True Neutral Deities and Codes

Although Neutral deities are unable to accept either Paladins or Anti-Paladins, we have included them - and a short deific code - for the sake of completion. We have also included codes for beings such as the Eldest to help their adherents understand what is expected of them.

Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
Areas of Concern: Contingencies, intelligent items
Domains: Artifice, Healing, Knowledge, Magic
Favored Weapon: none
Deific Code: A sentient falcata that has raised itself to godhood, it is not commonly worshipped but often serves as an example.
  • You never know where the strong might rise from. Be observant.
  • Plan, be smart, and have contingencies.
  • Create sentient life - intelligent items, people or other things.

  •   Atropos - The Last Sister
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Fate, sleep, and youth
    Domains: Darkness, Death, Luck, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Deific Code: The daughter, and rumoured successor, of Pharasma herself, the Last Sister takes the most challenging task of all the Psychopomp Ushers - to judge the souls of children. She expects her faithful to do the same.
  • Tend to the chronically ill, the lost and the sick. Ease their end when you can.
  • The undead are abhorrent, but the souls of trapped children a tragedy. Free them.
  • Those who cannot sleep are blessed with time.

  •   Barzahk - The Passage
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Compasses, travelers, and vigils
    Domains: Knowledge, Protection, Repose, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Club
    Deific Code: The Master of the Dead Roads and their keeper, he seeks to aid travellers and those who died in their roamings.
  • Tend to the roadside graves you find.
  • Aid those who return from the dead gain their bearings.
  • Do not celebrate one day or holiday more than any other.
  • Find and return missing people and objects. Grant people this peace.

  •   Brigh - The Whisper in Bronze
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Clockwork, invention, time
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge
    Favored Weapon: Light hammer
    Deific Code: The Whisper in Bronze adores creation, and it is the blessed duty of her faithful to create, protect those creating and protect creations.
  • Never enslave an intelligent construct. It has been made wise, let it be wise all on its own.
  • Share the news of your achievements, successes and failures so everyone can share in them and learn.
  • Look to the smallest details to understand the biggest pictures.
  • Make mistakes. But learn from them. Refusal is a wasted opportunity that will rob you of success.

  •   Ceyannan - The Shepherd
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Final words, lost souls, and searches
    Domains: Community, Repose, Protection, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Deific Code: The Shepherd is tasked with collecting the souls that have escaped or been removed from the correct afterlife, and seeks to return them.
  • Return the lost to their rightful home, even if it means you yourself risk being lost.
  • Record the final words that you hear, so others may know them.
  • Search for the things lost, and return them when you can.

  •   Daikitsu - Lady of Foxes
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Agriculture, craftsmanship, kitsune, rice
    Domains: Animal, Artifice, Community, Plant, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Flail
    Deific Code: The lady of foxes is generally seen as a beneficial god, although those who do not follow her tenants can evoke her wrath.
  • Ensure that crops are well-tended and protected from pests.
  • Leave offerings for the foxes.
  • Celebrate as the seasons turn.
  • Never treat someone lower than yourself poorly just because of their station in life.
  • Never pass a beggar without giving them what you can.

  •   Dammar - The Denied
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Liquor, luck, and medicine
    Domains: Healing, Luck, Protection, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Short sword
    Deific Code: The Usher in charge of those returning from the dead, whose goal it is to make sure that this right is not abused and memories of the Boneyard remain where they should.
  • Make alcohol and enjoy it. Fermentation is a blessing.
  • Practice medicine. Remember the uses of alcohol in its service.
  • Trust in your luck or you will lose it.

  •   Drokalion
    Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: none
    Domains: Animal, Glory
    Favored Weapon: none
    Deific Code: A powerful lion barely aware of their own divine nature.
  • Feed Drokalion.
  • Being chased is a good thing! Being caught may not be.

  •   Fandarra - Blood Mother
    Pantheon: Giant Deities
    Areas of Concern: Cycle of life, earth, knowledge
    Domains: Community, Death, Earth, Knowledge, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Stone dagger
    Deific Code: The Earth Seer is a power being, that requires sacrifice to dispell their ire.
  • The cycle of the world is all-important. Do not allow the unnaturally immortal to defy their place in the cycle.
  • Knowledge is the hunter's most powerful weapon. Treasure it.
  • Create new life when it is reasonable to do so.

