
The King of Fools

Fardros was a lowly demon lord that desired power and was willing to gain it by any means necessary. He felt slighted by the level of authority his peers held in the Abyss. When it came to claiming mortal souls, their experiences outweighed his own. Fardros was certain that their success was at his expense and so he set his sights on the Material Plane. Given the handsome glamor he donned and his promises to fulfill any mortal's desire, it wasn't long before a following started to form. The only thing he asked for in return was for his people to build him a fortress that he would later name Shaldorn Keep.   Followers of Fardros overindulged in the pleasures of life. Money, sex, drugs; anything that a mortal could ever want was within their reach. Fardros allowed his followers this luxury for not much in return. They were to be devoted to him and only him, and spread the word of a "benevolent" god and his endless generosity. Shaldorn Keep soon became the center of his empire. As the empire grew, so did Fardros's ego. The insatiable greed that consumed his followers led most of them to madness.   This in itself helped Fardros ascend to true godhood, though he was nothing more than a minor deity. His last mistake was a campaign to recruit the followers of various other deities, both good and evil. He wanted Nuveric to be an entire continent dedicated to himself and anyone who didn't fall in line was dealt with harshly. While his mission was technically a success, the sudden corruption of key religious figures drew the ire of the other gods. Fardros, and his empire, were struck down in an instant.   Those that were changed through his influence were cursed to live a painful existence deep underground. No longer would they be able to indulge in excess. Never again would they be beautiful. His followers were robbed of the gifts he had given them and then forced into darkness. Fardros was crowned the god of foolishness and humiliation; a fair and constant reminder that he was a failure even on divine levels.   Some theories say his accursed followers were the ancestors of the Qiendi, but the lack of historical records about Fardros's empire makes this difficult to confirm. The existence of the empire itself has been called into question in recent years. While he still has followers to this day, their numbers are small. No one worships the King of Fools publicly and it won't be long until he's forgotten entirely.

Divine Domains

Fardros, first and foremost, is a god of foolishness and humiliation. While he still claims the divine domain of madness, he later took on the domains of greed and narcissim as well.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Lawful Evil
Deep gold with specks of red.
Long, wavy, and black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cool, light brown with a beauty mark below each eye.

Cover image: by Kal V, derivative work created with the Canva Content License


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