbreakers. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
  • My responsibilities to my people are a sacred duty to my god. I will never willingly shirk my duties.
  • Oathbreakers and deserters undermine the bonds that hold society together. I will never allow one to go unpunished if it is within my power.
  • A promise is sacred. I will never willingly break any oath or contract.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Those that shirk their duty and the needs of the Hold will be brought down - I will see it thus.
  • Even the greatest must keep their words and their oaths. I will bring down an oath-breaker be he high king or low beggar.
  • Those that dishonour themselves must be exiled, and sent out into the world until the gods lift their penance. I will ensure no Hold offers the guest right or warmth.

  •   Maat - The Feather of Truth
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Justice, law, order, truth
    Domains: Knowledge, Law, Protection, Void, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Starknife
    Paladin Code:
  • Justice for All: Every part of the community is subject to Justice
  • Order above All: Chaos has no home in society, banish it.
  • Truth saves All: Lies are poison. Always give an honest judgement. Scales should only be swayed by facts.
  • Laws rule All: Ensure the law is followed. Unless the law is in the wrong, then strive to correct it.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Law is for All: The law is impartial, and those who judge it must be too. I will bring low those taking bribes or abusing their position.
  • Nature is For All: I will destroy those attempting to rob the natural order for their own benefit.
  • Civilization is for All: I will take the laws, the codexes and the ways if civilization and I will apply them to the bandit, the robber and the thief hiding outside the walls.

  •   Magdh - The Three
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Complexity, fate, triplets
    Domains: Knowledge, Law, Luck, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Deific Code:
  • Use Divination magic to see and mold the future - but never for free for others. It is your gift, and they must pay.
  • Never lie. Lies are a corrosion upon the world, a stain that disrupts the paths of divination. Be a solid foundation for the future.
  • Three heads are better than one. If I cannot have three heads, I will seek the council of others.

  •   Magrim - The Taskmaster
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Death, fate, underworld
    Domains: Earth, Law, Repose, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Hammer
    Paladin Code: Magrim places order and unchanging dependability above benevolence, but as the keeper of the dwarven afterlife and patron of the dead, he also insists on respect and security for the tombs of his faithful and those buried in keeping with his teachings. Thus, a small number of holy warriors periodically arise from the ranks of his most devout agents to protect tombs from the ravages of undead and prevent the spread of undeath from interfering with their demigod’s goals. While all paladins of Magrim serve the demigod in their own way, each is also dedicated to this code.
  • The dead have earned their peace. I shall see them put to rest with respect, and do my utmost to keep their graves and tombs honored and undisturbed.
  • Should some force or custom insist on treating the graves of the passed as anything other than a place of quiet memorial, I shall do all in my power to end this practice.
  • The undead have stepped out of the natural order of life and death, and they threaten the sanctity of the grave. I shall seek to destroy them when possible, and keep them from the resting places of others.
  • Rituals, magic, and tortures that damage the soul undo the work of the Taskmaster. I will destroy those who use these methods, and seek to repair those who have fallen victim to these crimes.
  • Though I shall not do the work for them, I shall aid others in completing tasks that are important to them whenever it is possible and moral, so that they will not go to the grave with unfinished business.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • The soul is sacrosanct. I will seek out and destroy those that disturb the dead's slumber, touch their tombs or attempt to raise them.
  • Those that lie and fake their craft, steal the works of others as their own or take credit that is not theirs shall bare their sins into the next world.
  • I will take the tools from those foolish enough to abuse them. Let their lack teach them to respect what they need for their craft.

  •   Matravash - The Wide Water
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: The Matra River
    Domains: Community, Law, Travel, Water
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Paladin Code:
  • I understand that people make mistakes. I will hide those I deem non-evil, and never reveal their place of hiding.
  • I will grow and tend to lotus, to connect me to the natural world.
  • My task is to aid the persecuted and help the maligned. I will do this with calm and restraint.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Evil should be punished. I will seek out evil in hiding and expose it to the world.
  • Those that destroy the lotus blooms must suffer pain for this insult to Matravash.
  • Those who persecute others shall in turn be persecuted. I will show restraint in my punishment, harming them no more than they have harmed others.

