Achilles Woods

Achilles Peleus Woods

Physical Description

Body Features

There is a small four-pointed star-shaped birthmark on his back. The birthmark is actually a marking that pinpoints the spot where Achilles was shot and killed by Paris' arrow after killing Hector during the Trojan War. As such, the area of the birthmark always aches a little when Achilles is around or facing arrows or bows.

Special abilities

General Abilities

  • ADHD: As a demigod, Achilles has supernatural alertness and keen senses that keep him ready for, and alive, in battle. It also lets his analyse his opponents' fighting style as well as pick up minor details about an opponent, such as where their muscles tense so he can tell which direction they will attack from.
  • Dyslexia: Achilles' brain is 'hard-wired' for reading Ancient Greek instead of mortal languages. Achilles also learnt how to speak Latin easily, despite being a Greek demigod - possibly because it is also an ancient language.
  • Swordmanship: Achilles is a naturally talented swordsman. He has inherent and instinctive sword skills due to being a demigod, but is also aided by his past memories as Achilles Pelides - being that, during his past life, he was taught the art of swordmanship as well as spearcraft. Achilles is currently described as one of the best swordsman in the camp - now that the previous hero of the Great Prophecy, Percy Jackson, had left to move to Camp Jupiter. He is on par with the children of Percy Jackson's who reside in Camp Half-Blood, Océane-Delia and River-Zaira Jackson - two Legacies of Nyx, as well as Patroclus Calliades - although he bested Patroclus twice out of a series of three sparring matches they did during Capture the Flag games the year they met for the first time.
  • Dreams: Like most demigods, Achilles can potentially have dreams that show him events occurring in the past, present, and future. However, due to possessing the memories of his past life as Achilles Pelides, Achilles' dreams are usually filled with those memories.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Being a demigod, Achilles' reflexes are faster than a regular human's.
  • Superhuman Agility: Being a demigod, Achilles is more agile than a regular mortal.
  • Superhuman Speed: Like in his past life as Achilles Pelides, Achilles possess speed far greater than a regular mortal or demigod.
  • Mist Control: Achilles can manipulate the Mist, which means he can make things appear as he wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal (taught to him by Chiron). However, he only has a limited control over this ability compared to Children of Hecate.
  • Demigod Abilities

    As children of the sea as well, Children of Thetis share most of the powers possessed by Poseidon demigods - although their power is usually weaker compared to a Poseidon demigod, as well as some of their own powers. The full extent of their powers are:  
  • Hydrokinesis: The ability to control water with the mind. They can will themselves and objects they are touching to stay dry in water, extract water from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, propel themselves through water, summon waves that can easily sink ships and can even control water in order to make it explode or use it to grab something.
  • Water Solidification: They can harden water into an almost solid shape by increasing the surface tension of the water. They can use this power to walk on water and create a strong water shield, as well as hardening the water into giant hands that followed and imitated the movements of their own hands.
  • Hydrogenesis: They can create water from their own power by summoning the "force of the ocean" inside of them as long as they concentrate hard enough, though it takes a lot of energy for them to do so - more so than it would a child of Poseidon
  • Water Empowerment: When in contact with or in the presence of water, they gain a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance (far greater than a normal demigod but less so than a child of Poseidon). However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless they are submerged in water.
  • Water Immunity: If they fall from great heights into water, they will be unaffected by any amount of water pressure. They don't get wet if submerged in water unless they want to, and they can breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time as well as can see in the darkness underwater. Presumably, like children of Poseidon, they are also only unable to breathe underwater in the River Styx.
  • Toxikinesis (limited): Presumably, like children of Poseidon, they can also control poisons and other liquids to a certain degree as they have water content in them.
  • Cryokinesis (limited): Presumably, they can control ice to a small degree. They can presumably manipulate frozen or icy water around them.
  • Vitakinesis (limited): They can heal most wounds and cure most poisons when in contact with water, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound. However this is limited, as children of Thetis presumably have the same limitations with this ability as children of Poseidon do, and Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon, wasn't able to cure Pit Scorpion venom with water.
  • Heat Immunity (limited): They have a higher resistance to fire and heat burns.
  • Watercraft Manipulation: They possess an intimate awareness of any ship they are on and can telekinetically operate one. They also know exactly how to work the boats and what all the parts will do. They can also keep a boat together through sheer willpower alone.
  • Perfect Bearings: They always know their exact nautical coordinates, wherever they are, which allow them to easily navigate their way at sea.
  • Instinctive Understanding of Sailing: They have an instinctive understanding of sailing, letting them know which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise and which direction to steer. They can even detect what speed they are moving at and understand just how fast that is.
  • Atmokinesis (limited): They have limited control over weather, although this ability is considered significantly weaker than a child of Poseidon's. They can summon storms, such as miniature hurricanes - although this power is limited and drains them over time, and children of Thetis are drained at a faster rate than children of Poseidon.
  • Aerokinesis (limited): They have limited control over the wind. They can summon strong winds, which allow them to create miniature hurricanes - but these hurricanes are considered to be weaker in power and also smaller than the ones that can be created by children of Poseidon.
  • Communication: They can talk telepathically and normally with sea creatures, and can also talk to sea and water deities and their children, demigod or otherwise, underwater.
  • Zoolingualism (limited): They can understand and talk to marine animals and sea creatures treat children of Thetis with deference and respect.
  • Children of Thetis are respected by Nereids and marine creatures
  • Children of Thetis can transform into a merman/merwoman at will
  • Children of Thetis can request and even demand the aid of the other Nereids, as their mother is the leader of the Nereids.
  • Children of Thetis can shapeshift.
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early Life

