Natural Pantheon

Scholars have categorized this pantheon as a catch-all group with two main classes of member.   The first is Nature - worshippers of Nature revere the cycles of the world in their unmodified state, and usually leave the object of their worship unpersonified. There is significant overlap between the worship of Nature and other pantheons, depending on how the associations between the deity and the natural world seem. As an example, most nature-worshippers hold some reverence for the Sky Pantheon but consider them aspects of Nature as a whole despite them appearing as deities in their own right.   The second class of members in this pantheon are effectively the opposite of Nature - things that seem aberrant or unnatural. Most of the worshippers of these entities (as most will not recognize them as proper gods) are considered cultists and they rarely have the number of worshippers a more common faith would have.   Most notable type of members include:
  • Nature
  • Primordials
  • Outsiders from the Far Realms
  • Great Old Ones
Religious, Pantheon


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