Before the widespread establishment of the Teme-Rasadar religion throughout its lands, many of the native elves practiced a form of ancestor reverence alongside other types of worship, some of which has endured among elven families and communities throughout Teme-Rasadar to this day. One such relic is the spiritual practice of ancestral meditation, once a regular tradition/occurrence among spiritually-inclined elven families.
After a brief period of fasting, ancient elves could consume a special diet thought at the time to align one's spirit with those of their ancestry who had passed, entering a trance-like meditative state that invoked visions. Elves thought these visions to be a form of communication and, in some cases, divination, and regarded them as ancestral guidance that imparted wisdom to the meditating elf.
In city elves, this practice eventually became relegated to a single day, known as the "Day of Reflection." The holiday became a day to quietly remember and honor friends and family who had passed on, as well as the influence they had in shaping the elf's life and the lives of their respective communities. It also served the purpose of giving the elf the opportunity to reflect on their own actions and who they are as a person. This day was not necessarily the same for all elves or elven families, and often their annual Day of Reflection would fall on a day with some other significance to a community, family, or individual elf themselves.
Growing up, Rikius's household practiced the Day of Reflection on the anniversary of the day of their parents' meeting. As an adult, Rikius practices the holiday on any day of the same week of his birthday. Like in childhood, he fasts the day prior, and consumes only a light breakfast of food traditional for the holiday the next morning, on the day of.. The day is spent primarily in silence and solitude as a reflection of gratitude and respect for those who have passed and how they have influenced his life. Where he once offered silent prayers to Temekus and Rasadan, he now offers them to Sabella, and spends much of the day in meditation, reflecting on his own decisions as well, what role they play in the lives of those around him, and the legacy he will one day leave behind. In the evening, he enjoys a meal consisting of one dish traditional to his elven ancestors, a dish that has been passed down within his own family, and now includes a dish traditional to Caelsimilian culture and one traditional to Basila, to honor his current home and the ancestors of his wife and children.