    Achilles was born in April 2017 to the sea nymph, Thetis, and mortal man, Jasper Woods - who is believed by Mnemosyne to be the reincarnation of Peleus, the King of Phthia and the father of the original Achilles.   For the first twelve years of his life, he grows up with father, attending a normal mortal school and unaware of his past life. However, as he grew up, he experienced heavy pressure from his father to be perfect - as Jasper knew that Thetis would be coming back for her son and wanted to impress her with how well he had raised Achilles when that happened. All the pressure served to do, however, if overload Achilles with all the expectations and, when coupled with Thetis' and the camp's own expectations, later lead to him being diagnosed with depression. The onslaught of these expectations also causes him to have an eating disorder later on as well.   Growing up, as a demigod, Achilles has a lot of weird experiences growing up. He grows up seeing all manner of peculiar creatures, as he is able to see through the Mist, such as nymphs, satyrs, and monsters - but also starts developing his demigod powers after he gets to age of about four or five. Achilles, however, is not aware of why he sees things or why weird supernatural things happen around him until the day of his twelfth birthday.  

    Mnemosyne and his Memories

    On midnight of his twelfth birthday, Achilles is visited in his sleep by the Titan-goddess of memory, Mnemosyne, who visits on the order of Aphrodite to restore Achilles' memories of his past life as Achilles Pelides. She chooses to restore the memories while Achilles is sleeping as it allows his brain to process them easier, and therefore mean that he would be less shocked by them when he woke up the next morning. The memories are restored without any issue and Mnemosyne soon leaves.   The next morning, Achilles wakes up, remembering his past life fully - especially and particularly Patroclus, his lover in his past life who had also chosen to reincarnate alongside him. Soon after, Thetis arrives to take him down into Poseidon's domain with her. When Achilles greets her and recognises her, despite having never met her before in this life, Thetis discovers that Achilles remembers everything from his past life and finally realises what Aphrodite's true plan had been behind convincing Achilles to reincarnate. Thetis secretly plans to put a stop to this plan before taking Achilles down under the ocean to reside with her in Poseidon's domain.  

    Arrival at Camp Half-Blood

    When the summer rolls around, Thetis takes her son above the ocean to take him to Camp Half-Blood - introducing him to Chiron, who is made aware exactly who Achilles is and that Achilles was a reincarnation of the previous Achilles. Thetis tells Chiron to not let 'that boy' (meaning Patroclus) near her son again, unaware that Patroclus had already been at Camp Half-Blood for two years now and was formally under the guardianship of Chiron. Chiron agrees in order to placate Thetis and welcomes Achilles to the camp, introducing him to the rest of the campers that evening at the campfire.   The other campers, bar Patroclus, immediately become interested in Achilles - who bears the same name and parentage as the legendary hero and also shares his appearance. They call him Achilles Pelides reborn, unaware to the irony that Achilles actually was the reincarnation of the legendary hero Achilles, and immediately start talking about how Achilles is likely to be the destined hero of the next Great Prophecy. Achilles skills in combat and other areas also earn him the title of the camp's Golden Boy - a nickname used in admiration by those who respect Achilles but also used sarcastically and mockingly by others, such as Patroclus Calliades and Hector Pierce.   For the first six years of his time at Camp Half-Blood, Achilles doesn't get a chance to speak to Patroclus as he's always surrounded by fangirls who try to steer Achilles away, due to the camp's general dislike of Patroclus, but also because of Patroclus' own avoidance of the other campers, including Achilles. However, Achilles does see Patroclus around camp often, and takes to staring at him during mealtimes - being caught often by Chiron. He recognises Patroclus as the reincarnation of his past life's lover, but remains unaware to the truth of the state of Patroclus' memories for six years as he never gets a chance to talk to him until they are eighteen.   As he grows up with the memories of his past life, Achilles also starts to develop chronic insomnia, due to not wanting to sleep as his dreams are all about the memories.

    Mental Trauma

    Achilles has the following issues:
  • Depression
  • Eating disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Social

    Family Ties

    Godly Siblings

    - Prince Achilles Pelides of Phthia (half-brother; past life)

    Other Family Members

  • Nereus (maternal grandfather)
  • Doris (maternal grandmother)
  • The Nereides (maternal aunts)
  • Amphitrite (maternal aunt)
  • Galatea (maternal aunt)
  • Nerites (maternal uncle)
  • Hephaestus (maternal foster brother)
  • Poseidon (maternal uncle)
  • Triton (maternal cousin)
  • Percy Jackson (maternal step-cousin)
  • Tyson (maternal step-cousin)
  • Asher Visser (maternal step-cousin)
  • Avalynn Visalli (maternal step-cousin-in-law)
  • Arielle-Allegra Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • Océane-Delia Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • Isaia-Neptis Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • River-Zaira Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • Annabeth Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • Nico Jackson (maternal step-second cousin)
  • Played By
    Reincarnation of
    Prince Achilles Pelides of Phthia
    Also Known As
    Achi (by Patroclus)
    Golden Boy (by Patroclus)
    His Royal Highness (sarcastically by Nikolas)
    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Date of Birth
    17th of April, 2016
    Circumstances of Birth
    Born the reincarnation of Achilles Pelides
    Long Island, New York, United States of America
    Current Residence
    Camp Half-Blood
    He / Him
    Masculine (occasionally dresses femininely)
    Green with gold flecks
    Golden blonde
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Light brown
    Hellenic Polytheism (the Ancient Greek gods)
    Known Languages
    Ancient Greek
    Gender Identity