Tchar Geographic Location in Pelera | World Anvil
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The jungle of Tchar spans almost a third of the western coastline of Meliadora, forming a thin green sliver on the the outer edges of the continent. At the westernmost edge of the jungle are towering cliffs that plunge down into the Nelujean Ocean. Each square inch of land in the jungle seems to be choked out by countless plants, with the plants getting denser the closer one gets to the center of the jungle.     Despite most calling Tchar a 'jungle', it'd be more accurate to call it a temperate rainforest. There's an almost perpetual fog that hangs that clings to the forest floor, making it even more difficult to see where you're going. The trees tower overhead to dizzying heights, with broad leaves that block out the sun and leave the forest floor in the dark. Navigating the jungle even in daylight hours requires bringing a source of light along.


Incredibly humid and foggy, scattered rain showers occuring on a daily basis.

Fauna & Flora

It's not much of an overexaggeration to say that everything in Tchar is trying to kill you. There are a plethora of deadly fungi, man-eating constrictor snakes, venomous insects, and other hazardous animals. But worst of all are the strains of Harrowed that call Tchar their home. From the flying, bloodsucking Chaydi to the voice-mimicking ambush predator Gaharma, there's no shortage of creatures waiting to make you their next meal.   However, there is one creature in the jungle that doesn't pose a mortal threat to explorers: due to how the inherent danger repels people, whisperwings have found a habitat that is perfect for their withdrawn nature.

Natural Resources

The only thing worth exploiting in the dark jungles of Tchar are the arborsteel trees, and perhaps a few herbs and roots useful in making alchemical concoctions.
Alternative Name(s)
The Green Death

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