Trapezus Conspiracy Plot in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Trapezus Conspiracy

Levels 8 - 13

Plot points/Scenes

Survivor Situation

Survivor Location Issue Activity
Captain Rhysse Laslic Bridge Trapped Trying to over-ride the electronics and re-establish control.
Pilot Penter Deov Dome Section Trapped, threat of drowning or hypothermia Climbing on furniture, drinking, climbing back on the furniture.
Kina Lusia Free to Move None Trying to locate other survivors and find a way to free the ship's launch
Choose Principal Accommodation Section or Lift Shaft Scared and confused. Liable to drown or freeze if in the lift shaft. Hunkering down
Choose an Impostor Free to move if Kina Lusia opens hatches for her None Seeking to eliminate other survivors so there are no witnesses. Watching Kina Lusia for a signal.
Choose Principal Accommodation Section or Lift Shaft Scared and confused. Liable to drown or freeze if in the lift shaft. Hunkering down, specifically hiding from Kina Lusia.
Alix and Stev Cargo Deck In the least immediate danger but will eventually freeze or drown Hiding



Music, often heralded as the universal language of emotion, resonates with seemingly familiar tunes that can stir deep-seated anxieties, evoke powerful memories. The songs from the raiding sirens instill feelings of auditory nostalgia, collective struggle and impermanence into their victims.  



Strange Occurrence
Level 8

While working on the ship, a beautiful sound resonates through the ship's speaker system, requiring characters to succeed a DC 18 CHA saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.
Once the PCs recover, they should begin searching for answers and find a singular meridian, perched on a high place, who is entrapping passengers with a song that freezes everything into a trance. Not just people, but objects that should be falling in the environment are unnaturally stuck where they were when the baying meridian started singing.   These people and objects can be treated as platforms to traverse and require a DC 15 DEX saving throw or take d6 bludgeoning damage from falling over.   This becomes increasingly difficult, the closer the PCs get to the old baying meridians; changing to a DC 12 DEX saving throw every 25ft to keep from falling.
Once neutralized, those previously paralyzed are able to move again and have to be found before they die to whatever situation they are in.
Old Baying Meridian
20 (+5)18 (+4)21 (+5)
6 (-2)17 (+3)14 (+2)
Armour Class:
HP: 85 ( 9d8+45 )
Speed: 40ft
Saving Throws: DEX +7, CON +8, WIS +6
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +10
  • Regains 10 hp at the start of each of its turns if it has at least 1 hp
  • Blast 120ft: d8+5 thunder damage
  • (Recharge 5 - 6). Targets within 60ft takes 4d8 mental damage and must make a DC 16 WIS saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Targets within 300ft that can hear must succeed on a DC 15 WIS saving throw or be charmed until the song ends.
    • Must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to continue singing.
    • Charmed targets can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns
    • The target becomes immune for the next 24 hours on a success


Level 9

The party eventually enters a wide space filled with a school of dancing meridians. A choir of music abounds that prevents rest and no other effects. Curiously, they otherwise do not interact with the PCs, unless someone touches them.  
Younger Meridians (12)
10 (+0)14 (+2)15 (+2)6 (-2)8 (-1)5 (-3)
Armour Class: 13
HP: 13 ( 2d8+4 )
Speed: 30ft
Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Young Meridians (6)
    6 (-2)16 (+3)16 (+3)12 (+1)14 (+2)15 (+2)
    Armour Class: 13
    HP: 67 ( 9d8 )
    Speed: fly 60 ft.
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
  • Can move through targets and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes d10 damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
  • Target must succeed a DC 14 CON saving throw or their hp maximum is reduced by 4d8+3 . This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
  • Meridian Lord
    14 (+2)16 (+3)17 (+3)16 (+3)15 (+2)21 (+5)
    Armour Class: 18
    HP: 112 ( 15d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +5
    Skills: Athletics +7, History +8, Perception +12, Stealth +8
  • If subject to an effect that requires a DEX saving throw for only half damage, she instead takes no damage on a success and only half on a fail; provided she isn't incapacitated.
  • Meridian allies within 30ft has advantage on saving throws, and that ally regains d6 hp whenever it starts its turn there.
  •   The party comes across an odd group of meridians that appear largely indifferent to the PCs. This group is calmly swimming within the open space, where they are found, to a music coming from the flowering head of a stationary lord.   To move through this space, PCs must succeed a DC 18 DEX saving throw to avoid colliding with the different meridians and inciting combat.

