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Planetary Engulfment

In the stable-unstable orbits of the Nataraja System, certain syzygy events can catapult whole planets into are near one of the ten suns. Thus, change the environment than what the surface is used to.


Orbital Changes

  1. Elliptical Orbit Expansion: Planet moves into a more elongated elliptical orbit; leading to extreme seasonal changes.
    Extreme Summers
    • DC 15 CON saving throw every hour of exertion to avoid exhaustion
    • Characters without appropriate protection take d4 fire damage every 2 hours exposed to direct sunlight
    • Increased 50% chance of encountering wildfires in forested areas
    Severe Winters
    • Visibility reduced to 10ft and movement is halved
    • DC 15 CON saving throw every hour in freezing temperatures to avoid d6 cold damage and disadvantage on DEX checks
    • Increased 30% chance of encountering avalanches in mountainous regions

  2. Circular Orbit Reduction: Planet’s orbit becomes smaller and more circular; resulting in consistent but intensified weather patterns.
    • Wind speeds up to 245 kmh require a DC 18 DEX saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
    • Areas near water bodies have a 50% chance of flooding after heavy rains.
      • DC 15 DEX (Athletics) check to swim or move through flooded areas or avoid being caught in a mudslide
      • DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) checks to find shelter

  3. Orbital Tilt Shift: Planet's axial tilt changes drastically; affecting the distribution of sunlight.
    Temperate Zones
    • Heavy seasonal rains require DC 15 WIS (Survival) checks to avoid disease from stagnant water
    • DC 12 CON saving throw to avoid heat exhaustion during the day
    Polar Zones
    • Sudden flooding requires DC 14 DEX saving throws to navigate or escape
    • -5 penalty to Survival checks


Environmental Hazards

Should a world's orbit continually fall towards the sun, PCs must endeavour to evacuate as soon as possible. Elsewise, they would encounter dangers in a shifting landscape as heat and gravity increase as the star grows larger in the sky:
Falling Debris: PCs must make a DC 15 DEX saving throw or take 4d10 bludgeoning damage.
Earthquakes: PCs must make a DC 18 STR or DEX saving throw or be knocked prone.
Extreme Weather: PCs must make a DC 20 CON saving throw or take 2d10 cold/fire/lightning damage.   Until the planet inevitably get so close to the sun as to take 2,000,000 fire damage per unit. It might be that the now molten planet is flung out of system like a bullet or disappears into the sun.



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Aug 25, 2024 16:22 by Ademal

First entry I've read with clearly defined rolls and outcomes, nice!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis