Olympia Station


Where the majority of new arrivals to the void begin. No one is entirely sure where the train that brings them comes from or where it goes, and attempts to find out haven't...ended well.   With themes of Greek and Old Western architecture combined with steam and magical technology, Olympia Station is part massive train station and part trading town - a hub for both commerce and adventurers temporarily stopping at or moving into The Void.
There are no permanent accommodations for adventurers at Olympia Station, only temporary housing like hotels and inns. The only ones who live on Olympia Station are those who work for the company, Parhelion. In truth; every business and merchant is owned and operated by Parhelion - Olympia Station is essentially a company town. Small groups of Welcomers live in the temporary housing, as they do near all stations, continuously changing.   Olympia Station has two key figures. The Conductor - a rather secretive fellow who is often seen wearing a blazing white and gold suit with gauntlets, greaves and an odd helmet that is always constantly spewing out fire almost as if it was long hair, which also has the added effect of making everything he says come with an echo - along with The Fireman - a quite large fellow who wears a similar yet unfitting white and gold suit, but is clearly some form of Shabti.

Dramatis Personae

Jean Paul de Rame: The Conductor, known as Jean Paul De Rame, is the local leader of Olympia Station and On-Site Director for the Olympia Branch of Parhelion - though most people call him ‘Mayor’, given that is practically his role - whose job is to make sure everything is running smoothly and on time. Although he doesn’t seem the type to ‘get his hands dirty’, he often can be seen directly overlooking and checking in on the various parts of Olympia Station. Without him, the place wouldn’t run as smoothly as it currently is, and that’s saying something.

Kieran O'Connors: The Fireman, known as Kieran O’Connors, is The Conductor’s second, he acts as Chief of Security and has the disposition one may expect from someone in that role - stern and blatant. The Fireman is often the one who drafts help from both the residents of Red Ridge and those who pass through Olympia Station, in the way of ‘bounties’; Although he is clearly hesitant to depend on the aid of the adventurers who come through Olympia Station, given their - in his words - ‘inconsistency’
Table of Contents
Dramatis Personae


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