Aurum Gladio Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Aurum Gladio

Aurum Gladio is a Free City that welcomes all people of any kind. It is famous for having the best adventurer guilds and mercenary guilds in all the land. Aurum Gladio is the third largest city in all of Karo just behind Free Port and Stone Blade. It also loosly controls some of the farmland and small settlements surrounding it. People all over Karo come to the city seeking adventure, glory, and riches.


Aurum Gladio is ruled by the Mayor, who themselves is elected by the Greater guilds of the city. There are 5 greater guilds and many lesser guilds


Gladio is a very open city and is friendly to many people who are disliked by other lands. As a resolute it has become a very diverse city filled with refugees, misfits, ne'er-do-wells, Adventurer seekers, And many more.


The best problem solvers, adventures, and mercinaries.


Aurum Gladio freed itself from the kings rule close to the end of the great splintering
Geopolitical, Free City

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