
A sprawling region caught between the southern nations of Taldor’s old empire and the northern lands ruled by the Linnorm Kings, Varisia has long been considered a backwater. As Varisia lacked any significant coastal settlements to raid, the Linnorm Kings traditionally bypassed the region in favor of attacking the southern kingdoms, while in the south, the distances involved made exploration of the area uneconomical. Only in the past few hundred years have the nations of the Inner Sea turned their attention to Varisia, and they’ve found a land ripe for exploration—something the Varisian people have known for thousands of years, yet have long maintained their silence about. Although a relatively large stretch of Varisia has been settled by Chelish colonists and Varisian natives, the fact remains that this region is still primarily a dangerous wilderness. Legendary monsters, ranging from sinister local stories (such as the elusive Sandpoint Devil) on up to regional tales of terror (like deadly Black Magga, or the mythical Oliphaunt of Jandelay) have given the wilderness a singular menace, yet they are not as stark a reminder of the region’s dangers as the numerous Thassilonian monuments that still dot the land. Built by armies of stone giant artisans under runelord command, these monuments were preserved and protected by magic. Only today is this preservative magic beginning to fail, allowing the ancient monuments to slowly suffer the indignities of erosion and trophy seekers. In many of these monoliths lurk hidden dangers—immortal monsters trapped for centuries; enticing vaults of treasure protected by traps; and (some whisper) the slumbering runelords themselves, who wait patiently to awaken from their centuries-long sleep to reclaim a land rightfully theirs.
Alignment: N Capital: None Notable Settlements: Abken (298),Arsmeril (288), Baslwief (405),Biston (286), Crying Leaf (780),Galduria (1,420), Harse (828),Ilsurian (790), Janderhoff (10,230)Kaer Maga (8,000), Korvosa (18,486), Magnimar(16,428), Melfesh (955), Nybor (528), Palin’s Cove (1,896),Ravenmoor (135), Riddleport (13,300), Roderic’s Cove(1,100), Sandpoint (1,240), Sipplerose (635), Sirathu (440),Turtleback Ferry (430), Urglin (5,800), Veldraine (2,360),Wartle (302), Whistledown (551), Wolf’s Ear (240) Ruler: None Government: Unaffiliated city-states Languages: Common, Shoanti, Varisian Religion: Abadar, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Lamashtu, Norgorber, Pharasma, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon


  • Varisia
Geopolitical, Country


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