Divitiae Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Divitiae is a largely commercial province. Divitiae is home to two lucrative trade routes one to the south between Scio and Gladii, the other between the Noble Confederacy and the smuggling network of Yggdrasil. Divitiae and taken full advantage of their accessibility and turned themselves into the tourism capital of Karo. They are well know for their volcanically heated hot spring, bath houses, and hotels.


Divitiae is ruled by the Divitiae family's Patriarch. The Patriarch is the most wealthy and influential member of the family.


Divitiae is similar to their hot springs. on the surface it is warm, calm and very relaxing and many people pass though to let go of their worries. while just underneath is a firestorm of hot emotions, betrayal and death. All those who stay too long must be careful not to be burned.


Divitiae Family bought its freedom from the King when the Great Splintering was being to go badly for the Royaly and they were desprate for funds. As a result it is still on friendly terms with the royaly and is very close to the noble confederacy.
Political, Family

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