  •   Feronia - The Fertile Flame
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Fertility, sacred fires, wildlife
    Domains: Destruction, Fire, Liberation, Protection
    Favored Weapon: Bastard sword
    Deific Code: The former paramour of the Archdevil Dispater and mother to the deceased Empyreal Lord Ragathiel, Feronia has focused more attention and servants on Aurea since his loss.
  • Live in communities where all children are cared for.
  • Protect children against all outside forces.
  • Keep sacred fires alive and burning.
  • Natural wildfires are to be allowed. Ones caused by mortals should be stopped or at least controlled.

  •   Gozreh - The Wind and the Waves
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Nature, the sea, weather
    Domains: Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Deific Code: A powerful and dualistic deity, Gozreh is known for their fickle and mercurial nature which they pass to their adherents.
  • Cherish, protect, and respect nature in all its forms.
  • Do not allow 'civilization' to spread into nature. It has intruded enough.
  • Never spoil nature. Be that the world or tainting the soul with the blight of undeath.

  •   Grandmother Spider - The Weaver
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Twilight, weaving, illusion, and family
    Domains: Charm, Community, Darkness, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Net
    Deific Code: The trickster deity Grandmother Spider is feared by most others - no one is outside her reach.
  • Be smart, be clever. If you can't win by being stronger then win by being wiser.
  • If you do the work you are paid for, you take your pay. If they don't want to pay you, well, that's going to be their problem.
  • Teach the most powerful humility. It's good for them, and good for you too.
  • Never turn your tricks on someone who has given you genuine kindness. Kindness should be repaid.
  • Never abuse those you hold power over, and never own a slave.

  •   Green Faith - The Old Faith
    Pantheon Core: Deities
    Areas of Concern: Air, beast, earth, fire, water
    Domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant
    Favored Weapon: Druidic weapons
    Deific Code: Not a God, but the power of nature itself, the source of magic for Druids, Shifters, Hunters and the like.
  • If you learn Druidic, never share it with a non-initiate.
  • Never wear metal.
  • The natural order is to be honoured. Even if it is not kind.

  •   Iapholi - The Child of Bloodstone
    Pantheon: Iblydan Hero-Gods
    Areas of Concern: Monstrous heritage, acceptance
    Domains Community, Glory, Strength
    Favored Weapon tail slap or heavy flail
    Deific Code: The Child of Bloodstone is a half-fiend who defied her heritage, and many of her followers draw strength from her story.
  • You are you. Your blood is the foundation you stand on, but it doesn't define you.
  • Never judge another for their heritage.
  • Don't be stupid. Some things are evil and dangerous. It's fine to fight them.

  •   Imot - The Symbol of Doom
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Inevitably, mathematics, and portents
    Domains: Luck, Repose, Rune, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Light shield
    Deific Code: A being of calamity, Imot and their servants are responsible for ending entire cultures to allow room for new ones to grow.
  • If something must end, it must end. Focus on what will grow to replace it. Do not try to save what must go.
  • There is no need to be cruel in your tasks.
  • Search mathematics for clues to the future, and push its boundaries.
  • Share your divinations with the world.

  •   Monad - The Condition of All
    Pantheon: Aeon
    Areas of Concern: Creation, the infinite, and truth
    Domains: Artifice, Darkness, Knowledge, Void
    Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
    Deific Code: Monad is a distant god of balance. It is unclear if it even knows it has worshippers, but only those closest to its aeon servants in nature receive divine gifts.
  • Maintain balance in all things, and try to bring feuding groups together.
  • Mediate arguments from a place of true neutrality.
  • Never allow your personal feelings to affect your duties.

  •   Mother Vulture - The Flesheater
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Consumption, renewal, and transformation
    Domains: Animal, Destruction, Healing, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Sickle
    Deific Code: Mother Vulture knows the place death has in life, and is the Usher in charge of those who died seeking redemption.
  • Death and life are the same coin. Remember one cannot be without the other. Recycle rot into the useful, even the dead.
  • Redemption doesn't end with death. And it doesn't start there either.
  • Kill without mercy if they threaten your community.
  • Never poison insects and scavengers.
  • Never waste food and materials that you can use, or others can.

  •   Mrtyu - Death's Consort
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Poetry, trauma, and war
    Domains: Charm, Death, Repose, War
    Favored Weapon: Greatsword
    Deific Code: The parmour of Pharasma herself, he is a Usher who was once a solder and a protector.
  • March to protect the helpless dead, lovers, and the weak.
  • Offer your council to those who need to hear it - even if they don't want to.
  • Aid single parents. It takes a village to raise a child, especially one missing a parent.

