
In the Setican Empire, the role of a magistrate is often looked upon as one of immense reverence but equally intense fear. A Magistrate is a political position within the Setican Empire as a result of its recent attempts of expansion into the vast no man's land known as the Matanza Desert and, because of this, often means that they are either chosen from local populations or are those of low political influence and sent out into the vast desert to administer the lawless areas that make up their seemingly controlled regions. A Magistrate's purpose is simple. While unable to create laws over the region, they are tasked with the understanding and teaching of Imperial law over the regions and its people, while also being tasked with the enforcement of the law. The enforcement of the law can be a daunting task, as criminals and bandits run amok with little difficulty, as well as various anti-Setican factions forming as a result of the recent Setican Civil War. This, combined with power struggle between the political power of the Magistrate and the military power of local militias and veteran military forces attempting to assert control over the region through force can cause tense relations.Another downfall to their role has been funding. Magistrates are expected to collect and manage tax revenue over the regions and the vast expanses that they control. And while it is easy to collect from urban centers, towns, and outposts, the major difficulty has been reaching the vast homesteads, isolated mines, and vast nomadic groups that frequently appear and disappear throughout the region. This task is made even harder by the lack of major infrastructure which the tax money they were supposed to collect was to create. Furthermore, because of the boom of explorers and adventurers, the few who have managed to make any sort of wealth have been actively using it to maniuplate and adjust the role to fit more into their own personal politicians, creating even further chaos in the region as these Magistrates become more helpful to the few versuses the many.Overall, the Magistrates of the Matanza Desert are a strange role that was created to establish control over these lawless regions but given very little control over their position while also coming in control with local roles and organizations. Their job is also not made much easier through the recent boom of explorers and adventurers coming into the region, seeking fame and fortune through the vast ruins and debris of the age-old empire.


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