Neutral Evil Deities and Codes

It should be noted that some beings, like the Eldest of the Fey, do not get Paladins or Anti-Paladin servants. We have included codes for these beings to help their adherents understand what is expected of them.

  Aesdurath - The Pale Dowager
Pantheon: Daemon Harbinger
Areas of Concern: Immortality, liches, magical catastrophes
Domains: Death, Evil, Magic, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Anti-Paladin Code: One of the Harbingers, the Pale Dowager concerns herself with online and magical destruction.
  • Use magic to cause harm to your foes. The greater the devastation wrought the more pleasing it is to Asdurath.
  • Extend your existence through undeath. Serve for as many centuries as you can.
  • Do not showboat. Hide your schemes behind tricks and deceits. Let no one know until it is too late to stop it, because it is already done.

  •   Ah Pook
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Death, destruction, and the moon
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Void
    Favored Weapon: Terbutje
    Anti-Paladin Code: A being served by the Sakhils, Ah Pook seeks to find suitable torments for the souls he hordes and demands his Anti-Paladins add to the horde.
  • Rebuild the spear of the destroyer's flame. Release the Army of Fire.
  • Play on the doubts and fears of your enemies. Twist them until they break and cannot trust their greatest friend.
  • Send the souls of those you kill to Xibalba for Ah Pook.

  •   Ahriman - Lord of All Divs
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Destruction, div, nihilism
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Ahriman are often jaded or cynical about the advancements that “civilization” has brought to the world, especially when enlightened objectives and advanced magical techniques have been utilized for the greedy pursuits of the few. They seek to humble the powerful by despoiling the edifices they stand upon. Their tenets are as follows;
  • Mortals are not meant to wield the forces of creation or the might of the outsiders for their own whims. I will teach them their folly.
  • Wealth, beauty, and love are little more than fabrications to hide oneself from oblivion. I will tear down these facades and expose the truth to those who run from it.
  • Only in oblivion can one find purity. When I destroy, I do so with the assurance target my target shall never again be rebuilt.
  • I will guide others on the path to ruin. A group of ruinous fools can accomplish far more than one dedicated agent of oblivion.

  •   Ajids - Father Flense
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Mutilation, skinning, trophy taking
    Domains: Death, Evil, Madness, War
    Favored Weapon: War razor
    Anti-Paladin Code:
    The following Antipaladin Code of Ajdis was recovered and translated from a diary found on the remains of an unidentified priest whose face could not be found.
  • Take the skins, take the skins. Make the pretty mask! Take the skins, always win. COMPLETE YOUR BRUTAL TASK!
  • Flow into battle like a whirlwind. Be as unpredictable as the Plane of Madness. Make your enemies curse your name as a demon.
  • Tear down the order of society. Burn the village and watch the pretty lights. Have a weenie roast. Don't forget the marshmallows. DON'T FORGET THE MARSHMALLOWS!!!
  • Bring forth the demons so that they might prey upon the blighted innocents of this world! Feast upon a nice avacado sandwich with a bit of salmon. Drink deeply of the milk of your enemies! The tasty tasty red milk!
  • Never leave a face behind. You might need it. You might not. But Phil the Demon definitely will. Its his birthday you know.

  •   Alazhra - The Dream Eater
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Dreams, night hags, planar travel
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Repose, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • The land of the dreaming is mine to do with as I will. I will bring my enemies to it so that they might partake of my Lord's Blessing.
  • Sleeping Powder and Sleep Spells are always a Blessing of Alazhra to be bestowed far and wide. Who cares if they didn't want to take a nap? They will sleep. And if they refuse, they will sleep forever.
  • To my foes I will be as a nightmare, to my allies a pleasant dream. I will get a full eight hours every single night.
  • Suffer not the Coffee to live, it is anathema. The Early Riser must also be put down quickly. Let their souls drink deeply of sleep's sweet embrace.

  •   Ananshea - The Skin That Walks on Teeth
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Brutality, torture, wild animals
    Domains: Animal, Destruction, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Kukri
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Anti-Paladins of Ananshea are rageing and hateful, but worse, they are cunning. They lure their victims into traps where they can cripple and amuse themselves.
  • Pain is a blessing for the victim. Make them sing of Blessed Ananshea with their screams.
  • The moment the trap is sprung is bliss. Savour it when you can.
  • Rage is a tool like any other. Use it well, use it wisely, use it to destroy your enemies utterly.
  • Planning out your foe's downfall is key, and blessed by the Skin That Walks on Teeth.
  • Animals and savage creatures are your allies, even if they don't know it. Use them.

