The Dandy Lion
Dandy Lion
Physical Description
Body Features
A large green body, and bright yellow flower-like mane and face. At the end is a young dandelion tail capable to sprouting poisonous thorns.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Born of a simple sunflower, Dandy Lion was the creation of the Oracle Industria Cellini who selectively bread them over the course of a year with powerful magic. When fully grown the Lion that stood before her was perfect.
Personality Characteristics
Dandy is unique among not only creature's, but even Industria's pets specifically. Dandy was specially bread where she usually adopts. Because of this special relation he has only the single motivation of protecting his mother at nearly all costs. This is his choice however, as Dandy loves the being that truly made him and cares deeply for her- having seen especially as she fretted over the failures of his kind.
Savvies & Ineptitudes
An expert tracker, in stealth, and more dexterous than most- despite his large size. Though he has above average intellegence it is not his strong suit.
Likes & Dislikes
Dandy loves raw meat, more so if its mildly spoiled.
Though he tends to stick his chest out, Dandy shows affection to his mother by walking around her feet. Though when scared, or leading, his holds a person's hand in his mouth.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Oracle
Other Affiliations