The Thirsty Dryad


Recently, a new place to stay has appeared within the Inner Ring - a large inn built around, on and into a tree. Connected to the rails the Inn accepts people to stay short and long term, as well as serving drinks and meals.

The Inn

The Thirsty Dryad is a large, multi-story building built around an ancient oak tree that towers over the building by a significant margin.
The building itself is clearly old and well settled and seem to support and be supported by the tree.

The Inn itself is not far from Olympia Station, and was quickly connected to the same length of track as the station. Oddly, the island has an internal station, with a short tunnel entrance to the Inn's own platform in the basement. The basement also contains several cellars, store rooms, and massive protective roots.

The bulk of the ground floor is a single large open room, with the polished bar running around the base of the tree, with the rest of the room holding a variety of tables and seating, all underneath a high, vaulted ceiling held up by the lowest branches of the oak. The rest of the ground floor is taken up by the kitchens and patio areas that lead to the gardens.

Bedrooms are from the second floor up, with several styles ranging from a full suite with a living space and its own baths to a bunkroom with only a heavy curtain for privacy, with a variety of prices depending on the room. Private and public baths are also available, with magically heated hot water being pumped up to where it's needed.

The attics are the private quarters of the owner and her staff, and off limits to the public.

Azerna - The Dryad

The Thirsty Dryad is owned, operated by and named after the Dryad Azerna, a tall woman with bark-like skin and 'hair' made of plants and leaves that match the current season of her tree.

Often smiling and friendly, occasionally people think to take advantage of her pleasant nature. This is generally unwise, as Azerna is experienced and well trained with both martial arts and druidic abilities. There is nothing quite like the barmaid growing into a 30ft Treant and unleashing a flurry of bone-shattering blows to make even the most confident adventurer regret their life choices. Often briefly.

Tied to the great oak that is the heart of the Inn, Azerna will always be found in the inn or in the gardens, which she uses her Druidic training to grow veggies and flowers for the Inn itself. There is also a pond filled with fish, several bee hives and a large herb garden, though the inn consumes enough flour, vegetables and meat that deliveries are usually seen every two to three days. Bar the apple mead the Inn is famous for most of the alcohol is also ordered as are a wide range of other beverages.

Rumours and Adventure Hooks

  • Occasionally Azerna will ask about a lost city, Khalharum. She has a standing reward of 100 platinum for anyone who brings her confirmed information on the city.
  • There are rumours that a ghost occasionally wanders some parts of the inn. When this is mentioned, Azerna simply sighs.

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