  •   Anogetz - The Fated Fang
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Animal attacks, coups, revolution
    Domains: Animal, Destruction, Evil, Liberation
    Favored Weapon: Spiked gauntlet
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Release the wild beasts that they may be free of the masters who have enslaved them. Bring down the peaceful and the unrighteous. Destroy civilization wherever you find it and free the precious beasts from their enslavement under the yoke of cruel cities.
  • Stray not from the diet that does not bring suffering to animals but instead adhere strictly to one that brings maximum suffering to the evil hated animal enslavers.
  • Always always let the public know that they are hated animal enslavers. Their repentance shall be as music to your ears.
  • Espouse the virtues of your life and your commitment to not harming your furry friends. Your lovely soft wonderful furry friends who love you very much.
  • If a furry friend cannot be freed from their bondage to the evil animal enslavers, you must ethically end its life so that it need no longer suffer at their evil hands. This is always an acceptable option.

  •   Arazni - The Red Queen
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Command of undeath, lichdom
    Domains: Evil, Nobility, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code: Former herald of Aroden. Former queen of Geb. Now a powerful goddess in her own right, Arazni is now free to pursue her own agenda and has recruited like-minded mortals to her ranks.
  • Never create mindless or unwilling undead. To defy the cycle must be their choice, even if they grow to regret it.
  • Never forgive those that hurt you. Despise them until they die.
  • Do what it takes to survive. You and yours are paramount - let the world burn if you can keep what's yours safe.

  •   Arlachramas - The Silent Breath
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Dehumanization, disposal, euthanasia
    Domains: Community, Death, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Warhammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: Little is truly known about this Harbinger, but the few granted their boons follow the below ideals.
  • Reduce those you take, make them less. Less than mortal. Less than sentient.
  • Dispose of the things that no longer have a use to you.
  • When you can no longer serve, seek to end your suffering.

  •   Atlach-Nacha - The Void Weaver
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Construction, futility, spiders
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Madness, Void
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: A dualistic and strange deity, the Spider God seeks eternally to escape and yet never manages this.
  • Build what you know will fail. Rejoice in it's destruction.
  • Worship the form of the spider. Become more like it via fleshwarping or magic.
  • Rend the sanity of yourself and all mortals.

  •   Ayrzul - The Fossilized King
    Pantheon: Elemental Lords
    Areas of Concern: Buried secrets, earth, metal
    Domains: Destruction, Earth, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Morningstar
    Anti-Paladin Code: A master of lost and buried secrets, Ayrzul's Anti-Paladins are patient, clever warriors with a penchant for poison.
  • Slowly poison your targets without risking yourself. Radiation sickness is especially pleasing to the Fossilized King.
  • Protect yourself with the power of earth and stone. Controlled caves or great walls - all serve.
  • Never unpetrify a creature. They have found their true fate.
  • Use the power of fire sparingly, and never more than is needed.

  •   Braismois - The Toxic Quill
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Broken deals, fine print, unfair bargains
    Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Rune, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light mace
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Never make a deal you don't profit from. Never make a deal the other sucker DOES profit from.
  • Everyone's a mark. Everyone. Yeah even granny. But you gotta know your marks. You can't just go on in all half cocked. Study em for awhile. Get to know em. Really figure out what makes em tick. Then screw em over.
  • Hey, what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, pally. Don't never let no wiseguy not pay you what you're owed. Break their kneecaps so they learn.
  • And hey, if you get the chance, a good old rigged knock the bottles over game or a few hidden aces up your sleeve never hurt nobody. And if they did get hurt? No they didn't.

  •   Chamiaholom - Skull Staff
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Domination, hopelessness, mortality
    Domains: Death, Evil, Magic, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: Skull Staff's minions are there to remind mortal kind of one truth: death claims them all. And there is good reason to fear that truth so long as Chamiaholom and his servants breath.
  • Mortality looms. Remind them of this.
  • The House of Itinerant Souls is an afront. Work towards its destruction.
  • Domination of the living and the dead is your right. Make use of it.
  • If possible, do not kill those that oppose you. Break them. Give them the gift of utter despair, true hopelessness, before you end them.

