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Memetic Formatting

Memetic Mechanics
Memetic Installation Effect Duration
3 d6!
Attunement Character gains +2D to CHA and WIS rolls within the particular context defined by a separate GM-given mission that they may or may not know about.

They typically adopt roles as spies and informants, due to their awareness being locked to a specific subject or task.
3 hours
Distraction Character suffers -2D to INT to anything unrelated to a chosen object, but gains +2D when examining it. 3 rounds
6 4d8!
Camaraderie Effected character considers another character who they will never be hostile with, though not to the extent that they will compromise their own morals; nor is the second character obligated to be friendly to the first.

4 hours
Empowerment Character ignores trama and injuries up to -4D and will temporarily regain equivalent mental fortitude while pursuing a specific task. 5 mins
Antagonize Character perceives a person or group of people as undesirable resulting in +1D to WIS and -1D to CHA when interacting with them. 4 hours
Urge Character feels an overwhelming urge to follow an obvious non-hazardous command. They can declare not to do it, but will suffer -2D to all actions unrelated to that command. 5 imns
Freeze Character can take no action unless they are about to take damage and thereafter a DC 24 INT save to react 1 round
10 d10!
Mindbend Character forgets something they witnessed or will witness. There is no specificity to how the character reacts to the forgotten moment. 5 mins
Cloak Character suffers a -2D penalty to INT or WIS rolls related to a particular thing in your environment. They struggle to remember details or completely ignore the subject if it passes by. 3 rounds
Fear Character suffers a -3D penalty on all rolls, if they cannot move away from a chosen object they fear.

While doing so, they still sensibly avoid obvious dangers, but can be caught by non-immediate hazards.
2 rounds
Imbuement Within the duration, the character can take 2 actions that are potentially outside the interest of the player. (i.e. they temporarily act as a NPC controlled by the GM) 3 rounds
Hush Character is muted unless they pass a DC 34 CHA check. On a fail, they cannot articulate any information, concepts or warnings. 5 mins
Repeat If a character fails a DC 27 INT save, they are compelled to compulsively do the same action again and again. 5 mins
11 d4!
1 round
15 d12!
Fortify Character gains +2D to WIS and CHA rolls against other memetic effects. 5 mins
Coax Character is compelled to freely give away information in response to a single question. Instant
Dictation Character carries out an unknown directive during their next combat phase without question. They would eventually come to realize what they did. Instant
Blackout One of the character's skills is set to 0. Rolls can still be made using just the base attributes. 3 rounds
21 4d14!
Erosion Character must use WIS in place of INT rolls while suffering -2D 5 mins
Limitation Character is barred from gaining or spending experience or meta points. 2 days
Panic For each round, character makes a DC 37 WIS save or loses 3 in mental fortitude. 3 rounds
28 d16!
Wipe Character's CHA is set to 0. This manifests as a depressed stated, where they only do the bare minimum to keep themselves safe. No more. 6 hours
Diffusion Character suffers a -3D penalty for any initiative they decide for themselves, including refusing orders. They are also susceptible to being ordered around even by enemies, within the duration, where the mentioned penalties are negated. 3 days
Mindkill Character suffer -1D for every action taken. 1 mental point is lost per day, without possibility of recovery within the duration. 3 days
36 d18!
Overwhelm Character suffers a -6D penalty to all INT, WIS and CHA rolls and their trama capacity is reduced by 1. 4 hours
Torment Character's capacity for physical injuries is reduced by 5 and inflicted trama is doubled. 5 days
  The number of meta dice rolled is the same number as the proficiency bonus. If the total sum exceeds the level number, then the GM choose the effect the PC is under.  

Writing System

The format conveys the idea of a writing style, but that is not always necessarily the case.
Memetic formatting describes the way information is conveyed through visual materials to program spontaneous outcomes into the reader. This can take the form of texts on paper, pictures on a wall, videos on a monitor or the skin of a beast.   Once understood, the brain's chemistry, connections and architecture are altered in noticeable, and some unnoticeable, ways.

Geographical Distribution

Memetic messages can travel through most information networks where they either act as installers or triggers or both at once. It does not matter if the network is of an analog or digital or quantum nature. So long as it employs electronic components the memes with pass through unabated.
There is no secondary consciousness enacting it's will upon your body. Nor are your actions taken necessarily malicious in any way.   It might be saner, to think of your subconscious mind taking a proactive role.

Infection follows two stages:
  1. As an installer, the meme is a thought concept that can erode the mind and break down the human psyche.  
  2. As a trigger, non-mental functions experience a numbness at random points in their body.
If the mouth and throat become so afflicted, communication becomes difficult.
  Sensations are still conveyable to the brain but are unresponsive to the brain's intent. Movement can become completely at odds with the desires of the afflicted and affected limbs will frequently engage in activity uncharacteristic of the victim's personality.   Different body parts will attempt to achieve goals and perform tasks independent of the person's desires. Though they are not necessarily independent of each other. Victims of a trigger tend to want to work towards a purpose, but it is not always easy to determine what that is.


While there are some recognizable and recurring patterns in memetic materials, there are no obvious fixed rules.   It is postulated that species with one type of internal brain chemistry are uneffected by particular texts, while others are not.
I could tell you. But saying the words would unravel your mind into madness.


It seems, by design, to slow your speed of reading and thinking; before speeding you up again. This phenomenon may or may not be immediately noticed, but most will find such material overbearing, confusing or a novelty.   When improperly read; a reader will be disoriented, induced into claustrophobia and unsettled. Others still, will finish a script unblemished. Then, years and years after, will suddenly experience something horrorific in the privacy of their own mind.

Structural Markers

...just knowing a particular format exist can be dangerous in itself...
Memetic formatting is an umbrella term and can refer to images, phrases and even whole stories. They might appear as a small discrepancy at first, before growing.

Common Phrases
It is their perception.   Their understanding, that is dangerous.
There is no universal format that effects all species equally. Some might be effected by anything with:
  • off center words
  • right angles
  • ink appears stippled, cracked or faded
  • obtuse narrative
  • disappearing sentences
  • pop up paragraphs
  • font and colour changes
  • maze of footnotes
  • foreign languages
  • unfinished scribblings
  • scientific formulas
  • undone pages:
    • discorded types
    • frustrating text
    • rotating senses
    • upside-down words
    • revolving slivers of pages
    • overlapping typography
    • claustrophobic margins
    • crushed characters
    • ominous squares
    • obstructing shapes
    • non-sensical word scatterings
    • blank kaleidoscopes
    • unrestorable transitions


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