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Treasure Hunter's Guild

The Treasure Hunter's Guild in Coral Cove is a prominent and influential organization that operates on the principles of adventure, exploration, and, most importantly, profit. It serves as a hub for adventurers, archaeologists, and relic seekers in Coral Cove, providing them with resources, information, and opportunities to uncover hidden treasures in the deep waters and along the shores of the region.  


Purpose: The guild's primary purpose is to find and recover valuable artifacts, historical relics, and hidden treasures from the depths of the ocean, the jungles, and the submerged ruins of the region. Their endeavors are both for profit and the preservation of history.   Members: The guild's members come from various backgrounds, including pirates, divers, scholars, and adventurers. Many members have a shared passion for discovery and wealth, though some genuinely care about preserving the history of the submerged realms.   Guild Master: The guild is led by the high elf Lady Seraphina Nightshade. She is known for her extensive knowledge of valuable artifacts and her discerning taste in treasures.  

Activities and Services:

Quest Assignments: The guild frequently offers quests, often involving diving into the treacherous depths, venturing into dangerous jungles, or exploring forgotten ruins. These quests can lead members to hidden riches or historically significant finds.   Treasure Appraisals: The guild provides appraisals and assessments of artifacts and relics. Members can bring their findings to the guild for evaluation and determine their potential value.   Financial Backing: The guild is willing to invest in particularly promising expeditions. They can provide funds for purchasing or repairing ships, as well as the necessary equipment for underwater exploration.   Academic Resources: There's a well-stocked library with maps, texts, and resources on the history of Coral Cove, including the submerged portions. It's available to all guild members for research purposes.   Trading Hub: The guild acts as a central trading hub for all sorts of treasure-related transactions. This includes buying and selling artifacts, treasures, maps, or other information related to valuable discoveries.  

Challenges and Conflicts:

Rivalry: There can be competition and rivalry among guild members to be the first to claim valuable finds. This competitive atmosphere occasionally leads to disputes and even treacherous acts to undermine one another.   Relic Hoarding: While some members are genuinely interested in preserving history, others are solely focused on profits and are willing to keep historically significant artifacts hidden or to sell them to the highest bidder.   Ethical Dilemmas: Balancing the pursuit of profit with the preservation of historical heritage can be an ongoing challenge. Some members may find themselves at odds with the more ruthless, profit-driven elements of the guild.
Guildmaster: Lady Seraphina Nightshade

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