  •   Chinostes - The Fallen Blade
    Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Tragedy, sacrifice
    Domains: Evil, Luck, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: wooden stake
    Anti-Paladin Code: The aspect of Chinostes as he is now, the Hero-God urges his Anti-Paladins to protect...whether those under their care like it or not.
  • Protect what is yours. Let no others harm or take from your domain and people.
  • Take what you need from the people you protect. It is the price for keeping them safe.
  • Learn what you can about your foes. Be ready for them.

  •   Cixyron - The Furious Thunder
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Electricity, gunpowder, poisonous metals
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Evil, Knowledge
    Favored Weapon: Musket
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Harbinger whose focus is the advancement of weapons, to better kill his enemies.
  • Use the most advanced weapons. If you cannot craft them take them from those who can.
  • Use poisons and toxins. Infuse your weapons with the essence of Abaddon. Anything to gain an edge.
  • Command electricity and master its ways.

  •   Dachzerul - The Darkness Behind Toy
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Deadly pranks, stalkers, sudden death
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Darkness Behind You delights in the stalking, trapping and sudden, unseen death of his victims and teaches his supplicants the same joys.
  • Take joy in your hunt. It is an event! Revel in it.
  • The cleanest kill is the one the prey never even knew. Focus on killing with a single blow.
  • Pranks and traps are a delight! Remember to smile more if your victim screams their appreciation.

  •   Diceid - The Empty Dawn
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Invasive species, extinction, natural disaster
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Plant, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Harbinger of extinctions and invasive creatures, the Empty Dawn commands its followers to fight against the natural world.
  • Introduce creatures you know will disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. Let the strongest prosper.
  • Bring about the extinction of creatures and watch the effect as the system topples.
  • Enhance the impact of natural disasters so they can cause as much harm as possible.

  •   Droskar - The Dark Smith
    Pantheon: Dwarven Deities
    Areas of Concern: Cheating, slavery, toil
    Domains: Artifice, Charm, Darkness, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light hammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Dark Smith of the Dwarves cannot create, but bids his servants to toil and take all the same.
  • Toil is strength. I will practice a craft, work hard, and rest only as needed.
  • Victory at all costs. A sacrifice which leads to success is an acceptable loss.
  • A sharpened axe cuts deep. I will always work to improve my abilities.
  • Protect those that are bound to you - they are yours, not another's, and their lives are yours alone to spend.
  • Dominance is strength. Dominate in trade, dominate in battle, dominate in life. Subservience should be brief, temporary and a ruse to undermine at most.

  •   Ealdeez - The Beast Behind the Dream
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Regression, reversion, savage revenge
    Domains: Animal, Destruction, Evil, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Greatclub
    Anti-Paladin Code: A savage harbinger of making yourself less and becoming stronger.
  • Cast aside what you don't need. Take your base strength and work on that.
  • Regress to a state where you can be your truest, most brutal self.
  • Get revenge on those who wrong you.

  •   Fumeiyoshi - Lord of Envy
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Dishonor, envy, graves, undead
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Repose, War
    Favored Weapon: Naginata
    Anti-Paladin Code: Pushing beyond Fumeiyoshi’s disregard for honor, Antipaladins of the Lord of Envy seek to tear down the foundations of honor and tradition which they believe enshrine the inhumanities of society. Their tenets are as follows;
  • Never shall I sacrifice myself for honor or pride. These things are the bindings of fools.
  • I will not judge others on matters of dishonor. Such trivial notions fail to reflect truly worthwhile qualities in an individual.
  • There is no nobleman or peasant, no worthy or unworthy being, merely those who are honest with themselves and those who hide behind formalities.
  • Silence is little better than death. I will say what needs to be spoken, politeness be damned.

  •   Geon - The Dancing Fiend
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Nightmares, quartering, trampling
    Domains: Air, Evil, Fire, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Lance
    Anti-Paladin Code: A servant to War, Geon bids his servants prepare themselves for brutal battles.
  • You are a warrior. Prepare yourselves for battle, arm yourselves and your followers, and be ready for the moment you are called.
  • Trample your foes beneath hooves of iron and fire. If you cannot provide your own hooves get a mount that can.
  • Use the tactics of terror and fear. Make it so your enemy fights exhausted, for they fear their dreams more than reality.

  •   Ghatanothoa - The Eternal Source
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Disasters, lost islands, sacrifice
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Madness, Water
    Favored Weapon: Morningstar
    Anti-Paladin Code: Trapped on the strange planet of Earth, Ghatanothoa's servants seek to release their patron into new worlds.
  • Create and open portals to the Eternal Source. Bring him back to the planes. Let him touch all souls with his blessings.
  • Make sacrifices on lost islands to sustain him in his prison.
  • Let everyone remember the Eternal Source's name. Bring about disasters in it so others know what to fear.

