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Blessed Amulet of Serenity

This delicate amulet is crafted from a polished seashell, with a faint, soothing glow emanating from within. While wearing this amulet, you gain a sense of calm and clarity even in the most chaotic situations. It provides the following benefits:   Calm Presence: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.   Tranquil Mind: When you take a short rest while attuned to this amulet, you can choose to gain the benefits of a long rest regarding the restoration of hit points, spell slots, and class features that require a long rest to regain. You can use this feature once, and it regains its use at dawn.   Mental Clarity: Once per day, you can use the amulet to cast the Calm Emotions spell without expending a spell slot. The spell affects a single target of your choice within 30 feet. You can use this feature again at dawn.   This amulet is often gifted to those who have aided in preserving tranquility and maintaining peace, making it an appropriate token of appreciation for Kodos' services. It not only provides practical benefits but also symbolizes the serenity and balance Persana represents.

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