Peleus Theta "The Reach" Welcome to the Reach

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The discovery of the crohn particle led to two inventions which changed humanity forever: gravity manipulation, and shortly afterwards faster-than-light travel. Two keys to the cosmos unlocked at once, and everything followed from there: the endless human expansion; the discovery of psionics, alien life, the time, space and resources to invent wonders... the splintering of mankind into isolated star clusters; the loss of Earth to void and memory, and the Scream...   It has been nearly 600 years since that psychic wave of energy swept across human space and nearly killed us all. 600 years for the survivors of war, famine and isolation to rebuild themselves out of the ruins of their golden age. It is the beginning of the 33rd century, and in the sector Peleus Theta, otherwise known as "The Reach", the systems once again flare with the clang of advanced technology, the buzz of newly-trained psionics, and the burning of starships across the silent black.   Different from what came before, but as always still driven by those with enough ambition and power to pursue what they want... people like you.

Technology Highlights Setting Features Tones & Inspirations
Pre-Scream technology is wondrous when you can find it, but post-Scream humanity had to rebuild for function and reliability over flash or form: so no more shields, smartphones or jump-gates; this is a sector of armour, compads and spike drives. This "Postech" may not be pretty, but damn does it work.   GRAVITY CONTROL 
The ability to create and control gravity is what has led humanity to the stars - and has a vast range of other applications as well. Most of the more-advanced technologies currently available will be based around some kind of 'gravtech'.   PSIONICS 
Psychic abilities - as found occasionally in the children of starfarers - are rare, valuable and mistrusted. The most advanced pre-Scream tech uses psionics in its operation, though post-Scream humanity has not yet been able to replicate this.
The movers and shakers in this sector are often defined by the groups that spring up around them. Almost everywhere you go can be seen the influence of some kind of corporation, state, ideology, gang, party, religion or cult. These factions are constantly clashing, and no one group is more powerful than the rest.   SPACE TRAVEL
The Reach spans 32 individual solar systems and hundreds of planets, all of which are accessible in a setting where interstellar travel and private starships are relatively common. However, whilst interplanetary travel can be quite quick, moving or communicating between stars can often take weeks - somewhat isolating each system and creating a kind of 'age of sail' feel to the setting.   ALIENS
Alien life abounds on many worlds, including a few strange but undoubtedly civilised species - who generally keep to themselves. Peleus Theta is a mostly 'human-centric' sector, and whilst alien visitors are not uncommon they do tend to stand out. Such brave individuals are as often met with distrust and hostility as much as they are with kindness and curiosity.
Colourful characters, environments and adventures - but gritty and grungy in a way which feels very lived-in.   ELITE DANGEROUS
A vast starscape, an interstellar sandbox made up of infinite detail. Endless opportunity, but tiny presence against the black all around.   THE EXPANSE
Fairly hard sci-fi but with a weird edge. Huge factions run by flawed but driven humans - whose intentions may be anything from small to grand, from noble to monstrous.