Athens Proper

“Men of Athens, I honor and I love you, but I will obey the god rather than you and as long as I draw breath and am able, I shall not cease to practice philosophy, to exhort you and in my usual way to point out to any one of you whom I happen to meet.” -Plato
  This quote symbolizes the true purpose of Athens, and that is center of the Divine Law, the law that makes peace from the gods and man. Everyone has a stake in the Purpose of Athens, but no one has a claim on owning her. When the Crossroads was founded, it was agreed by the Divine Rulers that no divine kingdom should have a hold on Athens. It should be the place where all gods can go and be treated as neutral grounds. Divine Law was written and forged through the grievances and wishes of the gods. The Contracts first drafts were forged on the Acropolis, and through the need of worship peace was born. Men were gifted the land to make a name for themselves, and protected by Divine law and the Contract.   After many years of growing Athens Proper has grown to be the largest city in the realm, and its culture has been shaped by the many communities and factions that call her home. This has led to ideal that Athens should not be a capital of any Mortal Kingdom as well, and it is facing strong opposition from the Mortal Kingdom the Athenian Republic. Athens has always been and will always be the home to the True Athenian Citizen. No other kingdom can claim a stake to the city founded by its ancestors. It was them who chose Athena to be their patron deity, and on earth it belonged to them. The other kingdoms can have not stake in its capital, just like divine rulers have no stake in each others capitals.  
If Divine Law states that the Patron is free to chose and cannot be forced into submission, then Athena's rule over Athens violates the freedom of the Athenian people to have their capital. Athens cannot be home to other mortal kingdoms in the same way Olympus is not home to Kronos. -Pericles

Culture and Society:

Athens Proper is proper is a symbol of freedom to the land, and it has a very diverse and robust society and culture.   The ever presence of numerous races means there is an innumerable amount of languages are spoken in Athens.   While all races of people and gods are welcome, you will find that they naturally gather together based of beliefs and caste.  The Caste system create by the Athenian Nobles has increased the value of homes to the point that most races reside in Heavens Tear, and the majority of humans reside in the nicer looking districts.      This is not say that other races dont have access to the wealthy homes, but the ones that do are more of the exception rather than the norm.   The sheer variety of food means that you will never have to eat the same meal twice, unless you want to, and means that their a vast amount of restaurants and food stalls.    Athens is city of skilled labor, and if you have the skill to be great then you can forge any lifestyle you seek.    Those who master their craft are treated as local celebrities and gain a certain amount of privilege.      The Panathenaea: With the sheer volume of Gods that are present in the patron city of the Crossroads, there seems to be celebration to honor a certain gods or gods every other day.  To honor the gods and thank them for the city, every year during the month of Maimakterion a massive festival is held to honor them.    The Panathenaea used to celebrate the birthday of Athena and was held every four years, but she decided to make that the day the people of Athens honor every god.      The entire month the Coliseum of Victory holds tournaments culminating with a tournament of champions the last week of Maimakterion.   The Tournament of Masters is held throughout each month, and champions are chosen each week. The first week is dedicated the Culinary arts, the second week to weaving and clothing, the 3rd week to weapons and armor, and the final week is dedicated to enchantment.  The victorious masters and champions are granted the title of Grandmaster of the respective fields, and are given special homes within the Acropolis for the year.


  Athens Proper is made up from 6 districts, and The Agora sits in the middle and the remaining 5 surrounded.  Due to Athens size, carriages, trolly's, and teleportation circles were made to make traveling easier.  Each district has its own culture and norms, and at times feels like you are stepping into a new city, but that is what makes athens so special.  It is home to all cultures and gods, and through that mutual desire to keep Athens free.  
  • The Athena Nike:  Located north of the Agora, the district houses the Coliseum of Victory and many facilities that promote the art of combat and training.
  • Heaven's Tear:  Located West of the Agora, known as the ghetto of Athens, Heaven's Tear is the melting pot of cultures and ideals.   Homes and business are built on top of one another.
  • Palace of the Gods:  Located east of The Agora, the Palace of the Gods house a majority of the temples to the gods and Priest that serve them.  
  • The Agora:   Also known as Capital Square, this square shaped district, is home to the Palace of Athena and the Acropolis.
  • The Doves:  Located Northeast of The Agora, The doves is the wealthiest district of Athens proper  and sight behold, if you can access it.
  • The Port of Amphitrite:  Located south of The Agora, this is the port of Athens proper and home to the Shipyard.
  • The Muses:  Located to the Northwest of The Agora, The Mueses is center of all greek culture and represents the heart and soul of athens.   the thirst for knowledge and perfection of the Arts.  Home to the Library of Wisdom and the Amphitheater of the Sun.
City Information:   Divine Kingdom: None
  • Leader Athena Goddess of Wisdom
  • Counselor Phoibe: Goddess of Bright Intellect
  • Counselor Asteria: Goddess of Divination
  • Governor: Reyna "The Athena Polias"
Mortal Kingdom: No Official Kingdom, Unofficially the capital city of the Athenian Republic.
  • Leader: Pericles "The First Citizen"
  • Senator: Alethea master of the Philosophers
  • Senator: Theseus General of the Military
  • Senator: Thoth master of master of Commerce and Infrastructure
  • Senator: Kleio Representative of the Library of Wisdom.
Population: 675,000 (65% Human, 10% Titan-Born, 5% Elven, 5% Nereid, 5% Satyr, and 10% other races.   Government: Athens has a unique government, where as the Goddess Athena is the head of state, and her Order of the Owl handles the day to day operations. The Order runs the Wisdom guard and work in conjunction with the Factions and Athenian Empire to maintain a civil society.
  • Beatrix "The Athena Nike": In charge of training the Wisdom Guard and Governs the District Athena Nike.
  • Sophia "The Athena Phoibe": In charge of education and sciences of Athens and Governs the Muses District.
  • Solon "Leader of the Seven Wise Men": Runs the Agora with Reyna
  • The High Priest: Caretaker of the Gods and Governs the Palace of the Gods district.
  • The High Chair: Mediator the Factions and Governs the Heaven's Tear District.
  • Penelope Clearwater "The Lady": Governess of the Dove District and runs the local housing council to insure homes maintain quality befitting Aphrodite and Hera.
  • Archimedes "The Mathematician": Famed inventor and engineer, he designed and governs the Port of Amphitrite.
  • Imports: Athens imports experts in every field of life, this includes crafters and warriors. The city has some of the best crafter in the land, and so the need for high quality materials is enormous.
  • Exports: Athens exports some of the finest and highest quality products. While they dont have access to most material, their products are the most sought after in the realm.
  • Wisdom Guard:  The Wisdom Guard is military body that protects and maintains order in Athens Proper. These female warriors are some of the best trained warriors in the land carrying Celestial gold spears and shields. They are trained and equipped to fight any threat that comes to Athens, but their numbers have dwindled, and are currently seeking new recruits. 
  • Archons Forces:  The Archon's have sent troops to reinforce the strength of Wisdom Guard as part of the agreement for the realm to aid in the defense of Athens. This is a life commitment, and the City State are less than eager to send their best.


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