Swindler's Run

Swindler's Run is a community of thieves, bandits, criminals, and swindlers that exists amongst the ruins of a failed mining town. Operated by the illustrious and mysterious "King of Thieves" and his "Gang of Shadows", the town acts as a hideaway from the more polite elements of society and an escape. While the town's existance is known, few know where it is unless you have a guide.   Local Sheriffs and Law Officers often ignore the area as the King of Thieves pays them for their "ignorance", and it keeps the more dangerous criminals out of their hair.


Swindler's Run is made up of outcasts, thieves, bandits, and low lifes from every walk of life. The few folks who truly live here fall under one of two categories: Those who work for the King of Thieves and his Shadow Hand, and those who work for those who work for the King of Thieves. Though the city has a small settled population, every type of criminal manages to find there way here to spend a day or night here. Because of this, the town is largely full of hotels, hospices, brothels, bars and saloons more than actual housing.


Swindler's Run has no official government, law enforcement, or any form of civil services. Despite this, there is a security force that patrols known as "The Blacks", which wear long black trenchcoats with black armbands. The laws of civilization mean very little to the few who live here, but there are rules that are expected to be followed. While there is no sheriff expected to take your guns, any unwarranted firing could result in the whole town turning on you. Anyone who is seen breaking these rules will be given a warning once, unless they commit a true atrocity, then they will either be killed or be tied up and taken to the nearest major city and delivered to the local sheriffs.

Industry & Trade

Swindler's Run, due to it largely being unincorporated and run by criminals, has no viable manufacturing or industry despite it being built from an abandoned mining town. However, under the rule of the King of Thieves, brothels and hotels have been erected from the old shacks and hovels to provide entertainment both of a emotional and physical variety. There is gambling bars, saloons and taverns littered in every direction. Prostitutes walk the street casually offering their services, with beer and whiskey flowing as naturally as a river. It is claimed that a man does not need to stay more than a day, as his fortunes will be either swiped, swindled, or spent before the sun goes down. Because of this, the town has very few living residents, with most people coming for a day or two before leaving again.
Alternative Name(s)
Thieves' Den
Thieves' Crossing
The Swindle
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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