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The Ocean's Prism

Based on Pacifidlog town from Pokemon
Having no stationary location and being built entirely on floating rafts, Portsea is a uniquely mobile city the location of which is hardly ever the same twice. The town and its citizens rely on the ocean's currents to help them along in the world, trusting that it knows best and will take them where they need to be. On occasion, the city will drop anchor(s) in order to trade goods with another settlement or ship, or to stabilize their home for an oncoming storm.


As the city is not stationary and never has been, its population is made up of very diverse people. There is no particular race or ethnicity which is associated with it.   The city has very little material wealth, as it is a close-knit community who does not rely on monetary transactions to do business. Those considered "rich" may have a slightly bigger house or some kind of precious armor/treasure that belonged to a loved ancestor.


The city has a single leader, whose official title is Mayor but acts more similarly to a a wizened m/patriarch of a family. They give guidance, offer advice, and divvy out tasks that need to be done. Around them are a group of people who each have specific tasks, such as keeping stock of the city's supplies and making note of what they need, helping to resolve any problems or conflicts that arise, and generally checking on the citizens. Although there is nothing that officially keeps these people in charge, they are largely trusted by the Portisans and nobody sees any reason to challenge them.


As Portsea has very little in the way of valuables and does not engage in conflicts, the city has no organized defenses to speak of.

Industry & Trade

When it comes to working, the people of the city do various jobs to keep the community well-supplied and running smoothly. The most popular and highly-respected job in the community is fishing, which provides most of the food for the people of Portsea. Others work as farmers, architects, construction workers, tailors, and so on.


Aside from being a literal floating city built on rafts interconnected by bridges, which is a feat of engineering in and of itself, the city has several small waterwheels which help to provide power to the structure's important buildings. One major structure of the settlement is the Holy Site, built in the middle of the city, which while having no particular denomination which lays claim to it, is most often used to praise the Sea and Her infinite beauty and wisdom.


A Holy Site, Seafaring Equipment, Weather-resistant clothing, lots of fish


Almost all the buildings on Portsea function as homes, and are relatively small and modest dwellings. They are big enough for their respective family to live comfortably, but no more. They are traditionally furnished with the tools of the family's trade so that one can easily identify where to go if they need a certain service or product.   The buildings are made out of similar materials to their rafts- magically treated Pandanus wood that more easily resists weather damage and does not rot. Some chose to keep their dwellings the natural color of the wood, but many decorate by painting their abodes with bright, flashy colors. The Holy Site is painted a deep blue, and the Town Hall a lighter sky blue. Out of respect, villagers tend not to paint their houses those colors.
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City, Raft City, The City that Never Stays
Inhabitant Demonym
Portisans, Seariders

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