Iosefka Romero

Lady of the Hunt Iosefka Fenli

Huey and Zoey's mother. A gnomish monster hunter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iosefka hails from the slums of Belisa and was responsible for tending to her younger siblings. She comes from a large family that struggled to make ends meet, so Iosefka took to rat hunting for the guards. It was her very humble beginnings as a hunter of things both big and small. When she reached adulthood, rather than spend her life toiling away in the mines, she set out to find her true calling. That calling turned out to be monster hunting.   For a few decades, she honed her craft and built up an admirable reputation with people all around the world. A griffon's threatening the farmer's livestock? Somebody better fetch Iosefka. Undead are crawling from their graves to terrorize the living? Call Iosefka. She became the go-to hunter for many nobles when they wanted a particular trophy to add to their walls.   Eventually, Iosefka took a break from the traveler's life. She settled down in her hometown, marrying Sandon Romero, a tired miner who wanted a quiet life. They had two daughters together, Yodysa and Yomyra, who were their pride and joy. While being a mother was enjoyable in its own right, it wasn't enough for Iosefka. She got back into the game, much to her family's disdain. While on a job to eradicate a demon in a village miles away, Iosefka found tiefling twins that had been abandoned.   Nobody in the village stepped forth to claim them. They were seen as little more than a curse inflicted on their village. Disgusted by their depravity, Iosefka left them to fend for themselves and raised the tieflings as her own. Sandon never approved of their presence in his life, driving a wedge into his marriage and giving Iosefka even more reasons to leave Belisa behind. The twins, Huey and Zoey, were bullied relentlessly by their gnomish sisters and it wasn't long before the family was divided to the point of no return.   Once the twins were old enough, Iosefka taught them both the ways of a monster hunter. She and her crew trained them and when they were ready, they joined her on her hunts. After a contract on a mantidrake left Huey on death's door, Iosefka vowed to do anything to keep her children safe, even if it went against the law. When Huey found himself at the gallows, it was Iosefka who shot the rope down and provided a distraction for him to flee. She stayed in Belisa long enough to make sure Zoey found a new life elsewhere and then left the city for good.   Iosefka has been a reliable hunter for much of her life, earning her the title of "Lady of the Hunt" from King Stormthorn. She's truly a free woman now, spending her time doing what she loves most; traveling and slaying monsters.

Personality Characteristics


Iosefka is very ambitious and strives to be the best in her line of work. While the coin is nice, the hunt itself is much more rewarding. She's a thrill seeker and an adrenaline junkie, never one to sit on the sidelines for anything.
Chaotic Neutral
Belisa, Romaya
Strawberry blonde, curly, and always pulled back in a messy bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cool, dark brown
45 lbs

Cover image: by Kal V, derivative work created with the Canva Content License


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