Queen Alaina the Ironwrought

The dwarven kingdom of Spirontis is ruled by the dour Queen Alaina. Her life is one of tragedy and regret, and this has shaped her rule.
  In her youth, there was a coup d'état, causing her to fear for the life of her infant son. She secreted him away in a small ship with a pair of trusted advisors. However, the coup was put down and order was restored. Nonetheless, the ship was lost in space. She blames herself that her rash actions lost her son. Even though life returned to normal for a time, her husband the king began to take ill. After several months of fever and sickness, he passed away. Alaina has chosen to believe that the loss of their son is what precipitated the illness.
  In the years that followed, Alaina has been a highly conservative queen. This spans her politics to her attire (mourning black).


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