Malgrove Species in Parllos | World Anvil
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The Malgrove are a race of plantoid species that live in cities dotted throughout the forests of the Elasayn Basin; they can, however, be found all throuhgout Parllos' main continent. They are one of the oldest and most revered species on Parllos

Basic Information


Malgrove come in many different forms, having the most varied anatomy of any of Parllos' species. However, whether they are short, squat, and move about on air roots or tall, lanky, and bipedal, all are sturdy built creatures with limbs and bones made of a hard wood-like substance. Around which are wrapped a tight weave of vines and stems to form a kind of musculature strong enough to move the heavy core of the creature.

Genetics and Reproduction

During reproduction a male and female Malgrove will dig a small hole where they mix seed and sap to allow for polination within the soil. The areas in which this is done are known as Seedling Groves, and a young Malgrove will be replanted into more of these child groves as it matures toward adulthood. Once the seed is planted it can take up to a year before a sprout is seen and the seedling is declared viable.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once the seedly is known to be healthy and has at least one leaf sprouting it is now considered to be in the sapling stage, the young Malgrove is relanted in a Sapling Grove where it will spend the next six years growing and developing. It is during this time that the most drastic changes occur from the development of limbs to organs and facial features. The tailend of this process is the Malgrove achieving consciousness.   Its after the Malgrove opens it's eyes and lets out it's first yell that its transfered to the last of the child rearing groves as a rootling. here the Malgrove child will spend five to ten to twelve years learning and growing until they have the strength to break away from thier birth roots and walk freely.

Ecology and Habitats

Malgrove can be found anywhere that sunlight and soil are in abundance and are the most wide-spread of Parllos' sentient races. They favor the grasslands and dense forests to the east of the continent rather than the arid mountains and deserts to the west.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions


Major Organizations


It is not even known to the Malgrove how old the Malgrove are, as far as anyone knows they may be as old as Parllos itself. It is also widely believed that the Malgrove were Parllos' first of the sapient species.

Average Height
2 - 8 ft (0.6 - 2.4 m)
Average Weight
80 - 400 lbs (36 - 181 kg)
Geographic Distribution


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