

  (Aeolus: The Divine Keeper of the wind and king of Aeolia)   Alignment: Neutral Good   Lore: The Wind is free, and that is the way it should be. Your contemplation should never be a hinderance to what your goals are, because those who take too much time are prisoners to their own mind. He is the master of the 5 winds and servant to Zeus, but even Zeus rarely reigns him in. His Patrons are known to be some of the greatest of heros.   Personality Traits: Aeolus dos not want to hold your hand, but he will speak his mind if need be. He is very free spirited, becuse the wind goes where the wind pleases.   Ideals: Live free like the wind, and never be hindered by those who would be mountains that will never move.   Bonds: Patrons that truly understand the freedom gained by the wind.   Flaws: The ideal belief of freedom and free will, can be counterproductive to the goals of the realms.  


Gained when selected   Realm of the Wind Gods: Whenever you take a short rest, you can infuse your weapon with the powers of the 5 the winds.  This damage is added to the damage of your weapon, and can be change with short rest.  You can choose the following winds, and should you be using a melee weapon, the secondary damage provide can extend for 30ft.  
  • Aeolus:  1d4+mod in Wind damage.
  • Boreas: 1d4 Ice damage
  • Eurus:  1d4 Necrotic damage.
  • Notus: 1d4 Fire damage.
  • Zepherus: 1d4 Water damage.
  • Damage is increased by 1d4 per patron level.
  Freedom of the Wind: When you choose a wind from the realm of the wind gods, you gain the ability to use the hover (10ft) without concentration until you finish a short rest and choose a new wind.  Furthermore you can extend past the point of hover and fly for your movement speed, but this requires concentration.  Preventing you from concentrating on anything else, and requiring a concentration check when taking damage.  
  • Any fall damage you would take from the inability to fly or hover is nullified by Aeolous.
Controling Winds:   You gain the ability to correct minor failures to insure success, you gain the ability to use your reaction to increase your attack rolls, dexterity/Strength checks, and dexterity/strength saves by 1d8.   You can use this feature as many times as your proficiency score.


Skill Modifier Is Dex   Level I:   Wind Slash: As bonus action you create a condensed blade of wind and send it any direction for 120ft, this wind is 10ft wide and deals 1d4+mod in slashing on a failed dexterity save.   The secondary damage is increased by the damage of the wind you chose with realm of the wind.  Enemies that fail the save take level 1 bleed, the level of bleed is increased by 1 at patron level 2 and 3.   Wind Step: As a bonus action you increase your movement by 5 per patron level for 1d2+1 rounds.  While this effect is place you are immune to sentinel effects and oppurtunity attacks.     Level II:    Wind Barrier: As a reaction you can create wind barrier on a target within 15ft, that grants yourself half cover, this is increased to 3/4ths cover at patron level 3.   Gale: You create a stong force of wind around a creature of your choice, should the creature faila constituion saving throw they take the winded 1 ailments and suffer the damage chosen by the realm of the wind.  Creatures that fail the save are also considered silenced, the wind will follow the creature around for 1d3+1 rounds.   Level III:   Derecho: You unleash a blast wind called a Derecho, this wind travels in a straight line and is 50ft wide. This wind last 1d4+1 rounds and any enemy that fails a strength save is pushed back 50ft taking 3d6+mod in wind damage. In the event the creature passes the save the following effects apply to creatures within the Derecho.
  • Silenced, the wind is too loud and fast for words to escape their mouths.
  • Any elemental aoes present are pushed away.
  • Enemies continue to make this safe at the start of their turn, and continue to take damage.
  Master of the Wind:  You call upon one of the 5 winds to aid you in combat, the chosen wind travels for 120ft but must intersect with you and is 15ft wide.  Depending on the wind you chose the following effect apply:  
  • Aeoulus: The Minium damage you can roll for any attack is half, and enmies take 3d4 wind damage and are pushed back 30ft on failed strength save.
  • Boreas: Enemies that fail the save take 3d4+mod in ice damage on a failed constituion save, targets taht fail this save are considered frostbitten.
  • Eurus: Enemies that fail a wisdom save take 3d4+mod in necroctic damage, on a failed wisdom save the target is considred curse I.
  • Notus: Enemies that fail a constition save take 3d4+mod in fire damage and are level 3 burned.
  • Zephyrus:  Allies in the wind are healed for 3d4+mod and gain the effect of mind, body, or soul mending.
    Void of Wind: You create an area devoid of the wind and air, in the process of doing so any creature in the area must pass constitution save or suffer the wind II ailment and take damage equal to the realm of the wind you chose.  The area effected must be within 120ft and has a radius of 30ft.   The effecst last 1d4+1 rounds and creatures that pass the save must remake the save if they are still within the radius at the start of their turn.   Level IV:   Spear of Aeolus: This spear appears out of thin air, looks like a condensed spinning column of wind and it puts out any simple non magical fire.
  • +4 Divine WEapon
  • Damage is 2d6+mod Piercing
  • Does secondary damage equal to the realm of the wind you chose.
Effects of the blade: This weapon ignores in magical increase to armor class either magical effects or spells, it has a range of 120ft when thrown.  Any wind damage done by you is the maxium amount possible while the weapon is out.
  • Flying does not require a concentration check while using the spell.
Vortex: You create a vortex of wind on the battlefield that can be set anywhere within 120 ft, each round for 2d3+1 rounds the vortex travels up to 120ft to a point of your choice, any creature taht is within 30ft of it must pass a strength save or be pulled into the vortex take 4d4+mod in wind damage and are launced into the air 60 ft taking 6d6 blugiong damage on failed dexterity save.  The creatures affected make this save at the start of thier turn.   Should the enemy pass the dexterity save they take half damage and avoid going prone.
  • The radius of the vortex is 30ft.
  • Cretures in the path of the vortex take double the modifer in wind damage.


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