  •   Naderi - The Lost Maiden
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Drowning, romantic tragedy, suicide
    Domains: Charm, Nobility, Repose, Water
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Deific Code: A former servant to Sheyln lost to her mistress when the lovers under her watch killed themselves, the trauma raised Naderi to divinity in a tragic way.
  • Never mock the bereaved. They are in pain.
  • Comfort and encourage all kinds of mutual love. Defend it.
  • Help those who are suffering find peace and calm.
  • Never come between lovers.
  • Torture is anathema.

  •   Nalinivati - The Serpent's Kiss
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Fertility, nagaji, snakes, sorcery
    Domains: Charm, Magic, Nobility, Rune, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Urumi
    Deific Code: The First Mother is most powerful among the scalykind, but others occasionally fall into her purview.
  • Raise snakes. Do not harm a snake if you can avoid it.
  • Seek out magic and use it, do not horde it.
  • Use and cure venoms and poisons.
  • Have children, by adoption or by natural means. Never betray your offspring.
  • Never betray friends and family due to romantic competition.

  •   Narakaas - The Cleansing Sentence
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Atonement, difficult choices, and pain
    Domains: Death, Magic, Repose, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Greataxe
    Deific Code: An Usher that has focused on Redemption, Narakaas has even managed to redeem some of the dreaded daemon Veltracs.
  • Never torment or torture the unwilling, do not take joy in the suffering or others. Be merciful.
  • Help others through painful changes and difficult times, advise them with tough choices.
  • Seek and aid redemption. Offer harsh forms of atonement for those who truly seek it.

  •   Nethys - The All-Seeing Eye
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Magic
    Domains: Destruction, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Deific Code: The insane god of magic, Nethys is terribly powerful and deeply unstable. He loves to watch and partake in the lives of his adherents.
  • Seek out and use magical knowledge. Knowledge is neither good nor ill - it is yours to use.
  • Do not use base means to achieve what magic can. If there is a magical solution, use it.
  • Destruction and creation are two sides of the same thing. Do both.

  •   Ng - The Hooded
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Seasons, secrets, wanderers
    Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Gauntlet
    Deific Code: Inscrutable and mysterious, no one truly knows Ng - but a few actions bring his blessings or ire.
  • Travel continuously. Never sleep twice in a row beneath the same roof.
  • Hide your identity and your motives.
  • Never wear seasonal or festive clothes at the wrong time.

  •   Nivi Rhombodazzle - The Gray Polychrome
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Gems, stealth, gambling
    Domains: Community, Earth, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light hammer
    Deific Code: A gnomish deity most often worshipped by the svirfneblin, she savours taking chances and living through chaos.
  • Take chances and enjoy the consequences, good or ill.
  • Learn the rules and play new games.
  • Use stealth and your brain over violence.
  • Don't try and cheat or fight your way out of a lost wager.

  •   Onos - God of Many Doors
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Gems, stealth, gambling
    Domains: Community, Earth, Luck, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Light hammer
    Deific Code: A deity of the elements and travel, Onos is not well known outside of the elemental planes but promotes embassies and understanding.
  • Travel to other planes, and learn from them.
  • Try and absorb the wisdom and way of other cultures.
  • Act as an arbitrator when you can.

  •   Pharasma - Lady of Graves
    Pantheon: Core Deities
    Areas of Concern: Birth, death, fate, prophecy
    Domains: Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water
    Favored Weapon: Dagger
    Deific Code: The Grey Lady is the deity in charge of death and souls, and her adherents are her hands on the mortal planes.
  • Destroy the undead. Never take part in their creation. They are a defilement to the cycle of souls.
  • You are to lay the dead to rest. Never loot a corpse or defile a resting place.
  • Strive to understand the ancient prophecies and the wisdom of what could be.

  •   Phlegyas - The Consoler of Atheists
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Atheists, legacies, and reincarnation
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Knowledge, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Longbow
    Deific Code: An Usher responsible for the souls of atheists and artists.
  • Hold firm to your beliefs.
  • Try and create something that will outlast you. It is the only way immortality can really be.
  • Keep in mind the legacy you leave behind.

  •   Ptah - The Lord of Eternity
    Pantheon: Deities of Ancient Osirion
    Areas of Concern: Architecture, craftsmanship, creation, metalworking
    Domains: Artifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Travel
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Deific Code: It is said Ptah was one of the few beings to create himself, so intrinsic is his need to create.
  • Creation is your duty.
  • Defend what you and others have created against pointless destruction.
  • Trade, build and maintain so civilization can flourish.

  •   Saloc - The Minder of Immortals
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Agency, bronze, and education
    Domains: Knowledge, Liberation, Repose, Strength
    Favored Weapon: Guisarme
    Deific Code: A defender of free will, Saloc is also tasked with judging the souls of deities.
  • Help creatures grow and find purpose to better themselves.
  • Offer second chances - within reason.
  • Study ethics and philosophy.
  • Never rob a creature of its choices or its free will.
  • Never manipulate a creature's emotions, especially to create nihilistic feelings.