    Rising Action

    Level 10

    The PCs encounter a number of rescued passengers and crew members to bolster the party. Although they may have certain effects for certain circumstances; most of them to not have access to weapons.   A particularly useful NPC, Kina Lusia, is capable of boosting the PCs in combat and espousing knowledge and exposition to better understand the situation.
    Kina Lusia
    11 (+0)14 (+2)14 (+2)16 (+3)13 (+1)19 (+4)
    Armour Class: 12
    HP: 97 ( 15d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +5, INT +6, WIS +4, CHA +7
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Magic +6, Deception +10, Persuasion +7, Stealth +5
  • Grant d8 bonus to a PC as a bonus action for ability checks, attack rolls or saving throws
  • Climax

    Horrible Trick
    Level 11

    The sirens' song is capable of ensnaring those who hear it into their unwitting tools.   Here, a pair of ship security guards are made to confront the party. There is no apparent meridian controlling them from anywhere; insofar that the PCs can tell.
    Security Guard (2)
    10 (+0)14 (+2)12
    17 (+3)16 (+3)19 (+4)
    Armour Class: 16
    HP: 77 ( 14d8+14 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: INT +6, WIS +6, CHA +7
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Insight +6, Perception +6
  • Targets within 120ft must succeed on a DC 15 INT saving throw or take 3d8+4 mental damage and be stunned until the start of the security's next turn.
  • Falling Action

    Level 12

    In the first round fighting the Meridian Matriarch, any remaining NPC must make a DC 20 CHA saving throw or lose consciousness throughout the combat.


    Level 13

    Once the Matriarch is defeated, the survivors are rescued by a drone ship and taken to safety. If it looks like the party is just hanging-on, then the drone could offer ranged support



    The party acts as part of a security detail for a luxury liner operating undetected in a forbidden zone for rich passengers wanting a 'dangerous' adventure. This is an experience that has been on offer for a while, with no authorities none-the-wiser and no incidents.   On this particular trip, however, the ship is attacked. Hostiles have infiltrated the crew and guests with plans of feeding off the electrons from the ship's electronics and people's neurons. The PCs must gather the survivors, fend off siren-like attackers and coordinate with distant rescuers with a little communicator separate from the ship's.


    Unknown to the PCs, a superior within their organization was manipulated into giving up the ship's location and security details to the raiders. The ship's husk, devoid of salvageable components, could be sold for a small fortune or refitted for reuse by the collaborator(s) from the travel agency to restart the cycle.

    Moral Quandaries

    Post Action Investigation (Optional)

    As part of an epilogue scene; the survivors can pen a report on what had happened for their superiors for purposes of travel insurance.   However, mentioning that the PCs may have hurt guests or other employees - even if they were being puppeted - would negatively impact the PCs future careers.

    Cruel Tricks

    Water Crash

    The ship defaults to a security lockdown, leading to unaccessible hatches without proper authorization. PCs may have to cut through walls to bypass this restriction with mechanics checks.   The waters are rough and require PCs to remain steady, or tanks may rupture to spill their contents into the rising waters of a sinking ship.
    If they can't get the ship back into orbit, then PC have to find maintenance hatches to escape and be rescued themselves.

