
Omrataji is the god of silver and all those who work with it, from the miners who pull it from the earth to the artisans who shape it. Followers of Omrataji believe silver is the most valuable of elements, because of its effectiveness in defeating evil outsiders, vampires, and lycanthropes. Omrataji has become a patron of crusades against such evils, not by fighting them directly—though he isn’t against such action in times of need—but rather by ensuring those who oppose them have access to the finest of weapons needed to defeat them. Despite his reputation as a crusader deity, Omrataji’s main focus is as a god of crafting and the relationships that arise within the silver industry.
Omrataji’s followers believe that the act of trading, sharing, or otherwise passing silver from one person to another is a gesture of friendship, camaraderie, and charity, even if such practical transactions are part of a financial arrangement rather than acts of altruism. One of the most common axioms spoken by Omrataji’s faithful is, “May the silver flow freely from your purse,” indicating that the speaker wishes wealth, communion, and generosity upon the subject of his blessing.
Omrataji’s followers aren’t naïve about the power of wealth to divide and oppress, but they do maintain optimism that commerce can be purified into something that uplifts everyone in society, rather than being used as a tool to reduce the power of the already powerless. They attempt to teach others to manage their resources well and navigate the nation’s economic systems with a sense of confidence.
The Spirit in Silver stands in direct opposition to Abadar, as the latter's unrepentant commercial efforts have the potential to harm as much as they help, and his focus on profit above all else stands opposed to Omrataji's view that such wealth is there to serve a greater good.

It is rumoured a number of Silver Dragons, especially younger and more passionate ones, have taken on service to the Spirit of Silver. Herald: Omrataji is rumoured to be seeking a herald.


Not surprisingly, many of Omrataji's worshippers are silversmiths, tradesmen and those with a focus on aiding the war against the violent power and creatures.

Deific Obedience: Omrataji works in silver, and bids his followers to understand the metal and its purpose. Spend 1 hour working with silver, or contemplating silver coins, items and magical equipment. For every 500gp worth of silver they wear or wield proudly, they gain a +1 Sacred bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive, to a max of half your character level.

  • The Path of the Silver Tongue - Versatile Weapon (Silver Only) 3/day, Silver Darts 2/day or Chains of Light 1/day
  • Argentum Hands - The Evangelist gains a bonus on craft checks equal to one quarter of their level. They can craft an additional 1000gp worth of magic items a day.
  • Purifying Silver - Once a day as an immediate action, by sacrificing 100gp worth of silver per level, the Evangelist can attempt to remove or end one status effect of their choice. If the status effect doesn’t usually allow a save, a save may still be made. The DC for effects that would allow a save is reduced by 5 for these rerolls.

  • Exalted
  • The Path of the Silvered Palm: Beloved of the Forge 3/day, Unseen Engineer (Silvered Traps) 2/day or Wall of Silver 1/day
  • Silveredskin - As an immediate action twice a day, the Exalted can gain DR 5/- for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom modifier. This damage reduction increases by 1 for every 5 points of BAB the Exalted has.
  • Divine Caravan - The exalted can, at will, summon a silver coloured carriage that has the same statistics as a heavy wagon, drawn by a pair of mounts. It can hold 5,000 lbs of items. In addition, once a day, the Caravan shift to the astral plane, allowing it to function as Shadow Walk with a caster level equal to the character’s level, carrying any characters that are in the wagon.

  • Sentinel
  • The Path of Striking Silver: Dazzling Blade 3/day, Chains of Perdition 2/day or Fabricate (Silver Only) 1/day
  • Silvered Intent - All weapons count as silvered in your hands, including natural attacks and unarmed strikes. If their attacks already counted as silver they get a untyped bonus equal to one quarter their level on damage.
  • Chain of Command - the Sentinel can call upon the services of an outsider dedicated to Omrataji once a day as a full round action, taking the form of a Young Silver Dragon with it’s type changed to Outsider. It fights for one round per character level.

  • Paladins of Omrataji

    Omrataji urges temperance in violent passions and to attempt to show evildoers the errors of their ways over rebellion. However, in times of need, Silver Paladin may be needed to purify tyranny. Their tenets include the following adages:  
  • Ensure those who oppose oppressive evil, especially by evil outsiders, vampires, and lycanthropes, have access to the finest tools needed to defeat them.
  • Silver will purify the evil in villains and social institutions when crafted, traded, and shared wisely.
  • May the silver flow freely from your purse, share silver, wealth, and community generously with my friends and allies to better our community.
  • Teach others to well manage resources and the economy with confidence
  • Protect the powerless and the crafters of silver tools that will empower the powerless.

  •   The paladins of Omtataji often ally with those of other Neutral Good deities, or even Neutral or Chaotic who will put the good of people first, but conflicts with Lawful followers who put powers that be over the people.
    Table of Contents
  • Heralds
  • Worshippers
  • Deific Obedience
  • Evangelists
  • Exalted
  • Sentinel
  • Paladin Code

    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Titles: The Spirit in Silver
    Areas of Concern: Silver, silverwork, and silver mining
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Good, Nobility
    Subdomains: Friendship, Leadership, Metal, Toil
    Herald: None
    Favored Weapon: Spiked chain
    Symbol: A shimmering silver star
    Sacred Animal(s): Mole


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