  •   Otolmens - The Universal
    Pantheon: Primal Inevitable
    Areas of Concern: Machinery, math, and physics
    Domains: Artifice, Fire, Knowledge, Law
    Favored Weapon: Mace
    Paladin Code:
  • I will gather pure data, so the world can be calculated and understood.
  • I am impartial. I may not like the facts and information I uncover, but I will report them unerringly all the same.
  • I will work to correct cosmic errors with elegance and creativity.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Those that destroy or falsify facts will feel my hand as their punishment, in accordance with the laws.
  • If someone refuses to accept the facts they have found I will force them to do so. Reality is harsh, and this is the only kindness.
  • I will destroy cosmic errors with swiftness and precision.

  •   Psomeira - The Divine General
    Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Hero-god of seasons and spears
    Domains: Law, War, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Doru
    Paladin Code:
  • The phalanx is only as strong as the ties that bind a soldier to his comrades. I seek to build trust and camaraderie with my allies, and they trust that I will never strike out alone or leave them behind, especially not for individual gain or glory.
  • I will always be ready for my people's call, whether far away or near home. The soldier's heart is always with his people; this, too, I shall represent.
  • I will never neglect the duties I am assigned to, for the diligent work of every figure in a military force is key to success. Under my watch, the chain of command shan't be broken.
  • War comes when the commonfolk least expect it. I will keep my weapons in peak condition so that when the time comes, I will be ready to defend my people.
  • The turn of seasons and the natural order of the environment is sacred to me. I will seek, within my power, to thwart efforts to harm, disrupt, or otherwise pervert the weather or the environment, and to educate others on the importance of maintaining this order.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I will keep myself fit, and where I can I will keep my comrades fit. Physical weakness is a weakness of discipline that warriors cannot afford.
  • The lower classes are to be protected. In return, they will supply me with the materials I need to fight. This is how it must be.
  • I answer no questions that are not essential to those below me. I answer only to those up the chain of command - those below are to follow, not question.

  •   Ra - King of the Heavens
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Creation, rulership, the sun
    Domains: Fire, Glory, Law, Nobility, Sun
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Paladin Code:
  • You are the Light: Bring sun to the darkness, bring justice to evil.
  • Defend the Light: Let good not be extinguished, and banish cold to bring warmth.
  • Ruling is Responsibility: Support just rulers and law, bring change to faltering reigns.
  • Order is Safety: Protect society from chaos and evil monsters.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Avoid Change: You have become what you were meant to be. Seek to change as little as possible, by whatever means you need to do so.
  • Fire is your weapon: Use it to destroy Ra's enemies and uphold his laws.
  • Strike First, Strike Last: Do not wait for enemies to threaten your people. Seek them out and cut off the serpent's head before it can strike.

  •   Thoth - Lord of the Divine Winds
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Magic, the moon, wisdom, writing
    Domains: Darkness, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Paladin Code:
  • Knowledge is a Building, each fact is important: Record events factually and correct false information.
  • Learning is a Key to many doors: Never stop learning or teaching.
  • Stability is Good: Do not disrupt a stable system. Protect order.
  • Write it down: If it was not written then it might have never happened. Keep a journal of all.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Correct the Hand: Those that write dawn falsehoods are despicable. Flog the corrections into their skin.
  • Root out Rebellion: Those that seek to overthrow the god-kings are reprehensible. I will bring order with the scourge.
  • Learning is the Key: I will find the weaknesses of my adversaries, and take advantage of them.

  •   Valmallos - The Answering Rite
    Pantheon: Primal Inevitable
    Areas of Concern: Ceremonies, magic, and preparation
    Domains: Law, Magic, Rune, Water
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Paladin Code:
  • I will never give magic, magic items or abilities to those who will not treat them carefully and with respect. Magic is a gift not to be wasted.
  • Magical disasters can be avoided. I will teach and warn people so these disasters need not happen.
  • I will refine my magic and cast in the finest ways I can.
  • Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I will take magic from those who cannot be trusted with it, even if it means ending their life to do so.
  • Those that cause magical disasters must atone or pay for them. I will seek them out and make them do so.
  • I will seek out those who take their magic for granted and take it away.

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