New Avalon


The island of New Avalon was torn from its plane some 200 years ago as the inhabitants fought a desperate war against the Creeping Chaos' influence. Aberrations walked its street wearing the smirking faces of men and women and nights grew unnaturally long.

No one is truly certain whether the island's movement to the void was purposeful, accidental or somewhere between the two. But the capital city of Kaer Llundain and its surroundings were moved to the void almost seamlessly, the Old Picadon station already connected to the rail.

Given the situation they'd been in the residents of New Avalon didn't really mind being moved to the strange and chaotic realm they'd found themselves in. The strange creatures didn't mind either...

Despite strong rail links to the rest of the Inner Ring, New Avalon was in an unusual position of bringing along more than one shipyard. As a result, these were rapidly converted to airship facilities, and many of the vessels now plying the void were built in the Swan and Hunter yards.


The island is a constitutional monarchy, with the Ladies and Lords of the Parliament making up the advisory board for the Queen Eternal, and the laws state that a unanimous vote overrides even the Queen's desires. The Queen has ruled the island since long before it was moved to the void, it's said by her subjects, although very few see more than her carriage these days.

Below the Ladies and Lords stand the mayors, one for each of the burroughs of Kaer Llundain and the outlying villages. Each arranges their area as seen fit. So long as the citizens remain loyal and the tax revenue rolls in they tend to have a large degree of control, although too much deviation from 'The Queen's Will' has seen more than one of them escorted to the Queen's presence by the royal guard.

Biomes: Biomes: Victorian Urban, towns, villages, airship and boatyards, farms, forests, waterways, aberration-altered areas (Material Plane)

Places of Interest

Kaer Llundain: Capital of the island, a dense metropolis of narrow streets, back alleys and grand spires. It is common knowledge that strange creatures live among the populace, some safe, some...less so.

New Picadon Station: This grand train station existed before the island was moved, and when it arrived in the void it connected to the train network immediately. As a result, it is one of the first places most people see when they arrive.

Swan and Hunter Shipyards: Sitting on a river, these shipyards were converted to build airships and alchemical dragons instead of sea-going vessels.     Overseer: Jon
Table of Contents
Places of Interest

Island Details
Population: 12,000
Climate: Temperate, with heavy rainfall.
Light Levels: Typically dim and clouded.
Government: Monarchy.
General Alignment: Lawful Evil
National Crest:


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