    Red Herrings


    Crew Members
    Name Stats Fake Real

    Rhysse Laslic
    19 (+4)10 (+0)14 (+2)12 (+1)16 (+3)16 (+3)
    Armour Class: 20
    HP: 110 ( 17d8+34 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: STR +7, WIS +6
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Perception +6
  • Allies within 30ft are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions
  • Pilot

    Penter Deov
    11 (+0)14 (+2)11 (+0)10 (+0)14 (+2)12 (+1)
    Armour Class: 12
    HP: 9 ( 2d8 )
    Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
    Saving Throws: DEX +4, CON +2
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Perception +4, Survival +6
  • Does not take fall damage, provided he isn't wearing heavy armour
  • Chief

    Yenaffi Osteir
    18 (+4)14 (+2)17 (+3)11 (+0)12 (+1)12 (+1)
    Armour Class: 16
    HP: 60 ( 8d8+24 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: STR +2, CON +5, DEX +2
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Athletics +2
  • Normal speed cannot be reduced
  • If he moves at least 20ft in a straight line against a large or smaller target who must then succeed a DC 14 STR saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
  • Engineer

    Giovanna Maitte
    10 (+0)10 (+0)10 (+0)14 (+2)10 (+0)11 (+0)
    Armour Class: 10
    HP: 7 ( 2d6 )
    Speed: 25ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Magic +4, History +4
  • Advantage on all INT, WIS and CHA saving throws against magic.
  • Medic

    Saress Aten
    15 (+2)10 (+0)14 (+2)10 (+0)13 (+1)12 (+1)
    Armour Class: 20
    HP: 19 ( 3d8+6 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Medicine +5, Perception +3
  • Chief

    Marin Suwa
    18 (+4)14 (+2)17 (+3)11 (+0)12 (+1)12 (+1)
    Armour Class: 12
    HP: 75 ( 10d8+30 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Advantage on ability checks and saving throws against effects that would knock him prone
  • Steward/

    Paul Dryiar
    16 (+3)14 (+2)15 (+2)12 (+1)14 (+2)12 (+1)
    Armour Class: 19
    HP: 65 ( 10d8+20 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +4, WIS +4
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Athletics +5, Perception +4
  • Advantage on attack rolls when a passenger is within 60ft
  • Steward

    Amishi Arcti
    10 (+0)10 (+0)10 (+0)10 (+0)10 (+0)10 (+0)
    Armour Class: 10
    HP: 4 ( d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Relations



    Suite Group
    Principal Marcus Linton
    11 (+0)12 (+1)11 (+0)12 (+1)14 (+2)16 (+3)
    Armour Class: 15
    HP: 9 ( 2d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Skills: Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
  • +2 to AC against one melee attack that would hit it with another melee weapon
  • Bodyguard Jared Kinley
    16 (+3)12 (+1)15 (+2)10 (+0)12 (+1)13 (+1)
    Armour Class: 15
    HP: 97 ( 15d8+30 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: CON +5
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Athletics +6, Perception +4
  • Grants +2 bonus to AC to allies within 5ft
  • Targets hit by an opportunity attack become 0 speed for the rest of the turn
  • Stewardess Elena Vargas
    10 (+0)14 (+2)10 (+0)2 (-4)6 (-2)1 (-5)
    Armour Class: 15
    HP: 13 ( 3d8 )
    Speed: 20ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
  •   Ostensibly, a group of shipping proxies from the Destiny Pipeline surveying routes for a new market.
    Principal Stev
    14 (+2)16 (+3)16 (+3)18 (+4)11 (+0)18 (+4)
    Armour Class: 19
    HP: 165 ( 2d8+22 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +4
    Skills: Deception +8, Persuasion +8
  • (Recharge 4–6). Can instantly travel up to 30ft to an unoccupied space it can see
  • Principal Alix
    7 (-2)14 (+2)8
    10 (+0)11 (+0)13 (+1)
    Armour Class: 15
    HP: 10 ( 4d6-4 )
    Speed: 25ft
    Saving Throws: INT +2, WIS +2
    Skills: Deception +3, Persuasion +3
  • Advantage on DEX (Stealth) checks
  • Advantage on saving throws against being charmed
  •   A couple holding a great deal of stock holdings in a large portfolio who are on a romantic adventure.
    Principal Orin Thornton
    11 (+0)11 (+0)10 (+0)16 (+3)20 (+5)17 (+3)
    Armour Class: 13
    HP: 90 ( 20d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: INT +6, WIS +8, CHA +6
    Proficiency Bonus: +3
    Skills: Medicine +8, Religion +6
  • Advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the charmed condition
  • (2/Day). Can instantly travel up to 30ft to an unoccupied space they can see
  • Personal Chef Aurelia Devereux
    16 (+3)11 (+0)14 (+2)10 (+0)11 (+0)11 (+0)
    Armour Class: 18
    HP: 52 ( 8d8+16 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Melee and ranged weapon attacks have disadvantage against him
  • Attendant/Steward Lydia Ashford
    10 (+0)12 (+1)10 (+0)11 (+0)11 (+0)14 (+2)
    Armour Class: 11
    HP: 9 ( 2d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Medicine +2, Persuasion +4, Survival +2
  • Can sense the magic within 60ft
  •   The personal staff of a vacationing son of Iodex whose location is unknown to their families.