  •   Shyka - The Many
    Areas of Concern: Entropy, reincarnation, time
    Domains: Death, Destruction, Madness, Magic
    Favored Weapon: Light mace
    Deific Code: Shyka's confusing nature makes her hard to pin down, but it is rumoured that some of her adherents may even by future incarnations of the Many.
  • Never willingly tread where time cannot flow.
  • Learn from the past. They made mistakes you don't have to.
  • Leave hourglasses in unexpected places.
  • Gift random gifts.

  •   Sivanah - The Seventh Veil
    Pantheon: Other Deities
    Areas of Concern: Illusions, mystery, reflections
    Domains: Knowledge, Madness, Magic, Rune, Trickery
    Favored Weapon: Bladed scarf
    Deific Code: The lady of illusions is one for beauty and secrets.
  • Use illusions to make something beautiful. Don't use them to cause harm.
  • Appreciate the need for secrets. Don't reveals other peoples if you have sworn to keep it.
  • Pursue the nature of truth.

  •   Teshallas - The Primordial Poison
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Aging, poison, and venomous creatures
    Domains: Healing, Magic, Repose, Scalykind
    Favored Weapon: Chakram
    Deific Code: The embodiment of aging, the Primordial Poison is considered one of Pharasma's most brutal creations.
  • Age cannot be escaped forever.
  • Age is the poison no one can escape, but the use of lesser ones is a worthy art.
  • Wander the planes, use your time well.

  •   The Lost Prince - The Melencholy Lord
    Pantheon: Eldest
    Areas of Concern: Forgotten things, sadness, solitude
    Domains: Knowledge, Madness, Nobility, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
    Deific Code: Odd and stoic among the Eldest, the Lost Prince is often at the centre of their debates and quarrels.
  • Never take the credit for your good deeds.
  • Never abandon those with no one else.
  • Aid those who are depressed.
  • Maintain your neutrality in arguments.

  •   The Pale Horse - The Lash and the Plough
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Duty, revenge, and beasts of burden
    Domains: Death, Repose, Travel, Water
    Favored Weapon: Trident
    Deific Code: Once a daemon, now an Usher, the Pale Horse is one of Pharasma's most devoted adherents.
  • Redemption is always possible. Work for it, and ask for help when you need it.
  • Protect the Boneyard and guard the souls.
  • Your loyalty is to Pharasma. Do as needs done. Labour until it is done.

  •   Vale - The Court of Ancestors
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Consequence, superstition, and tradition
    Domains: Community, Knowledge, Nobility, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Heavy flail
    Deific Code: A prosecutor of souls within the Boneyard, whose focus is on impact and not intent.
  • Spread stories of the consequences, intended or not, of great and terrible actions.
  • Try to understand what impact your choices have, and what they will have in the future.
  • Weigh your actions against tradition for better understanding.

  •   Vavaalrav - The Steeple's Skull
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Gargoyles, holy ground, and rest
    Domains: Darkness, Earth, Protection, Repose
    Favored Weapon: Shortbow
    Deific Code: The Architect of the Boneyard, they bid their followers to build and maintain sacred burial places.
  • Construct the places where the dead may rest easy. Make sure they are proof against those seeking to disturb their slumber.
  • Guard grave sites and mortuary complexes from intruders.
  • Take your rest as you need, so your work can be its best.

  •   Vonymos - The Mourning Storm
    Pantheon: Psychopomp Usher
    Areas of Concern: Catastrophes, last stands, and suicides
    Domains: Fire, Glory, Repose, Weather
    Favored Weapon: Scythe
    Deific Code: The Usher that embodies the sorrow of loss, and the comforting therein.
  • Try and respect the bereaved.
  • Tend to the departed souls, especially those who suffered traumatic deaths. Let them rest well.
  • Work in the areas of great calamities, of desperate last stands and suicides to set the souls to rest.

  •   Yamatsumi - The Mountain Lord
    Pantheon: Deities of Tian Xia
    Areas of Concern: Mountains, volcanoes, winter
    Domains: Earth, Fire, Protection, Strength, Water
    Favored Weapon: Tetsubo
    Deific Code: A deity that butts heads with civilization and rejects its weakness, the Mountain Lord expects their followers to do the same.
  • Be self-reliant - you do not need the towns and cities to live.
  • If you must destroy, create something to take its place in nature.
  • Test yourself against the elements. Prove your mastery.

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