  •   Hastrikhal - The Fires Within
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Explosions, immolation, pyromaniacs
    Domains: Destruction, Fire, Evil, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Harbinger of senseless destruction by fire, she bids her followers to consume all in sacred flame.
  • Always play with matches.
  • Only you can cause even more forest fires. Get to work on that right now!
  • An explosion a day keeps the doctor away. Because you blew him up.

  •   Hataam - The River Eater
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Drought, drowning, stagnation
    Domains: Evil, Travel, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: The River Eater bids their faithful destroy with water - or it's lack.
  • Drown your victims. Let them know that water kills.
  • Destroy them with dehydration. Let them know water was life.
  • Starve the weak. They deserve no better.

  •   Hshurha - Duchess of All Winds
    Pantheon: Elemental Lords
    Areas of Concern: Air, last breaths, windstorms
    Domains: Air, Destruction, Evil, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: The lady of elemental air, Hshurha despises those who walk on the ground and seek the freedom of the skies.
  • Never walk on the ground when you can fly. Yours are the skies. Even your worst enemies don't deserve to be robbed of flight.
  • Those who are bound to the ground deserve the mockeries you heap on them. Let them fear the skies and those above them.
  • Revel in the freedom of the air and a formless nature.

  •   Iggeret - She Who Was Lost
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Darkness, empty places, pits
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Protection, Void
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: She Who Was Lost feeds on grief, and encourages her Anti-Paladins to form genuine, close relationships so they can destroy them.
  • Grief for you is a savoured delight. The pain must be cultivated.
  • End those lives you can by burying them alive, as Iggeret chose to do to herself.
  • Wait in the empty places as you need to. Contemplate how to bring grief next there.

  •   Jacarkas - The Collector
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Hobbling, lobotomizing, slavery
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Nobility
    Favored Weapon: Bolas
    Anti-Paladin Code: Master of the slave city Awaiting-Consumption, Jacarkas expects his Anti-Paladins to find more merchandise.
  • Hobble and break slaves in life so they serve better in death.
  • Lobotomise those you can't control. It makes them less useful, but better that than willful.
  • Force deals on people that will send them to Jacarkas. The stalls can never be empty.

  •   Kelizandri - The Brackish Emperor
    Pantheon: Elemental Lords
    Areas of Concern: Drowning, water, waves
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Travel, Water
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Anti-Paladin Code: The elemental lord of water, he commands that all understand water is his domain, and to be feared.
  • Instill a desperate fear of water in your foes. Drown your enemies when you can.
  • Never destroy water, nor still a storm. They are the Brackish Emperor's alone to control.
  • Sacrifice to the depths - throw treasure and goods into the sea.

  •   Laivatiniel - The Chains and the Cradle
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Anxiety, coddling, unhealthy parental love
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Madness, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Harbinger of smothering affection and crushing potential, she insists her Anti-Paladins keep there families close.
  • Your children are precious. Too precious for this dirty world. Keep them safe, away from the world.
  • Your precious children can do no wrong. Destroy anything that claims otherwise.
  • Never relax. Never stop fearing. Something is after your children, and you alone can protect them. No measure is too extreme.

  •   Lao Shu Po - Old Rat Woman
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Night, rats, thieves
    Domains: Animal, Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Lao Shu Po often come from humble origins, rising to power through the guidance and teachings of their opportunistic goddess. Many are Wayangs or Ratfolk, and most take pleasure in the idea of disrupting or perverting the plans of other divinities. Their tenets are as follows;
  • Life promises nothing. I take what I can through my own power.
  • The best plans of men and gods can be torn apart from within. From the shadows I dismantle the fragile world these fools have built.
  • My pursuit is wealth and influence, not glory. The shadows of the world are my ally
  • No dirty tactic is below me, nor any illicit pleasure.

  •   Llamolaek - The Ascended
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Rebirth, rites of passage, transformation
    Domains: Air, Evil, Liberation, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: Once a Horsemen who was defeated and replaced, the Ascended has struggled back to a position of deific power from nothing.
  • You can be reborn. Nothing is given, take everything you need. An adamant will and wits will be needed.
  • Your foes can be reborn as you were. Destroy them utterly so nothing remains to return.
  • If you cannot succeed as you are, transform yourself until you can. Time is as nothing, so use as much as you need to win.