    Disguised Enemy

    Kina Lusia is - in actuality - the real BBEG capable of calling others to fight on her behalf.
    She is in overall command of the meridians' raid. But when not everyone had been paralyzed by the initial wave of sound, she took it upon herself to gather the uneffected into a convenient place to attack.   When she is ready to turn against the rest of the group, her stats change to that on the right:
    Meridian Matriarch
    18 (+4)18 (+4)18
    14 (+2)16 (+3)16 (+3)
    Armour Class: 16
    HP: 170 (240)
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +9, CON +9, CHA +8
    Proficiency Bonus: +5
    Skills: Perception +13, Stealth +9
    • Advantage on attack rolls against a target who doesn't have all their hp
    • (2/Day). Can choose to succeed a failed a saving throw instead
    • Regains 10 hp at the start of each of her turns
    • Bite: 2d8+4 piercing damage
    • Targets within 300ft that can hear must succeed on a DC 15 WIS saving throw or be charmed until the song ends.
      • Must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to continue singing.
      • Charmed targets can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns
      • The target becomes immune for the next 24 hours on a success

    Shield Meridian ( 2d4+2 )
    12 (+1)15 (+2)12
    3 (-4)12 (+1)6
    Armour Class: 13
    HP: 11 ( 2d8+2 )
    Speed: 40ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +4
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on hearing
  • Advantage on an attack roll if at least one ally is within 5 ft and isn't incapacitated
  • Target suffers 2d4+2 piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 11 STR saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Matriarch's Minions
    An expected average of 7 summoned
    minions primarily aid their mistress
    by acting as damage sponges on her

    GMs can either have them intercept
    attacks or transfer damage to them until they are destroyed.

    Shield meridians can only be brought into the game once.



    Cruise Ship

    For a cruise liner, Trapezus is modestly small with an asymmetrical design. It is only capable of 1G of thrust and a maximum 30 person capacity; minimum 10 of whom are crew including PCs.   GMs can use the surplus NPC space to create their own named NPCs or NPCs who died during the adventure.


    Winged Meridians (8)
    12 (+1)13 (+1)12 (+1)7 (-2)10 (+0)13 (+1)
    Armour Class: 11
    HP: 38 ( 7d8+7 )
    Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    • Targets within 300ft that can hear must succeed on a DC 11 WIS saving throw or be charmed until the song ends.
      • Must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to continue singing.
      • Charmed targets can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns
      • The target becomes immune for the next 24 hours on a success
    Common Meridians (1/PC)
    15 (+2)13 (+1)14 (+2)10 (+0)11 (+0)10 (+0)
    Armour Class: 12
    HP: 58 ( 9d8+18 )
    Speed: 40ft

    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on hearing
  • Claw: 2d4+2 slashing damage
    The GM can intersperse the supplementary meridian stats as needed according to the scene.

    All meridians are shapeshifters with unusual biology and capable of inducing auditory hallucinations into their prey at differing strengths. Even for stats where the ability is not explicitly mentioned is a means of tailoring the difficulty.

    Plot type
    Search and Rescue
    Related Characters
    Related Organizations
    Related Locations

    Cover image: Soul Effects by Jesse Daniel
