
An augur is an individual charged with observing and interpreting omens in order to provide guidance for future events. In the modern-day demigod world, they provide prophecies for Camp Jupiter.


In Ancient Rome, the augur was a priest who interpreted the will of the gods by studying the flights of birds, one of ther forms of divination, so they are most likely the Oracle of Delphi's counterpart.   In the modern day Roman demigod camp, Camp Jupiter, augurs, such as Octavian, also perform haruspication, rather than augury, which is divination through examining entrails of sacrificed animals performed by a haruspex. Due to modern day opinions concerning animal sacrifice, this was instead done through reading the entrails of stuffed animals instead of real ones.   Unlike other augurs, the current augur of Camp Jupiter, Vico Grace, regularly receives visions instead, both in his waking hours and in his sleep. He is then charged with interpreting the images seen in his visions to figure out what the gods are trying to say.

Known Auguries

  • Octavian (formerly; deceased)
  • Vico Grace (also considered an oracle)


  • They are the Roman equivalent to Greek oracles.
  • They appear to give campers their tattoos by saying their name, divine parent or ancestor, and years of service to the legion.
  • The augur is the de facto secondary leader of the Twelfth Legion. When both praetors are gone, the augur is in charge of the legion.