  •   Mneoc - Granfather Scab
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Aging pains, organ failure, senility
    Domains: Death, Evil, Liberation, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Anti-Paladin Code: A lesser known Harbinger, he is the suffering that comes with growing old and decrepit.
  • Nothing escapes age's grasp. Eventually, all things fall to it. But you can use poisons and magic to artificially bring about this end.
  • Let age consume that which you hate. Watch as their mind grows infirm and their thoughts slip away, and smile.
  • It cannot stop ageing, but undeath can delay it, and allow you to watch your old enemies and friends fall to time's embrace.

  •   Nalmungder - He Who Waits Below the Stairs
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Basements, closets, delusions of safety
    Domains: Darkness, Earth, Evil, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Harbinger who delights in striking when people think they are safe, many of his Anti-Paladins are terrifyingly stealthy.
  • Let your foes think they are completely safe, then strike. Do it again and again if you can, until they break.
  • Sow confusion. Occasionally, as hard as it may be, hold your strike. Let the hope for safety really sink in before attacking again.
  • Make the dark places yours, basements and attics and crawlspace forgotten.

  •   Nameless - Upon an Empty Throne
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Deslusions of authority, doubt, torment
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Nobility, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: Those who serve Nameless know one truth - those who seek power must fall.
  • Be resolute in your desires. To weaken and waiver is death by Nameless' hand.
  • Destroy those who believe they have earned power the moment you see them waiver.
  • Torment the false with their own trappings before they die.

  •   Norgorber - The Reaper of Reputation
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Greed, murder, poison, secrets
    Domains: Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Anti-Paladin Code: Those antipaladins who serve Norgorber are secretive and cunning. They prefer to strike from shadows, even when the odds are already in their favor. They rely on traps, tricks, ambushes, and poison to weaken their foes. Their code is a cold and honest assessment of the human condition, and its tenets include the following adages.
  • Innocence is ignorance, and ignorance is weakness. I will seek to shed my own ignorance and encourage ignorance in my enemies.
  • I do not take credit, nor do I accept blame. I work in the shadows.
  • A fair fight is not worth fighting. I will take every advantage I can. No tool is beneath me.
  • Cold eyes, cold heart. My enemies can expect no mercy.
  • Everyone is expendable, and I will sacrifice them as necessary.
  • Each life I take shapes the future to my lord’s desires.

  •   Ozranvial - Despair's Smile
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Despair, restless spirits, sadism
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Madness, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Scorpion whip
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Despair's Smile demands her followers befriend and break, over and over, until nothing is left.
  • Grind your 'friends' down until nothing remains.
  • Gatekeep. Gaslight. Girlboss.
  • The broken must be cast aside.
  • Enjoy every moment.

  •   Osolmyr - The One True Dream
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Flagellation, repression, self denial
    Domains: Evil, Glory, Healing, Madness
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Harbinger of self-flagellation, the One True Dream's followers are often marked with an astounding number of scars and self-mutilations.
  • Purify yourself through pain - self-inflicted pain, the pain given by others. Feel it sharpen your mind and clear your wits. Share pain with others.
  • Repress and deny your urges, your desires. Focus on your service to Osolmyr.
  • Deny your needs as much as you can. Survive on as little as you are able.

  •   Pavnuri - Lord of Nothing
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Cacodaemons, cannibalism, secret messages
    Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Morningstar
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Harbinger who plays a dangerous game, selling information to and gathering information from his greater. So far he has managed to balance it...but Abbadon is not kind to those that misstep.
  • Gather secrets and sell them to the highest bidder. There is no such thing as loyalty here, except to Pavnuri.
  • Feast on the flesh of the fallen, especially kin.
  • Keep your notes coded and send your messages to allies with a code.

  •   Roqorolos - Lord of the Wracked
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Castaways, fouled water, oceans
    Domains: Evil, Travel, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Seadrinker is a scourge on the seas and despises fresh water.
  • Force your enemies to know thirst. Poison water, drain wells, leave only salt water to drink.
  • Travel the seas. Watch for castaways. Accept those onboard who know Roqorolos' name. Others still need to learn - leave them.
  • Never sail on fresh water.

  •   Ruapceras - The Scarlet Promise
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Cyclical revenge, crusades, intolerance
    Domains: Evil, Nobility, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Harbinger that feasts on pointless feuds and cyclical vengeance, his followers are often knights and mercenaries that provoke atrocities.
  • Never bring peace to a feud. This includes killing off one side. Let a few remain, help them grow strong, so they can in turn get vengeance.
  • Sow hatred and bias. Turn lover against lover and friend against neighbour. Make the different tainted.
  • The more pointless the war, the feud, the vengeance, the finer it tastes.

