
A trans tiefling that served within the Teme-Rasadan military alongside Enya Dimeti and Sinclair. He's easily impressed by displays of magical prowess. Upon returning to Marlee with the party, he was imprisoned by general Glaes and rescued after his assassination.   Verithos is a tiefling who formerly served within the Teme-Rasadan military, alongside Enya Dimeti and Sinclair.     Verithos harbored most of the anger in his trio towards the party and was wiling to fight them even after they escaped the city. When the party later encounters him and his friends, he's unable to look any of them in the eyes. After the brutality at the hands of his fellow soldiers throughout the war, he was embarrassed for holding so much anger towards the Caelsimilian nation.   He was offered a place among the Order of the Oracle's Eye and with time, he accepted the position alongside Enya and Sinclair. After Enya's departure, Verithos and Sinclair volunteered to be among the Order members assigned to the Basillian Brigade.
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