Enasther Species in Pax Imperia - WASC | World Anvil
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It makes me wonder, who in the world thought of rubbing their wound with a first better flower they found on a meadow to make it hurt less. It seems rather abstract when you think about it. But, whoever it was, they deserve a bloody statue, because this plant can do wonders with easing pain. Medic Lt. Major William Hafenborough

Basic Information


Enasther is an evergreen perennial woody plant (it has above-ground woody stems), characterised by its turquoise orb-like flowers. It has been observed that it usually has 5 to 8 thicker "primary" stems, from which the rest of the smaller ones branch out. The shrub's leaves have a biternate structure (three-component division with each having three leaflets of its own) with very subtle nervation and jagged margins (edges). The leaflets' shape reassembles that of a kite and their colour can be described as sea foam green. The flowers usually branch out from the base of the main stem for the biternate leaf, growing in groups of 3 to 6.

Ecology and Habitats

Enasther bushes tend to grow on chernozems since they require a relatively high nutrient and considerable water intake, which the very fertile and high moisture storage capacity soil can provide. The best climate that suits the development of the plant is a temperate oceanic climate, with its moderate temperatures and an all-year round distribution of precipitation. Breaking it down, the optimal environmental factors for it are:
  • Temperature - needs to be stable, sudden changes weaken the bush; the best temperature range is between 15 to 25°C
  • Humidity - high water vapour presence in the air
  • Exposure to light - can survive without sunlight for a period of over 2 weeks
  • Watering - high water intake, the bush grows best if the soil is always moist

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The bush is sought after because of its flowers which contain nectar possessing strong anaesthetic properties. This nectar is used to receive a powerful concoction utilized in medicine, from surgical operations to field usage during wartime.
Conservation Status
Generally, the bush is not protected by law. However, due to its domestication, the specimens growing in the wilderness have been left alone to themselves, as the market needs are fulfilled by the plantations.
Average Height
Between 1 to 2 meters.

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