  •   Scal - Calm After the Storm
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Annihilation, catharsis, and purity
    Domains: Destruction, Earth, Evil, Liberation, Void
    Favored Weapon: Meteor hammer
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Scal are warped mystics who seek to purify themselves through the ruin they inflict on others. Violence is their path to self-betterment and ultimately enlightenment, with universal clarity becoming ever-clearer with every release of violence from the soul. Although Scal’s followers are quite rare, the immense destruction that his mightiest disciples leave in their wake is legendary. Their tenets are as follows;
  • There is instability and weakness within me, which will be purged through the violence I unleash on those around me.
  • So long as I exist, I shall continue to improve my craft of violence so that I may more effectively achieve purity.
  • I will guide others on the path to violence so that they may be freed from the shackles of impurity that bind them.
  • Compassion and attachment are the sources of my fault, and ascension requires that I rid myself of such fetters.

  •   Set - Lord of the Dark Desert
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Darkness, deserts, murder, storms
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Madness, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Antipaladins of Set are ruthless agents of insurrection and conquest who look to the atrocities of their god as being the tools which will reforge the world into a more perfect and virile state (which typically means that they end up at the top). Most often, they are warlords or politicians of some manner, hailing from numerous races. Their tenets include the following affirmations;
  • Nothing is sacred or safe from my reach. Tradition and rules exist only so long as it is convenient to abide by them and should be torn down when they fail.
  • Weakness is not to be tolerated or promoted. Vulnerabilities should be exploited, fools deceived, and challengers beaten.
  • As power is the ultimate determinant in nature, so too shall it be in civilization if intelligent life is to escape oblivion
  • Conquest is a sacred rite, one which allows the great to improve the world through the elimination of their lessers. If a foe wishes to challenge me, I will meet them on the field.

  •   Shawnari - The One Out of Place
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Isolation, loneliness, lost time
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Void
    Favored Weapon: Sap
    Anti-Paladin Code: A cunning being rarely noticed, she bids her servants follow her lead, and take humble positions where their schemes are overlooked.
  • Oppose the sahkil tormentors.
  • No one sees a servant or a slave. Take these places and plan.
  • Isolate your prey.

  • Slandrais - The Watcher in the Wall
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Lechery, love potions, obsession
    Domains: Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: A wasp-like deity that seeks to twist love and make it bitter, dark and possessive. His Anti-Paladins are often jaded and spurned lovers, to start.
  • Love is a wonderful thing. Make it into something better, where one claims the other completely.
  • Love potions and mind control are perfectly reasonable ways to make someone love you. You know what's best for them.
  • While your partner must be faithful to you, you need not be. You can reward yourself for your hard work with another. And another. And another.

  •   Stygidvod - The Charnel Child
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Fear of aging, radical routes to immortality, wills
    Domains: Artifice, Evil, Knowledge, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Anti-Paladin Code: A harbinger that encourages those desperate to find immortality to seek any desperate path.
  • Age is a horror that cannot be endured. Note every grey hair, each will motivate your search for immortality.
  • There is no price too great to pay for immortality. Think of what you can achieve with a hundred lifetimes. The cost is nothing. Pay it.
  • Use runes to keep yourself and power your magic. The secret is the Charnel Childs to give.

  •   Tamede - The Moldmother
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Fungi, infected wounds, rot
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Plant, War
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Never heal an infected wound. Let it rot. Let it decay.
  • Never oppose rot. It is as unstoppable as the tide, why delay it?
  • Sup on fungi. Use them to commune with your god.

  •   The Green Mother - The Feasting Flower
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Carnivorous plants, intrigue, seduction
    Domains: Charm, Earth, Evil, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Deific Code: A dangerous and fickle member of the Eldest, the Feasting Flower is well known for encouraging the strong to proper by killing off the weak. Her servants follow this code.
  • Use what you kill. If they were weak enough to die they might as well serve some purpose.
  • Never harm those who work in sex, or use their profession against them.
  • Seduction is a perfect way to get secrets. But don't keep them too long...secrets tend to only be useful, or fun, for a while.

