Empire: Phothelea

Prothelea is the home planet of gnomes of all types. currently being run by the Thimblebottom Empire. The empire united the people in order to defeat a god and their cult. before that time the planet was broken into many warring city states with little to no cooperation. The gnomish people are always prided themselves on their arcane abilities. After the formation of the empire the people shifted their focus to rebuilding, expanding, and improving their arcane and technological prowess. This focus led to the creation of Autognomes that the planet uses as its main workforce in current times. The Autognomes occasionally gain sentience and are moved from work detail when this happens. These workers were used by the empire built its new capital Thimblestead on the bones of the god the emperor defeated. The most prominent feature of the city is a large black obelisk constructed in memory of the victims and victors of the gnome v god war. The empire also discovered EmperiumĀ a magic catalyst used to amplify magic items and for communication. It must be kept sealed in arcane crystal to prevent it from fizzing out and becoming inert.
Paragon Station located in orbit around Prothelea home of the empire's shipyards, a communication obelisk, and home to the Imperial Admiralty.