silver oil

It is possible to cobble together a functional oil that will allow a weapon to act as though it is silvered for the purposes of overcoming resistance/immunity.
Required Ingredients
  • 1 ounce of oil
  • 5 sp powdered silver
  • A handful of base earthen clay
One batch makes 5 applications.
Time to process
Up to 5 batches can be made at once (assuming all ingredients are available) but it takes 1 hour to properly mix. 5 applications can be stored in a flask or vial with a stopper.
How to use
This oil can be applied to a weapon over the course of 1 minute (most of this is allowing it to set/dry enough not to immediately come off when used). A weapon coated in silver oil will remain coated indefinitely as long as it is covered or sheathed while not in use.
When the weapon lands a hit, roll a d20 - if the result is equal to or less than the size of the weapon's damage die, the coating wears off.


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