Nuuk Nut Material in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Nuuk Nut


Geology & Geography

Nuuk Nut Farms

Farms are restricted to growing fields that need to be far away from any other farm or settlement as a precaution against accidental explosion.

History & Usage


When the first wild nuts sprouted after a passing reality wave, a single nut in a patch will obiterate everything in the area. Curiously, once the first detonates, the rest do not. They are destroyed with everything else without adding to the destruction. When it was understood what these wildfire orbs were to farming laplwyds, they were immediately weaponized against the meridians during the "War of Earth and Water".

Everyday use

Energy Source

The nut is not itself nuclear. Rather a cracked shell reveals a tiny portal between where the nuuk grows and some other energy dense region or dimension.


The meat of the filbert fruit grows beneath the soil in thin shell. The freshly picked nut would be put under the vapours of pneuma, then dried for consumption.

Industrial Use

Nuclear Bullets

These are miniature missiles that fit a single nut in the nose of a palm-sized thruster. Upon impact with a target, the nut inside would crack and release its effect.



There is something about the nut's meat that absorbs the dimension hopping qualities from all the reality waves that partially spawns it.
Pneuma vapours from Eusebia's Eleusis have a neutralizing effect on the nuts' dimension tearing abilities. To make it safe for consumption, tons of nuuks are over-exposed to saturated amounts in a steam barrels for weeks at a time.

Manufacturing & Products


Nuuk reactors are a tight ring of radiation shielding surrounding holding chambers for the nuts. At one end of the conveyor ring, is a high speed hammer that cracks successive nuts in a continuous line of energy output.


Spontaneous Shelling

If a nut is not picked before it has a chance to ripen, the shell will naturally split open and explode. Evidently, the outer shell either has some containment properties or merely separates the odd atoms inside from regular physics.

Environmental Impact

Nuclear Heat

When the shell is broken, a perfectly spherical ball of intense fire, exactly 16km across, will expand and consume its immediate surroundings. It will rest in place and retain this shape for 5 to 10 seconds before disappearing, leaving a scooped out section of earth lined with glass.


Trade & Market

Laplwyds possess a certain fondness for the dangerous food. As a result, they developed a system that minimizes the internal dangers and produces such quantities that they can export live nuuks as sources of nuclear power.


Nut Shell

So long as the nut flesh remains unbreached inside its shell, it can be handled as any nut.

Yellowish Brown
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Aug 16, 2022 14:56

... Wow, now i am antagonistic to my nut-containing-snacks at hand...
I am not sure what is more hardcore - nuts that are used as Nuclear Warhead OR that some people are still trying to farm these Warheads and make them into snacks again! P.S. I like it!

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