The persistent mutagenic effects of Energized Malachite mining can last for a long time after mining ceases. The local plant life, pelted with unstable magic for years, will sometimes fuse into a massive, dome-like organic mass known as a carcericyte. While horrible to look at, they do have the side effect of sealing off an old mine from further corrupting the surrounding region.
The interiors of carcericytes gradually fill with corrupted plants and animals that can become quite dangerous. The labyrinthian interiors can be a challenge to the best adventurers. However, it may be worth it. Locals will often pay adventurers to enter these domes to thin out the monsters' numbers. Additionally, some carcericytes left undisturbed for long periods of time may form green pearls. These invaluable treasures combine organic material with energized malachite as the cyst concentrates the material.