
When traveling to Senka, this jewel of an island appears as a near perfect dome of swirling dark clouds with bright burst of green bulging out to one side, far on the other side of Senka from Kolenke Exchange Station for void trains and void coaches.
  Senka came to this part of the void from the Shadow Planes, mostly. It is said that it was an intentional move made possible by the Archons who'd heard the so-called Judge of the Material Gods was to imprison a a crazed Prince there who would infect and warp the lands, and the Archons with the help of their Seconds, their Champions, and their people chose to risk the Malestrom instead, away from the interference of such deities. As people forget what the Shadow Planes were like before such interference of such beings who were never bothered with how it would impact those already there, Senka stabilized in the inner ring. The communities of wayang, kayal, shae, and more thrived - even some who have faded from memoties in the Plane they once called home. While many live in the town around the busy exchange hall, others live in the many quieter places beyond.   What is less talked about is that either the move didn't entirely go to plan or the Archons decided to include a piece of the material in their new voidrealm. A portal to the Material Plane hadn't quite been destroyed when the plane shift happened, and a community of werekin, leshy, dryads and more of the forests and mountains live in the Jasyljoyn region. It's thought to have once been part of Tian Xia...or Tian Shan... no one quite remembers anymore. They recognise the power of the Archons though are generally autonomous. While a few traders from this region use the Exchange Hall, they typically trade with Senka traders to take to the Hall for them, as those of Jasyljoyn who leave their region too long start losing their colour, starting with grey marks on the skin and hair.   The main draw for visitors is the Kolenke Exchange Hall connected right to the train and coach stations and the annual colourful displays visible from the Hall's observer balconies. It's said the only items not allowed to be traded are the living and certain artifacts native to Senka that are detected by the doorways as one passes between the station to the hall and back. Very few visitors to the Hall travel further into Senka as all their needs and wants can be found within and getting a pass to leave is treated by many as more trouble than it is worth.

Governments, Rule of Law, and Ettiquette

Arrangements have been made with the trade factions to handle their own within the trade hall, as long as the agreement is maintained. If there is an issue that doesn't involve Senka law, it is the relevant trade masters that handle it.   If Senka law is involved or an incident goes beyond what the trade masters want to handle, it goes to Hall security who are most visible near the decorative doorways that detect contraband. In the long corridor between the stations and Exchange Hall, there are rooms and alcoves where suspects and perpetrators are handled. The Hall Matriarchs, mostly Shae or similar beings made mostly of living shadow, handle the most serious cases.   The entirety of the arrangement between Senka and the trade factions is not public knowledge, but it is widely published in brochures to the island and in signs on the station that those caught trying to sell anything living or materials classified as Senka artifacts will be detained and investigated to the fullest extent of Senka law, which includes the right of authorities to use magic and tools to probe the deepest part of the mind for the truth no matter the cost to the perpetrator. People may sell religious tools and worship anything, but any proselytizing will result in forced removal. It is rumoured some faiths are more harshly punished on this than others.   Trade is generally done in silver, gems, or barter. Gold is not appreciated. There are a few traders who will exchange gold for better currencies, but many outright refuse it and some find it insulting.   All arrivals must come through the stations. Coming through other means is illegal. Those not native to Senka must impress the Kolenke Exchange Hall's authorities to be granted permits to travel further onto the island. Leaving through other means is illegal. Senka authorities welcome all and are not gentle on those who choose to spit on their hospitality and create increased risks to their people by breaking what is to them very basic rules of decency.   Outside of the Kolenke Exchange Hall, the Archons words and whims are law. The Archons very rarely override or even bothers the Elders of the Jasyljoyn region, but when they do, the Elders have little choice. There are rumours that serious criminals are dropped into werekin territories to be at their mercy.

Market Hall, Train and Carriage Station, [redacted] - Senka (Shadow Plane) (Material Plane area currently unaccessible)
Any Biome - Dark Belt (Shadow Plane, some chunks are Shadow Plane with areas of other Planes)

Places of Interest

The Kolenke Exchange Hall: An opulant building of silver and finely carved grey patterned marble that connects via corridors to the void train and void coach stations. It has multiple levels of trades and craft work being exchanged. There are also a wide range of food stalls, often near observer balconies where people can dine and watch the patterns in the sky. There are plants around the building that largely keep the privacy of those that live in the meangering town below. Below the Hall are tunnels with markets of items that need to be kept at particular temperatures that are easier to maintain below ground, as well as hostels and trader accomodations. All ways in and out are marked to seek out contraband and are well guarded.   Borders Trade Lodge: A long trade house on the Border between the Jasyljoyn region and the rest of Senka, under the cover of a grove of trees in the mountains. There are seasonal trade gatherings run here.   The Dark Belt: Several large chunks have over the eons created a loose ring of moons, though not visible much from Senka due to the clouded dome. It is thought that most of these are pieces of the Shadow Plane that were also drawn into the void at different times and - once here - were drawn to the large, stable Senka. Not all the chunks are stable, and they are not connected by rail. Oma carriages and caravans do make trips, particularly the largest paired moons, Morana and Devana, which have small communities on them.   Senka does monitor these as a precaution for threats such as bombardment or contamination, and maintain an outpost on Devana and Morana mainly for this, but otherwise treats them as entirely autonomous.   GMing Note: All of the moons are named after beings from Slavic mythos and do not have Senka artefacts.

Dramatic Personae:
Champion Bek: The Archon's Champions are rare, hand selected for their valuable skills and only answer to the Archons and their Seconds. Nearly all Champions come from Senka locals. Champion Bek is a rarity among them, a local of the Jasyljoyn region, her dark skin having long mottled grey marks from years in her work. An expert at repairing Senka artifacts, she occasionally appears in the Kolenke Exchange Hall when significant damanged contraband is found.

Important Events
New Life Pattern Display: There is an 'annual' show of bright colours within the clouds that lasts for days, said to come from migrating patterns of animals within the clouds going to roost and coming back. It's not exactly annual on a clock, but it is how Senka tracks the years. There is debate as to whether short years of less than 84 days are more of a bad omen of pain and grief or whether those of 85-175 days are. Anything beyond 260 days is considered a full year to celebrate lavishly.     Overseer: ᗡDᗡDᗡDᗡD the Matriarch


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