Epicurious Son of None


Dear Diary it me

hi my name is Epicurious i dont have a dad or a mom but i do god and anime on my side and thats all that this boy needs. Its tough out here amongst all these sinners. they be doing some down right blasphemy in the streets like they dont see me, its wild. I cant believe that the gods just let this happen, but maybe they do it because they know that i Epicuious am present to cut .that.shit.DOWN, and if you think i dont then you best rethink that notion. I dont got much going for myself except that i was lucky enough to be given this task by the elders. Oh man look at me go, i was so excited to start talking to someone that actually understands because as far as i know... im the only one that really understand what needs to be done. so yeah i get that im talking to myself, but i couldnt imagine better company. im pure and cute and so damn handsome. so anyWHO ill talk to you later


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Oct 29, 2021 00:59 by Dan Coats

Epi-pen is not playing yet, cause we dont where to start the camp
