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Ever since I was a hatchling I was told of great Akupara, the free and unbounded one, he who rides the currents of creation, pulling us all with him. It wasn't until my one-hundredth year did I make it to the center of his great shell, where on top of the sacred mound I was given the privilege of ascending the immortal Ashwood, Gaokerena. So great was its height and scale that it took me and my fellow centenarians two months to reach its last branch. Each of our members was gifted a fraction of its cosmic secrets during our meditative gaze into the astral sea above, through this we all came to know our universal place within creation. Looking across the horizon of the eternal garden, we could see the very edges of his great shell, while awe-inspiring, it was indeed a shadow compared to the glory of his face. In that moment we were brought to tears for all the stories of Akupara were found to be true. We are the gardeners of creation, where Akupara rests, worlds are cleansed and reborn, and where he slumbers, we bring new life to countless barren worlds. We're both friend and foe to alien Gods, who we consider transitory for we don't linger long. This world is my second, the first was my hatchery.   One needs to know the following to understand my people's plight. Our Elders among The Unified Fraternity of Observers are said to have Akupara's ear, which is a source of supreme authority. This is earned by both age and the ability to spin one's shell in such a way as to produce flight to travel to new alien worlds. They're responsible for helping Akupara navigate and avoid threats, specifically the Githyanki and Illithids.   During my two hundredth and thirty-fifth year, I witnessed a great battle between the Observers and an ancient of our species, a former Observer known as Black Thorn. He left us centuries before only to return on the back of our most hated enemy, the Astral Dreadnought. The monstrosity ripped into Akupara causing massive trimmers that had me falling into a deep chamber within his shell meant only for the ritual of slumber. I know not how much time has passed, but waking from hibernation confirms Akupara is still alive, otherwise, I wouldn't have survived neither slumber nor the sky fall onto this world.   With a great deal of time appearing to have passed, along with the advice of other survivors and elders, I've learned that Akupara as well as ourselves need food for however long we remain from the astral sea, more so if we want Akupara to have strength enough to reawaken. With our goal set, we ventured forthwith to learn of this realm, hoping Akupara's favorite food of all might exist here, Elephant. I worry even that won't be enough.   I must navigate across this strange land and help find a way to awaken Akupara, I just pray to any God who loves this world that Black Thorn doesn't find us in such a weakened state.
Race: Tortle   Gender: Male   Age: 10,235yo   Height: 3'   Weight: 200 lbs   Skin: turtle - light to dark greens   Eyes: Yellow   Alignment: Neutral

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