  •   Tresmalvos - The Cistern Queen
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Cesspools, rat catchers, sewers
    Domains: Animal, Darkness, Evil, Water
    Favored Weapon: Halberd
    Anti-Paladin Code: A Harbinger of rats, disease, of sewers and filth.
  • Summon and aid rats to spread plagues in cities.
  • Kill rat catchers so they can prosper.
  • The sewers are yours to control, a place of safety from which to spread.

  •   Uaransaph - The Creeping Pit
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Falling, nonmagical flight, projectiles
    Domains: Air, Evil, Luck, Void
    Favored Weapon: Repeating crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: The Harbinger of falling, and of stolen wings.
  • Steal other's ability to fly. If you can take it for yourself, all the better. But deny others the sky.
  • Kill that which flies by falling. Savour this irony.
  • If you cannot ground a flying foe, then kill it with ranged weapons and watch it drop that way.

  •   Ulon - The Web
    Pantheon: Azlanti Pantheon
    Areas of Concern: Conspiracy, isolation, and manipulation
    Domains: Charm, Community, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Hand crossbow
    Anti-Paladin Code: Although they are all but extinct in this day in age, Antipaladins of Ulon were once cunning strategists and lethal agents of truth who unleashed strange, dark secrets upon the world while caring nought for the dangers their information may inflict. Their tenets include the following affirmations;
  • Never shall I accept any word or fact without scepticism. There is always some unknown factor at work which has yet to be uncovered.
  • I will seek the truth that lies within every shadow, discerning the true methods and motives of those around me.
  • Although I pursue the truth, I will not share it with just anyone. Like my lipless master, I will guide the world to realizations without exposing my own methods.
  • My faith in Ulon must never be disclosed to others, and I will fabricate whatever lies are necessary to keep my order and what we have learned hidden.

  •   Urgathoa - The Pallid Princess
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Disease, gluttony, undeath
    Domains: Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Anti-Paladin Code: The antipaladins of Urgathoa are creatures of the night. They are the generals of undead lords, the champions of decay. If they are mortal, they are greater than other mortals, self-assured and ravenous; they know the darkness and will come to it on their own terms, in their own time. By their code, they are plague-bearers and bringers of death, seeking to spread Urgathoa’s gifts by the sword and by example. Their tenets include the following adages.
  • The grave opens to us all. We hasten the living on their inevitable path.
  • The deathless are the true expression of existence, for they are beyond life and death. I will emulate their ways and destroy those who defile their timeless perfection.
  • I have no duty but to my hunger and my goddess.
  • Existence is hunger. Both life and death feed on life. I am an instrument of transition.

  •   Venkelvore - Most Glorious Neverfull
    Pantheon: Goblin Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Famine, graves, torture
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Earth, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: Gluttonous even by Goblin standards, the Neverfull's followers occasionally attract the ire of others for her eating habits.
  • Eat! Eat! Eat!
  • Sentient flesh best flesh. Devour!
  • If they don't eat it, you should.

  •   Velgaas - Minds in the Dark
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Emotional manipulation, emptiness, ignorance
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Void
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: A methodical, slow hunter and a corrupted,Velgass urges his Anti-Paladins to follow.
  • Take good intentions and drive them to horror. Make them think it is necessary, and when they are done, show them it was not.
  • Let ignorance guide innocent hands to horrible deeds.
  • Empty your heart of passion. Let a cold hand guide your work, and take satisfaction that it is done well - but nothing more.

  •   Vermilion Mother
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Fecundity, overgrown places, psychoactive plants
    Domains: Charm, Evil, Plant, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Anti-Paladin Code: A dichotomy between a love for plants and overgrown places and a desire for perfect murder, the servants of the Vermillion Mother are said to water their gardens with their victims blood...
  • Live in the places where plants dominate and grow strong. Move among them. Never weed or prune.
  • Enjoy the bounty of nature, in all its glory. Use it to live, and toxins to kill.
  • Remember that life springs from death. Kill so plants may live.

  •   Vorasha - The Ophidian
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Incurable afflictions, poison, toxicity
    Domains: Evil, Magic, Scalykind, Water
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Anti-Paladin Code: The most powerful of the Harbingers, it is suspected that Vorasha is being manipulated by a greater power.
  • Use poison and rot as your weapons. A sword kills one, a toxin an army.
  • Venemous beasts and creatures are your allies. Learn of them and how to use them.
  • Seek toxins, magics and devices that inflict permanent, incurable ruin on your foes.

