Obliviate Empire

  The self-proclaimed Obliviate Empire is a collection of three distinct islands, bound together by incredible fusions of magic and the technology of the void trains. They remain semi-level with each other, as if one continuous landmass... aside from the glimmering borders where they connect, running across the earth like glittering scars fusing them together.   The northernmost island is the capital of the Empire, a massive fortress city that encompasses nearly the entire surface of their home island. The city, and by extension the island, are known as New Axia to its citizens. While citizens of New Axia are rarely seen outside its towering dark walls and fortifications, there is still a steady stream of merchant and adventurer traffic to the massive sprawling cityscape both seeking the same thing; Gold. The walls and relative stability of New Axia make it a safe haven for trade of all kinds, so long as one is willing to toe the line of their rigorous legal expectations.   The easternmost island is a ragged chunk of the First World, torn from its home plane to rest in the void. The rich natural lands are verdant to the extreme, blanketed in lush greenery and full of exotic wildlife. The fey native to the chunk have taken a one-sided liking to the Empire, finding joy both in participating and exploiting their complicated legal system wherever possible as if it were some form of grand game. The Empire has taken to these lands to farm and sustain their burgeoning population, cutting away larger and larger swathes of the lush forests to farm for their people. The land still remains dangerous and wild however, and every push made further inland is met with further resistance by the native beasts of the realm.   Finally, the southernmost island is an oddly smooth, almost glass-like orb of strange stone dotted with veins of exotic metals, dubbed ‘The Marble’ for its oddly smooth appearance. This marble has a single sizeable cave-mouth entrance connected to the mainland of the Empire leading into the yawning dark abyss within it. Unlike other islands, there is no natural environment in the marble to sustain natural life and forays into it for metals and gems must be made with specially crafted suits or mining transports the Empire uses to harvest the mineral bounty. While most creatures cannot endure the void for more than a few seconds, there are a few species native to The Marble that seem immune to the effects of the void. Strange squat stone humanoids of around bronze age development live in scattered tribes around The Marble and fiercely defend their home territory from invaders. While the Empire has had some success in bribing these creatures off their ancestral lands, more dangerous creatures lurk in the dark caverns as well. Survivors of these encounters are few and far between, so the threats remain poorly known.  
The whole of the Empire’s islands are overseen by their Emperor, referred to only by that title and rarely seen in public. Their word is absolute and the law in New Axia is maintained with an iron fist. While the Emperor is lofty and mysterious, more local governing figures are easier to see and perhaps even meet with. New Axia is split into 5 districts. Military, Industrial, Agricultural, Medical, and Entertainment. Each section of the city is home to wildly different sights and amenities, but beholden to the same basic code of law and system of government. Each is overseen by a ‘Mayor’ who in turn has their own cabinet of government officials responsible for decision making in their sector. While each mayor has great sway over what enters the Emperor’s ears, ultimately the Emperor’s decisions for any matter are final.  
Urban, Towns, Villages, Farmland, Fey Forests, Caves and Mining areas (Material Plane, Plane of Earth)

Places of Interest:
New Axia: A sprawling mega metropolis larger than most cities, big enough to contain 5 distinct sectors each much like their own cities. Gold and Power flow through the streets in equal measure for those hungry, savvy, and clever enough to seize it. While the massive walls protect the city from external threats, there’s no shortage of gang activity in the shadowy depths of the sectors. For those with less than legal inclinations, the animated guardians of New Axia prowl the streets looking for criminals to apprehend and those who do wrong ought to be wary lest they be caught and sentenced. Thankfully there’s no death penalty in New Axia, just forced conscription into the mining forces sent into The Marble...   The Marble: A strangely smooth and mineral rich chunk of the Plane of Earth lacking in atmosphere but abundant in danger. For those with specialized gear and either a foolhardy nature or capable combat skills, it is a literal goldmine of rare metals and gems. Provided you can pry it from the grip of the dangerous natural denizens within.   Villiam: A sizeable farmstead situated on the border of New Axia and their lush chunk of the fey wilds. Food is abundant here for the right price, though it is occasionally subject to attack by the ferocious beasts native to the land.     Overseer: Opinicus


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