Lucky Lucien the Loud

A halfling hobo who loudly bemoans his fate. He won a challenge with the goddess Nebulana for great luck. Unfortunately, he cheated at the game, so the goddess granted the wish in a backhanded fashion. He has incredibly powerful luck, both good and bad. Nothing good happens to him without something equally bad. For example, he might win a raffle for 100 gold, but then fall and break his leg. He would then need to use all 100 gold to pay the resulting medical bill.
  The party might encounter Lucien in Thingerly in a tavern or alleyway. If observed long enough, it is possible to intuit that his luck may indeed be strange. He seeks a rumored spell (likely in the form of a scroll) called the Dusk Curse. It is rumored to make your luck so bad that circumstances will conspire to kill you by dusk. He hopes that the curse will either kill him, or that the rebound good luck will allow him to meet and apologize to the goddess.


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