  •   Xhamen-Dor - The Inmost Blot
    Pantheon: Great Old Ones
    Areas of Concern: Decay, parasites, transformation
    Domains: Death, Evil, Plant, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Spear
    Anti-Paladin Code: An insidious being, the Inmost Blot is spread by knowledge. Learning of him may be enough to serve him, and many of his adherents did not come to him willingly...
  • Subtly infest as many as you can with the knowledge of Xhamen-Dor. Let the knowledge and the god eat at them.
  • Destroy the works of Desna, young usurper, opposer of the old one's plans.
  • Travel forth, travel wide, and leave the seeds that grow in minds until they, too, are the Inmost Blot...

  •   Xiquiripat - The Flying Scab
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Evisceration, fatal falls, genocide
    Domains: Air, Destruction, Evil, War
    Favored Weapon: Terbutje
    Anti-Paladin Code: Trapped and insane, the flying scab's handful of adherents are given two simple tasks.
  • Kill everything that is not one of us. Be creative in your cruelty.
  • Find Xiquiripat. Free Xiquiripat.

  •   Xsistaid - The Wiggling Wound
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Maggots, myiasis, parasites
    Domains: Animal, Charm, Destruction, Evil
    Favored Weapon: Dart
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Infect others. Control them. Make them yours. And then discard them.
  • Have parasites that serve your needs and whims.
  • Try and leave those you control sentient, so they can see what you do with their body.

  •   Ymeri - Queen of the Inferno
    Pantheon: Elemental Lords
    Areas of Concern: Deserts, fire, volcanoes
    Domains: Destruction, Evil, Fire, War
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Anti-Paladin Code: The powerful Elemental Lord of Fire, she is a passionate, dangerous divinity.
  • Exalt your allies with passion and wit.
  • Destroy your foes with fire. It is their final blessing.
  • Never quench a raging, destructive fire. Let it burn itself out.

  •   Zaigasnar - The Bladebride
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Body modification, destructive vanity, pins
    Domains: Charm, Destruction, Evil, Liberation
    Favored Weapon: Javelin
    Anti-Paladin Code:
  • Pierce, tattoo, fleshwarp and change your body until it is your perfect vessel. If you ever change that desire, change your form to match.
  • Use the vanity of others to break them. Use it make them self-destruct.
  • Pierce the flesh. Your flesh. There flesh. All flesh.

  •   Zarongel - Bark Breaker
    Pantheon: Goblin Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Dog killing, fire, mounted combat
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Fire, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Dogslicer
    Anti-Paladin Code: The first of the Hero-Gods to swear to Lamashtu, and bane of canines everywhere.
  • Kill the dogs. Silence the bark.
  • Ride with gobbo dogs and fire. Even the odds.
  • Be bold. Be first. But mostly, be left standing.

  •   Zelishkar - The Bitter Flame
    Pantheon: Daemon Harbingers
    Areas of Concern: Arson, burning alive, cremation
    Domains: Animal, Evil, Fire, War
    Favored Weapon: Ranseur
    Anti-Paladin Code: Zelishkar is currently imprisoned, and unable to grant his worshippers powers.

      Zipacna - The Mountain Below
    Pantheon: Sahkil Tormentors
    Areas of Concern: Avoiding responsibility, shifting earth, violence
    Domains: Earth, Evil, Fire, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Tepoztopilli
    Anti-Paladin Code: A lazy and tyannical being, he makes this the problem of those who worship him. They, in turn, make it the problem of others.
  • Pitfalls and other traps work well to kill.
  • Never accept blame when a suitable scapegoat still exists.
  • When all else fails, turn to violence.

  •   Zyphus - The Grim Harvestman
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Accidental death, graveyards, tragedy
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Plant, War
    Favored Weapon: Heavy pick
    Anti-Paladin Code: Relishing in senseless and tragic death, Antipaladins of Zyphus wage war upon not only upon the edifices of stability propped up by gods and mortals but also the futile concept of destiny itself (a cause that I most certainly agree with, in spite of my opposition to some of these individuals’ methods). Existing among all races and cultures, Zyphen Antipaladins are among the most cruel and sadistic mortals imaginable due to the powerful purpose of their cruelty. Their tenets are as follows;
  • Chance is the arbiter of all things, the only certainty in this mad universe. I do not gripe of its inconvenience.
  • There is no plan or destiny which cannot be ruined by chance. I will prove this to all who challenge me.
  • All those who enforce order upon creation, who proselytize on the significance of death or the machinations of some cosmic truth, face the edge of my blade.
  • I will sow death wherever I travel. The more unexpected and tragic, the better.

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