
Atlas (Atlas- The Titan god who bore the sky aloft. He personified the quality of endurance (atlaô).)   Alignment: Neutral Evil   LORE: The 1st General to the Titan King was Atlas and he was as cruel as he was vicious. Known for his brutality in war, Atlas was severely punished by Zeus for attempting to crush the mountain Olympus. Due to his arrogance he was destined to carry the weight of the sky, and to make sure the fallen primordial never again touched earth. While he still carries the Sky, he has figured out a way to assist the titan king once more. Through his patrons, he intends to make the titan king the rule once more.   Personality Traits: Rash, brutal, and competitive are the traits he shows the most. He also has no empathy and will not hesitate to kill Olympian patrons.   Ideals: The Titan King should be the ruler of the realm, and only though his strength can that be achieved.   Bonds: The Titan King.   Flaws: His faith in himself is his greatest flaw. The vanity and arrogance are the reason for his punishment.   Symbol: The Celestial Sphere   Worship:
  • Hone your body to the pinnacle of what it could be.


Gained When Selected   The God of Endurance: You are trained to outlast others and your physique should show that. Exhaustion is a thing for the weak, and you can expel it gaining the following benefits:
  • Exhaustion Expulsion: You can remove 1 point of exhaustion as a bonus action and can keep doing this based off your constitution. You may do this once for every 2 modifiers you have in constitution.
  • Enhanced Ability: Whenever you expel an exhaustion point you gain resistance for the round and your strength modifier is doubled. You have advantage on strength and dexterity saves as well as checks.
  Hardened Physique: You do not move, the world moves for you. As a reaction you harden your physique make you nigh impossible to move due to its strength and weight. While in this form you become immune to prone, broken, grapple, and have resistance to bludgeoning.
  • Once used a long rest is required to gain this feature back.
Weight of the heaven: The weight of the heavens is a nuisance to most, but to you it is training. You have shackles placed on you when you select Atlas. These shackles share the weight of the world with Atlas. While the shackles are on you, you move 10ft slower than you normally would, but once per long rest you may remove the shackles gaining the following benefits: You gain 1 point of exhaustion each round after the first.
  • You gain double your movement
  • You gain resistance on all melee attacks
  • You gain an extra attack
  • You have gain evasion on dexterity saves.


Skill Modifier Is Constitution   Level I:   Drop the World: You summon sphere of the planet that has a 5 radius, and throw the weight of it at enemies in line. The length is 10 feet per strength modifier, and any enemy in the way must pass strength save or take 1d4+mod in earth damage. Enemies hit by this are knocked back the total length of the line, and take double damage if they collide with anything along the way.   Break the world: As a bonus action you can channel your strength to your attacks, unleashing the brutality of your strength and conviction. This Increases melee attacks 1d4+mod in damage.
  • You Ignore enemy resistance to melee damage
  • Critical strikes break bone, and enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls for 1d2+1 rounds.
Level II:   Atlas Armor I: You are at the next point of your training, you undergo intense pain from the elements of the realm.   Each day you may choose an element and infuse your body with it.  When doing this you gain resistance to that element for the day and may change it again at the end of a long rest.
  • You take half damage from that element.
  • Enemies that strike you with melee take that element in damage equal to 2d4+mod.
You gain the following benefits with your choice:
  • Fire:  Immune to Burn
  • Ice:  Immune to Frostbite
  • Earth:  Immune to level 1 poison
  • Lightning:  Immune to Soaked
  • Water:  Immune to Soaked
  • Wind:  Immune to winded
Planetary Gravity: You attempt to place the weight of the world on your enemies shoulders taking 2d4+mod in non-elemental damage on a failed strength save.   Should the enemy fail a strength save they suffer the following effects:
  • Movement is reduced by half
  • They are knocked prone
  • Enemies have disadvantage on dexterity saves.
  • This effect last 1d3+1 rounds or ends on successful strength save made at the end of their turn.
Level III:   Atlas Armor II:  The Elements are not the only things that can harm your body.  It is time to start your training with some of the lesser known damages of the realm.   When activated you may include these damages on your list for potential resistance.   You gain the ability to choose necrotic, radiant, poison, or non-elemental.   Furthermore you gain the ability to unleash nova of the damage type you chose.
  • You unleash the damage you chose to be resisted at any enemy within 15ft of you for 3d4+mod in damage when activated.
  • This last 1d4+1 rounds.
  • Each time a creature enters into the area or starts and/or ends their turn in the area they take the damage again.
I will Endure: You are a walking embodiment of perfection and you give and take damage better than most.  As a reaction you can nullify a critical strike against you, and strike the attacker.   On hit the target takes the critical damage that was going to be dealt to you instead.   On failed constitution save they lose their ability to strike critically for 1d4+1 rounds.     Titan's Resolve: You may not be a titan, but you understand their resolve.   As a bonus action you heal for 1 hit dice per patron level and attempt to provoke the enemy in attacking you.  If your foolish enemy fails a wisdom save they will use their movement to attack you instead.  Each time they strike you they take 3d4+mod in psychic damage as they get frustrated with your ability to keep standing.   If they fail to knock you unconscious, you gain advantage on attacking them on your next turn.   Level IV:   The Maul of Gaia: You summon a radiant gold handled maul with the earth at the end. It spins, and you can see the clouds, land, and ocean In It.
  • 1d20+Pro+Mod
  • 4d6+mod in bludgeoning damage.
Effects: You can Bonus action switch to earth damage. When you strike with this weapon the enemy must make a strength save or be knocked prone.  On critical strikes the enemy is stunned when they hit the ground.   Atlas Armor 4: The last part of your training is about how strong your conviction is, and how much faith you have in the abilities bestowed up on you by Atlas.    You gain the following benefits:
  • Alignment does not matter, just your duty to your god.   Your resolve is so strong that light and dark damage do not affect you.
  • Ailments are not a thing you should concern yourself with.   You may attempt to rid your body of any ailment with a successful constitution check equal to your patron DC.   Once you use this feature you gain 2 points of exhaustion and must wait to use it until you finish a short rest.
  Level V:   Weight of the World Drop the World 9th level Evocation Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action and Action Range: 60ft Components: V, S Duration: Instant   You invoke the power of Atlas to drop the weight of the world on your enemies, dealing 20d6 earth damage to all enemies in 100ft radius of the target. The enemy is knocked prone with a failed strength save, and the 100ft radius become difficult terrain to all creatures for 2d3+1 rounds


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